The house had held up well considering the weight of snow on top of it. There was a thin layer of ice coating the whole building giving it an eerie otherworldly look. With the door defrosted the group was free to enter. The power was out and the snow blocked all of the first floor windows making the area very dark save for the open doorway.
The house was a two stories, but still very small. The first floor was almost entirely open. From the doorway there were stairs to the right, on the left was the kitchen, and across the way was the living room. The whole place was in disarray. It looked like an earthquake had knocked over anything not secured. Not there was much to fall. The whole place was very lightly furnished who ever lived here probably only moved recently or wasn’t able to afford much.
The second floor was pretty much just the bathroom, bedroom, and closet. Once again the rooms were largely lacking in furniture. The stairs up were very noisy creaking at the slightest amount of weight and making a thud with a person’s full weight. There were no signs of a basement despite the space under the stairs being walled in though.
Overall only one thing was clear whoever lived here wasn’t here now.
((Combat Team))
Jaklo had been trying to get a bead on where they were so he could start tracking their quarry. His senses were some of the keenest in the office and he had by far the most tracking skills being a beast hunter first and foremost. Out here though with this weather he was still having trouble. While the winds howled deafeningly there was another sound echoing through the vermont countryside. Jaklo’s ears noticeably perked up as he raised a hand to them.
“One… two… One… two…” He began to count.
His eyes widened noticing the pattern.
“It’s moving, it’s actually walking, and I don’t think it’s a mage anymore.” Jaklo shouted rushing back to the group, “Whatever this is it’s a lot bigger than we thought. We should try to get a closer look so investigations knows what we are dealing with.”
Jaklo hadn’t even noticed the witch that joined the group. His focus was purely on the hunt now. He had Legacy in one hand, Arcane Justice in the other, and a devilish grin on his face.