Drake’s axe buried itself in the arm of the ice giant. At first it appeared stuck, but soon the limb cracked and the distal end shattered. Still the regeneration was in effect. Instead of growing back fully it produced a number of long spikes from where it was broken. As much attention was given to Drake Jaklo was still being targeted. The giant made a huge sweeping attack with its other arm. Jaklo couldn’t get left or right far enough, couldn’t jump it, and definitely couldn’t out run it, so he stood and took the hit. On impact there was a horrible cracking sound before a huge wave of force flew out. The giant's arm shattered up to the shoulder, and Jaklo stood in a small pit.
“Third law of physics. Equal and Opposite. Every bit of force you hit me with just hit you back.” Jaklo roared laughing.
At the same time he was horrified knowing visage wouldn’t recharge anytime soon. The giant began to regrow the arm, but soon the snow and ice from around the area was used up. It looked to the sky, but where it looked for snow was only a light rain now. It began to jump and stomp on the ground shaking it like a 6.0 quake. It spotted the witch and her boiling pot. Somehow it know the source of the weather change. The giant charged ready to trample her.
The basement was just as frigid as outside, but upon fully entering the room it was obvious why. A huge section of the back wall had been destroyed and filled with snow. There had been something ridiculously powerful in here. The hole was maybe seven to eight feet around. There was a little trickle of light to indicate that it went right up to the surface.
Besides that the basement clearly got all of the inhabitants attention. It was actually a nice area to be in, at least for a mage. There were bookshelves of both magical tomes and a lot of manga. The Mage had a workbench set up just for putting together those little mecha model sets even. It was a very strange combination either way.
Upstairs the duo would stumble upon a shattered bottle attached to a large rattrap. It would seem a rudimentary magical trap intended to shatter the bottle if anyone went into the room, but it was tripped long ago. Likely the reason the room was so decayed compared to the rest of the normal, but empty house. A rot bomb, more often a joke spell used by child mages to give people athlete’s foot and such, though this was much more potent. In the closet was a tiny safe still locked up tight.
“Third law of physics. Equal and Opposite. Every bit of force you hit me with just hit you back.” Jaklo roared laughing.
At the same time he was horrified knowing visage wouldn’t recharge anytime soon. The giant began to regrow the arm, but soon the snow and ice from around the area was used up. It looked to the sky, but where it looked for snow was only a light rain now. It began to jump and stomp on the ground shaking it like a 6.0 quake. It spotted the witch and her boiling pot. Somehow it know the source of the weather change. The giant charged ready to trample her.
The basement was just as frigid as outside, but upon fully entering the room it was obvious why. A huge section of the back wall had been destroyed and filled with snow. There had been something ridiculously powerful in here. The hole was maybe seven to eight feet around. There was a little trickle of light to indicate that it went right up to the surface.
Besides that the basement clearly got all of the inhabitants attention. It was actually a nice area to be in, at least for a mage. There were bookshelves of both magical tomes and a lot of manga. The Mage had a workbench set up just for putting together those little mecha model sets even. It was a very strange combination either way.
Upstairs the duo would stumble upon a shattered bottle attached to a large rattrap. It would seem a rudimentary magical trap intended to shatter the bottle if anyone went into the room, but it was tripped long ago. Likely the reason the room was so decayed compared to the rest of the normal, but empty house. A rot bomb, more often a joke spell used by child mages to give people athlete’s foot and such, though this was much more potent. In the closet was a tiny safe still locked up tight.