Avatar of jasonwolf
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: jasonwolf
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 961 (0.25 / day)
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    1. jasonwolf 11 yrs ago


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I just started my last semester of school. I also start an internship wednesday. Step 1 of becoming an archaeologist almost complete!
@BaklavaIt was much fun bought two swords and a cubone.
@Baklavathat's my bad. I went out of state on friday for a convention. I wrote a post before, but I didn't even notice I didn't post it.
Noi rumbled trying to move forwards. He began to fall, but again caught himself digging into the walls.

β€œI cannot deceive. My systems are below nominal.I need to recharge.” Noi groaned.

The robot leaned against the wall grabbing a waterskin from his compartment. With his other hand he pulled off the metal case that covered his sensor array. Beneath was a bizarre conglomerate for metal and crystals. It vaguely resembled a face if one squinted. Pressing a hand to the side of his face his chest cavity began to glow. Parts of it began to separate before opening to reveal his inner structure. A skeleton of steel guarding even more intricate workings. A few random pieces of metal fell out onto the ground along with a lot of sand.

Pouring the waterskin’s contents into a port the liquid was filtered into the systems. A loud whir began to emanate from Noi’s chest. He began to produce energy at a greatly increased rate. The liquid cooling his system allowed him to overclock the production.

β€œETC: Half Hour.” The robotic voice called.

While his chest was open Noi began to inspect himself.

@Baklavayeah he's just low on power, so he'll just be slow and tired and basically useless for a bit.
@Baklava Well I was two posts ago, but otherwise I just don't think its right to lead the group now since A. Noi is in no shape to be the front line and B. I have no clue what will be there.
@Dervish Just remember if Noi reads those he will burn them. He dislikes historical inaccuracies.
β€œAre you a peahat? I hate peahats.” Noi babbled.

He shook his head producing a loud rattling. He groaned trying to push off the wall to get up. Instead he just slid falling flat on the ground. He groaned again. The poor robot lied there unable to do anything.

β€œEnergy levels: limited. Secondary databanks: disabled for memory protection. RAM: Online.” His mechanical voice went off.

It took him some time in the small hallway, but eventually Noi got onto his front and then pushed himself onto his feet.

β€œWhen am I?” Noi grumbled digging his hands into the walls to stay standing.
@Dervish And of course you don't have the one I drink.

@The 42nd Gecko I just figured he'd be running at low power basically. It's impairing his function and processing. So expect him to be babbling like a broken record. if you want just add him mumbling about peahats. I suppose now wouldn't be a bad time for him to get oiled, but IDK if Jaege would think to do that.
@Dervish *pun shades* no just a Kickstart.
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