As usual even before sun up the Chekolv Deli was bustling. Sat together at the counter were Leon and Maria happily munching away at a breakfast so kindly prepared by Mrs. Chekolv. A toasted PBJ for Maria and a plate of eggs, sausage, toast, and hashbrowns for her father. Both were dressed for the day ahead, Maria in a blue and green plaid school uniform jumper, and her father in a polo, khaki's, and his brown work boots. After thoroughly cleaning the plate, using his toast like a squeegee, Leon carried the plate back into the kitchen.
“Thank you so much for watching Maria while I’m away for work. I’m sorry it’s always such short notice. Never know when they need when they decide to call in a wilderness specialist.” Leon smiled handing the dish to Mrs. Cheklov.
“Oh, you know it’s never a bother. Maria is always on her best behavior.” Mrs. Chekolv said taking the plate and putting it in the sink.
“Well if she ever isn’t you have my number. Anyway, I have to go finish packing, so Maria will be down here until she finishes breakfast.” Leon reminded her before excusing himself.
Heading up the back stairwell Leon re-entered his apartment. He had gotten a fair amount of the packing done yesterday night once he got the email, but sleep got to him before he finished. It tended to be a pain to pack for Leon. The balance of normal needs and fitting in the tiki’s he’d want was always an aggravating balancing act. The dufflebag already had a layer of tiki’s already packed between two layers of clothes.
“I wish she’d be a bit less mysterious with those emails. Some of us actually have to plan for these things.” Leon grumbled to himself as he looked over the other tiki’s he had considered taking.
“Where am I supposed to fit?” Ducky asked climbing onto the couch.
“Why would you be coming? I need you to stay here.” Leon quickly brushed off the comment zipping the bag shut.
“I’m not your guard dog. Besides not a single tiki in there is half as useful as me.” Ducky scoffed at his creator.
“And that’s why I need you here. E’s decided to not fill us in on what’s happening yet, so I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Your job is watching Maria.” Leon was very matter of fact.
“I am a powerful dreamtotem! If I unleash my wrath I can level cities!” Ducky tried to sound menacing.
“And we both know that’s impossible. Nothing can break your totem form. Now behave yourself while I’m gone and maybe I’ll get you a nice new coat of varnish.” Leon gave a final warning before grabbing his bag and heading for the door.
On the way out he grabbed his piece and its underarm holster. He strapped it on then put on his duster. Heading down around to the back alley he threw his duffle in his beat-up SUV. It had often been mocked by his younger co-workers as the dad-mobile. It wasn’t an entirely inaccurate name. When he was younger he drove a two-seat Jeep with all the off-road goodies, which he affectionately called the muck-raker after a great many times spent off in the woods. Now he was more concerned with crash-test safety and how easy it was to clean up goldfish.
With his mind still on such matters, he grabbed the booster seat from the back and brought it into the Deli. He dropped it off with Mrs. Chekolv before grabbing Maria for a final goodbye. Maria was still sat at the deli counter twisting side to side on the rotating chair.
“This is dad to the USS Maria, are you ready for take off?” Leon asked squatting down next to her.
“We are go!” Maria cheered
Leon hoisted his daughter into the air while making rocket noises. She gave a surprised yelp but quickly broke into laughter. Leon lowered her into a hug.
“Daddy, do you gotta go?” Maria asked a little sad.
“Ya know I gotta work. Bad things happen if I don't.” Leon said knowing well those things extended beyond not being able to pay bills, “I’ll try and call by bedtime ok. You be good for Mrs. Chekolv.”
“I love you, daddy.”
“I love you too.”
And thus the heartache began again. Leon set his daughter back down and yelled to let Mrs. Chekolv know he was leaving. Getting in his vehicle Leon refused to turn on the radio, for fear it'd play some sappy song that'd make him feel even worse. He drove the whole way in silence. He just stewed in his thoughts. He could only hope that this was giving them time in the long run.
Upon arrival, Leon parked up and headed in. As he passed through the door he made sure to nod down to door guarding totem, who stood slightly hidden away next to the umbrella stand. These weren't just magic pieces of wood. They were magic pieces of wood with attitude. Disrespect or break them and you were in for trouble. Having been the carver for most of them Leon took great care to keep on their good side and to keep others respecting them as well. Having gotten up earlier and arrived earlier Leon retired to a small office that was used as a combination trophy room and evidence locker. Anything that had to be hidden, but couldn't be destroyed or dealt with in other ways was collected here along with a few objects kept for posterity. Leon took it upon himself to keep accounts of the objects, The last thing they needed was for something to go missing and unnoticed. The inventory took about forty minutes leaving him just enough time to get to the meeting. Leon entered the meeting room, hung up his duster, and sat down folding his gloved hands.
"So E bother to tell anyone else why we're suddenly traveling? Because I'd really like to know what I'm dealing with when I'm trying to pack a small arsenal into a dufflebag." Leon said with a disgruntled professionalism.