I've got 15+ years of roleplaying experience. I am over the age of majority and would prefer my partners be as well. I anticipate pretty much all stories will contain those things which earn a TV:MA rating. That is not to say that all stories are going to be smut-based, because that is not the case.
I write on a high-casual to advanced level and am looking for partners who do the same. Depending on the exchanges between characters I've been known to respond with 5 to 15 paragraphs. Sometimes during dialogue things are on the lower end, during an important bit of exposition things stray higher. I'm not going to put a solid limit here but I would think that anything less than 3 paragraphs doesn't precisely count as high-casual, and certainly not advanced.
Despite how I fear that last bit sounded I really am an easy going and friendly person. I like to have an OOC thread along side the IC thread to discuss ideas, etc. Don't be afraid to message me, I don't bite unless asked politely.
I am on Pacific time in the US, work retail, and am generally a night owl, so I tend to be on at all hours. I'll be checking my messages a few times per day and would like writing partners that can usually get out a response a day or at least a few a week. I understand that life/vacations/finals/busy seasons happen and sometimes RPing slows down but just give me a heads up.
As a female I'm much more comfortable playing my own gender. For original stories my primary characters will always be female, though I can do male side-characters and "NPCs." For doubling in the case of fandoms, I am willing to play male characters.
Now, onto the good stuff!
As the thread and the logo above implies... I'm looking to RP in the Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire universe! I'm looking for someone up to playing Tormund Giantsbane against my female OC. In return I'd be willing to play almost any character against an OC of yours for doubling, if you prefer. I've read up to page 133 in A Dance with Dragons and I'm current on the TV series. If you haven't read the books, that's fine.
I prefer to do all of my RPing over PMs, so send me a PM if you're interested! Please don't respond to this thread, as I am not apt to see it.