So we have four people in total atm, not including me, so I'm gonna work in the background on an OOC whilst we wait for more potential interest!
@LetMeDoStuff@Wolverbells Question; will this RP be sandbox-like, or do you have a set general idea or storyline/plot line for each (or all) of the branches? I know you mentioned that players will have the freedom to make their own side plots, curated missions, etc., but I figured to ask as Stuff mentioned that this RP won't have a direct connection to the canonical story and that there might be some small or even large changes to the established lore of AoT.
<Snipped quote by LetMeDoStuff>
Question is if we do the snow trek segment since we did have issues with that previously. Not saying that there will be issues here, but it was a point of discussion in the previous version.
I personally love the trainee starting point because it gives the characters time to form bonds or whatever before they go their separate ways.
@LetMeDoStuff I could ask Volde but his grandfather just died so I'm not sure if he's up for anything right now.
I shouldn’t, but I think I shall :1
Also starting in the Trainee Corps sounds good to me cx
<Snipped quote by LetMeDoStuff>
I still have Tanner's sheet, but not the OG Tanner's sheet.
though do i bring back the totally not a girl sthick
<Snipped quote by LetMeDoStuff>
Trainee corps is probably the best way to start things. Gives character development that we would otherwise miss out on.
But yeah, I've been itching for a Somnium reboot/successor since Kuro refused to do it. I am glad for my memes not to be dreams.