Avatar of Jerkchicken


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2 mos ago
Current Genshin being allergic to melanin amuses me greatly
4 mos ago
It's gonna be gas. Can't wait to see what sort nonsense you can pull of in focus mode with the funlance and hunting horn. Also, looking forward to new monsters to skin and wear as hats.
5 mos ago
The zaza got me talkin’ like Pingu
1 like
5 mos ago
Shoutouts to the degenerates that love hand-holding
5 mos ago
Fun vibe tbh


Just some rando. I'm 20+ so no worries about rping with a kid.

Most Recent Posts

Sure why not
Count me in for whatever you're doing.
Might be cool. What's setting and scenario going to be?
Are you thinking of using some of the cut content as inspiration for stuff that might happen in the rp? Like the moon tower for example?

Also I need to replay the game. I played it before dark arisen and beat the game but I did the seneschal ending. Never got around to doing the bitterblack isle stuff once the expansion dropped.

Might go with one of the MMO classes for my character. The newer ones are all pretty cool, but I'm feeling either alchemist or high sceptor.

"What's the matter? I you were itching to go in there and scour the place for any sort of valuable treasure. As for what we're trying to find? Simple, monsters, magical disturbances, and any sort of cursed objects. A seasoned adventurer like yourself should be safe provided you don't do anything colossally stupid." Dion replied.

Dion would produce a bottle of some colored liquid. He'd take a sip and slowly drink its content. The drink would provide him with the necessary energy to become fully alert. Perhaps he might score something to eat, but at the moment the drink was all he needed. He simply watched the others get ready. Micah ran off after someone he spotted. Neith would follow immediately after the man leaving Dion alone. He'd simply sigh and follow after the two.
Tace continued to zoom along in his car. He was silently but feeling rather confident having bested that beast. He'd soon learn about Fort Condor's namesake as got closer and close to his destination. It was giant bird made of stone perching on a tower. Well that was pretty nifty, although he wondered what exactly was the significance of the giant condor. Tace would lose interest in such thoughts when caught something else going on. Tace would find himself slowing down as he saw more flying beasts in the sky. Was this another fight about to start but with more of these things? That calm atmosphere would fade away into tension as he eyed the flying monsters. I wonder if I can- wait a minute... did one of them just fall? He though to himself.

Upon further inspection the answer was yes. Something was shooting them down, but he couldn't tell what the hell was riling up them up to be swarming like that. His answer to that question would be swiftly answered; a large robot was making its way across the area and it was also mowing down the monsters. A handful of Tace's brain cells rubbed together just in time and he became aware that this thing was probably tied as the reason why that girl and those other guys wanted to get to Fort Condor so fast. Unfortunately for them that thing had escaped from Fort Condor and seemed to be on trajectory towards Port Junon. Also unfortunately for Tace, in his gawking he seemed to have gotten too close for comfort to the sweeper.
Sounds neat
Dion had a completely non-eventful and restful sleep. As he retreated to his room the moment everyone failed to get anything from that suspicious man. He suspected he might be tied to the cult, because of that weird tattoo he didn't recognize. He wondered just how much interference this man would create since they were going to enter the forest. He'd make his way downstairs and on the way, he'd look for signs of any of the people he was with last night.
Tace would grit his teeth some more as the Zemzelett electrocuted him and itself. He willed through the natural urge to let go of the sword to stop being shocked. He even dared to push the sword deeper while getting electrocuted by the beast's magic. It was a hair-raising and unpleasant experience. Getting zapped hurt but then there was also the unpleasantness caused by his muscles pulsating and contracting unnaturally due to the current going through his body. He swore he felt muscles he wasn't aware of jerking around. It made gripping on to the sword that much harder, but he didn't relent.

"Shit! this really fucking sucks!" He'd say. Luckily for him, it wouldn't last much longer. The Zemelett would perish from this final attack and with it the attack would vanish. Tace would let go of sword and clutch his arm. It was numbed out save for a tingly sensation as if there was a ghostly current remaining from the attack still coursing through him. He felt slightly winded but he was recovering fast enough. Enough to say a shitty one-liner as he plucked his sword, "Well that's one creative way of frying up a bird."

After patting his hair down, he stood trying to recall what he was initially doing before the attack. Then he remembered, he was going to Fort Condor. It was kinda funny, as he refused to give that girl and her friends a lift there out of wariness of getting Shinra's attention. And now he was feeling an almost morbid curiosity to see what exactly was going on there. His gut told him that it was going to be urgent and so he leadfooted that pedal once he jumped into his car. Hopefully he'd avoid another monster attack as he drove off to the Fort.

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