Avatar of Jerkchicken


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2 mos ago
Current Genshin being allergic to melanin amuses me greatly
4 mos ago
It's gonna be gas. Can't wait to see what sort nonsense you can pull of in focus mode with the funlance and hunting horn. Also, looking forward to new monsters to skin and wear as hats.
5 mos ago
The zaza got me talkin’ like Pingu
1 like
5 mos ago
Shoutouts to the degenerates that love hand-holding
5 mos ago
Fun vibe tbh


Just some rando. I'm 20+ so no worries about rping with a kid.

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Cool. I got two character concepts in mind. One being a Hylian spear-user of either vanilla or hylander heritage. The other I want to run by you first to see if it jives with like your system and like tone. He's a bird of prey Rito martial artist whose style involves extensive use of his legs to make use his talons.

Video related is basically the inspiration of what I was thinking. Note the guy whose fingers are curled into claws and is tearing up the scenery.
This looks pretty neat, hopefully you got some space left for more characters. Even if you don't, I'd still like to provide feedback to your system and watch how this plays.

"You said something?" Jen would say as his head stuck out curiously through a door. "Oh man, I really got split from you guys. His voice getting muffled as the door closed and he scurried to meet the group. Another door would open but from a different floor. He would grunt annoyedly and close the door heading back.

Jen was completely unfazed by Tayla's attempted barb. His annoyance was currently focused on this labyrinthian jail and the vexing effects of the divergence it had in getting him lost, among other woes that have plagued him since the group's arrival to this town. Eventually he thought he saw Týfurkh or perhaps one of the biggest guys that worked in the prison that matched his stature. Hey there big guy! Finally glad to get to you guys. I hate walking through this place, and I can't to leave." He said smiling and attempted to give an almost pitifully weak back pat. Which wasn't him trying to be funny, but more of a safety precaution after getting banned from various pubs after multiple door destruction incidents.
Name: Jen Gibre/ Dirty Bastard
Gender: m
Age: Twenties
Home Nation: Taste

Bio: The man reffered to as "Dirty Bastard" life is a mystery known only to him and perhaps to people from his past. What is known about him is he hails from the nation of Taste. During his journey he had come to have learned martial arts somewhere in the mountains. He is a wanderer who drifts to wherever the winds dictate.

Personality: He is headstrong and free spirited and enjoys misleading others by appearing to be foolish and being tricky. He can be quite charming, but he's also possesses a fiery temper and a penchant for verbal abuse.

Likes drinking
Likes spicy food

Martial arts:
Drunken boxing: A unarmed fighting style that emulates the staggered, swaying, and unpredictable movements of someone who us drunk. Dirty is also one of the few talented enough to effectively use this while actually drunk.

Dog beating staff technique: A curiously named staff fighting style attributed to a legendary beggar who developed it in after many conflicts in back alleys. Its method of fighting is something intuitive to his nature. Also, he likes using this style more due to the reach and usefulness of using a staff as a weapon.

Brewing: As befitting of his nation of birth, Dirty is a skilled brewer who procures fruits to make simple wines he carries on his body. In spite of the lack of proper tools and the improvised nature of his brews they come nice and a bit strong.

Panhandling: Beggars gonna beg
Outdoorsmanship: It is necessary to be knowledgeable in this when he travels into the wilderness.
Legerdemain: very useful for pocketing things that aren't his.
Sneakiness: What good is breaking the law if you get caught?

-Occasionally pissing off someone tends to lead to complications
-Being a dirty vagrant means he probably won't be getting into certain places
-Being a wandering martial artist means having to deal with people who want to fight him.

Stick: It is an incredibly durable and flexible bamboo stick with a gourd tied to one end
Bottles and gourds: Filled with various liquids, mostly fermented or fermenting drinks
Bracelet: A bracelet made of colored rocks worn on his left wrist
Jen would flip his head to the side of injured shoulder. He'd suck in air through his teeth and shot a look of annoyance at the being. It seemed like he was trying his best to upset everyone in the group. He could scarcely understand why. He believed that the being was like a dog or ghost, and just sort of did things arbitrarily. Of interest though, was that treating him like a deity did nothing. The being seemed poised to avoid discussing just what did sustain him had Chres not pushed him to do so. So, this was the condition or cost to enter in "alliance" with him. Upon death, everything about them to be forgotten by everyone save for anyone in the pact.

It touched another wound that had yet to heal and with it he felt a deep sense of melancholy wash over him. What had happened and what he had done in response had already created some loss. But this... That he could die from the risks associated with their mission or just from some other mishap, and it all would be gone. Those bonds and memories, completely purged from their minds. Like he had never existed. He didn't bother fighting against getting misty-eyed as he found himself thinking back to old memories.

However, that reminiscence was short lived. His attention would quickly change when Vi'daerus' appeared, seemingly drawn by the utterance of its name and the being's prolonged presence no doubt as well. Jen could feel his hairs stick up as he saw their true foe. Luckily for everyone involved, reality would resume. He would slowly rise to his feet as he saw Karina deliver spiteful condemnation before passing out. It seemed that something the being said or did absolutely pissed her off.

He would groan from the pain in the shoulder and how heavy he felt. He'd look around some more as some of the surviving soldiers were celebrating their victory. It seemed more were coming from outside to aid them. In fact, he already saw a group carrying out Chres on a stretcher. The quicker they could get out, the better. Jen felt like needed a stiff drink and to rest on something more comfortable than the cellar floor he had been on. For all his fatigue, Jen found himself loitering around, unable to let himself rest despite the opportunity being there.
I'll get a character up sometime today.
Thinking about a frog plush with a lot of tongue-oriented techniques or an invertebrate.
Cool! I'll work making a character.
Jen did not take to the being's intrusion too well. The sudden sensation of the touch on his shoulder literally came out of nowhere and with it, his attention shifted. "And I suppose you're going to give me some better ideas?" He said through gritted teeth. It was a definitely not a subject he wanted to think about in any capacity especially with how recent that deal with the sightless was. Perhaps there was a better way, but he couldn't figure it out and he was doubtful he'd get anything straightforward from this entity.

Much to Jen's total lack of surprise, he was only left to stew with his guilt under the less-than-ideal conditions for this bargain. Time resumed and then Jen felt a sudden pain, on the same shoulder no less! He felt a moisture, but it burned like lemon or chiles on a cut. It was disorienting too as Jen felt a lingering sensation of that touch on his shoulder than then transitioned into pain. As if this was an early punishment for his future transgression.

He found himself having to fight to keep his breathing smooth from the sudden spike of pain. Of course, what was really discomforting was moving the afflicted arm around on that point of movement. Shit what was he going to do? Of course, then was there also the ton of tentacles aiming to skewer the already hobbled Chres. He didn't know how much he could contribute in this state, or if moving the arm around would exacerbate the injury, but in this moment it didn't matter. He needed to keep this guy alive, and besides it was the final stretch of the battle. Either they die in the fight or get some rest time afterwards.

Chres was out shouting at Karina to make the attack. Given the Seed/Sightless' tunnel visioned focus Chress, it made sense to strike. Karina would manifest an icy spear and charge the final heart. Fortunately for everyone except the seed, it would strike true. That was the final heart for the seed, right? Jen grimaced; he was hoping such damage would affect the Sightless. He could see that browning on its body, but it seemed it had enough energy for another massive attack. He failed to react in time and like everyone else was ensnared. He could feel the coils tighten around him as they started to crush him and everyone else.

This was not good, what the hell was there to do. He needed to find some way to break free, but how? That familiar sensation came again as time would distort and freeze around the scene of the sightless crushing them. The being appeared, and began lecturing the sightless? He could see the brown discoloration spreading over the body over a short span of time with each stop and start of time. The tendrils' grip would loosen, and Jen didn't hesitate to break free. The sightless would collapse on his side as his spine cracked like a tree that had collapsed on itself. All there was left was a sliver of flesh connecting the halves, it wouldn't take too much effort to sever it into a stump. "CUT AND SALT THAT SUCKER BEFORE IT REGENERATES!" He'd wheeze out hoarsely. He was coughing while stumbling to gain his breath.

Ferris would come and save the day as he jumped into the ruined cellar and cut and salted the now stump. Jen smiled in relief as he plopped down onto his ass. "Good job..." He would watch everyone else interact with the being as looked the dark metal that glimmered that constituted the corpse of the sightless. Try as he might to pay attention to the metaphysics being explained about the metal and the sightless needing to root themselves in reality, it felt like it was going from one ear and out the other. Furthermore, it seemed this entity that insisted he was not a god, seemed to be irritating everyone else. Of course, such aggressive smarm wasn't the most welcome thing to face after going through this exhausting battle.

"Right, so you're saying you're some rando trapped on our world. That just happens to have a bunch of nifty abilities we don't have, and you seem to inhabit some other reality we can't perceive. And I guess there's more of whatever the hell you are beyond this world. You say you're not a god, but it seems some sort of faith sustains you. Since it could be argued that without some sort of faith in the offer, none of us would have done so right? I guess we could call you an unwilling demi-god or demi-bud rather. I know you don't want it, but would some offerings and prayers might improve your condition or is it going to take a lot more to recover from this shattering business." Jen said while lying on the floor.
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