Lightning Summary: Chli settlements are not very unified, although they seem to all be bound by a moral code has not been written officially. All Chli villages and settlements are contained in the trees, each one a network of tree huts and rope bridges. The Chli have not seen the influence of another intelligent species in quite some time. This combined with their peaceful nature makes the idea of a military presence unheard of.
Place on Map: Population:Main State Religions:- Chli religion is dominated by a ‘fruit’ goddess and a minor pantheon.The Chli don’t so much worship their gods as they pass down stories and legends.
Technology State: Early Bronze AgeState Government:- Matriarchal Gerontocracy
- Each village has its own government led by a council of the eldest female villagers.
Brief History: In the beginning, the Chli, like many peoples, all lived nomadic lives. Moving from one area to the next, exhausting the land of its resources, and taking what they wanted. At some point or another, found that it was safer and more reliable to domesticate colonies of insects, rather than to eat them all at once. This practice also lent itself to the way they harvested fruit. Soon the Chli developed a unique form of agriculture, settling in areas where the rainforest provided them with abundant fruit, and using moderation to keep it that way.
The next big advancement in Chli culture took form in the use of lumber for construction. The Chli are not capable to down an entire tree but, they are able to use branches that were separated with their trees via stone tools. As the amount of Chli increasing with amount of food available, the Chli were able to focus on how to keep themselves safe from predators. The Chli found that not everyone in their ‘pack’ had to devote their time to gathering food, and so they began building things. First nests evolved into tree houses, then bridges appeared to connect the dwellings.
As the Chli continued to learn, the population continued to grow. Disputes arose and each village found there way to sort things out. In the end, having a group of the eldest woman in each settlement came out on top as the most popular fashion of government, all though there are a few exceptions.