Avatar of jordy0403
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 343 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. jordy0403 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
So, I feel like a complete jerk now, after disappearing for over three months. Really sorry about. I will recompense you with free pancakes. Although, I don't think they'll survive the post.
1 like
9 yrs ago
End of semester in one week, one day, and several hours... T minus 195 hours. And yes, I did the math for my timezone.
9 yrs ago
So, I'm a day late, but I'll say it here... Happy New Years everyone!
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9 yrs ago
Merry Christmas everyone. And, don't eat all the Christmas Puddings at once. Trust me.
9 yrs ago
I feel like I'm literally the only one on the guild who isn't affected by these finals everyone's talking about.


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Most Recent Posts

Just a question, with the New Zealand Rebels, are they a part of the New Zealand Military that took the M.D.F side, or are they just an organised 'civilian' group that rose up against the W.T.O?

Would you happen to have space for another interested player to join?
Rayne Fielder

"You'd better go and find that punk ass girlfriend of yours, you either get my shit and return it to me, or we-are going to have a serious problem." The guy was threatening me with a bloody hammer, the idiot. "Ok, man, I'll go find her..." I say backing away slowly, until I was about four metres away. "But how about you come with me, eh?" I say, drawing my gun on him. "First things, first, though, she is not my girlfriend. Now, drop your hammer, and don't even think about throwing it at me, or I'l plant a bullet through your brain."

Sorry it took me so long to post, colds are the worst.

These people probably think they have even a slight chance of escaping. Maybe using the ship they're giving us to run away. If the people behind this little operation have any brains, there'll be a hidden tracker on the ship, a system to remotely control the ship, and enough dirt on us to be shunned by the worst of criminals, even if half of it is a lie.
These thoughts went through Shade's mind. It wasn't that Shade was cynical, it was just reasonable. The Alliance didn't grow so large by being careless.
Three humans, two bots, one EMP would make short work of four of the bots, maybe even two of the humans if I'm lucky, but the oldest human, he could be trouble. I'll go along with them. For now.
Just so everyone knows, I probably won't be posting much/anything for the next couple of days... sometimes I really really hate winter.
Name: Shade
Age/Race/Gender: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Occupation:Contractor (Takes all sorts of jobs, from espionage to assassinations to bodyguard for a price)

Armor: Light ballistic weave
Items: Voice scrambler
Skills: Good engineer, skilled sword fighter
Powers: Known to have psionic shielding

Ok, made up a CS, sorry it took so long.

Name: Shade
Age/Race/Gender: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Occupation:Contractor (Takes all sorts of jobs, from espionage to assassinations to bodyguard for a price)

Armor: Light ballistic weave
Items: Voice scrambler
Skills: Good engineer, skilled sword fighter
Powers: Known to have psionic shielding
Rayne Fielder

Well, the girl ran off with the backpack, and know I'm stuck with a guy with a hammer. And he probably thinks I'm on her side. Which, am I? That's a question for a later date though. Where the thoughts running through Rayne's head, before he started to think of a way out of the situation. "Hey, uh, mate, let's just take it easy, no need to jump to conclusions, or attack anyone, ok." Rayne said to the man, trying to think of a way to loop back around. The girl can survive out here, seemingly without others help, that could make her a good ally.

OK, well, here comes the waiting :)
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