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    1. JustAlice 10 yrs ago


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Name: Alice
Age: 25
Alice is short, barely reaching over 5' tall. She tends to dress in earthy colors because she feels that the colors make her amber colored eyes blend in a little better. Her hair curls over her shoulders and reaches almost to the middle of her back and she almost always leaves it down. Often, flowers can be found woven into it.

- Highly distractable, losing attention over the smallest (but shiniest!) of objects. Sometimes it causes her to forget what she was doing altogether.
- Sometimes she can act very much like a child trapped in an adult body. She has an addiction to sugary foods, likes to take time to play.
- She does not share well, having a very possesive streak to her, hoarding all of the shiny things she manages to find and can viably claim as hers to herself.
- Has a rather sadly innocent naieve side to her, blindly trusting those around her and that everything will turn out fine. She has a hard time believing that there is true evil in the world.
- Luck is probably the only thing that has kept her from falling prey to the awful people and things that happen to people in the world. She seems to be flush with it, lucking out of the worst of situations in a nearly unbelievable way.
- Very gullible. Is quite likely to believe that the sky is made out of the cotton part of cotton candy if the story is pitched to her in a convincing enough manner.
- While lacking in common sense, she is quite bright... or at least bright enough to be perfectly capable of following instructions and conversation.
- She has a hard time waiting to do anything, viewing the world with a very "right now" kind of impatience and she can get more than a little antsy and obnoxious if she does get held up.
-She does her best to find the positive side of all situations, optimistic even in the hardest of moments. She will always be the one offering up the "well at least we have" comments.

Alice was raised in a little village in Lella called Julep. She was raised by her elder sister and her mother. Her father passed when she was at a young age. Her mother all but pushed Alice out on her own she when reached 17, feeling that the girl wasn't growing up and needed to see the world. Since she was pushed out, Alice has been travelling Lella, seeking adventure and entertainment. When neither can be found and money is needed, she makes a decent bar maid. It is not completely unusual for her to do favors for others in exchange for money.

Luna's Kiss - Calls a beam of light to the one whom the caster is targeting, sweeping over the body of the person/animal. The light heals the target, mending the wounds in minutes or hours instead of days. This is not a quick spell for anything other than light scrapes and bruises, the major wounds sometimes taking so much time and energy from the caster that the wounds do not fully heal. Can not cure death. It is very difficult for the caster to cast on themselves for anything more serious than a sprain, headache, or minor broken bones. This spell is stronger and requires less energy after the sun sets and darkness sets in.

Alice requested to be taught this skill after her mother healed the arm her sister broke, falling from a tree, in front of her. She wanted to be able to heal those around her faster. She has never used it for anything other than minor scrapes and bruises so she is not confident in her ability to cast it if ever there is a dire need."

Bubble Mist - Not a fighting ability, merely a mild and slightly damp spray of bubbles. With practice and focus, the bubbles can be blown in specific color. The spell takes little energy and, unless one is inexperienced or are hoping for very specific results, it does not require much for concentration. The bubbles will naturally pop after a while, although they do last longer than non-magical ones.

Alice was taught this ability by a friend of her sisters when she was a little girl in an attempt to get the girl to concentrate. She has all but perfected her casting of it, seemingly emanating bubbles in colors according to her moods when she is trying to concentrate, like second nature. It earned her the nickname of "Bubbles" from many in her village, as she could almost always be seen surrounded by them. A nickname she is not fond of or likely to announce.

Earthen Sheild - Pulls the ground around the caster, on whatever side his/her hand is aimed, pulling up a sheild that covers one quarter of the space around them, shaping itself around the target as the caster wishes. The sheild will appear as the land, appearing almost in natural in formation, and can block mid-level offensive spells but will crumble around the caster from the more powerful of blows. The more concentration that goes into the spell, the more realistic and unnoticeable the sheild. The sheild crumbles at the same rate as the concentration wavers..

This skill was shown to her and taught to her by some of the older boys from her village and was used mostly for games by the kids and is therefore common in that area. Alice sometimes forgets that she even knows it.

Glamour of Light - A spell used to transform the face, hair, and sometimes body of the caster or the target of the caster. Can be used for as little as changing the color of ones eyebrows to transforming themselves into another. The more that the caster changes, the less time the spell can be held. A full glamour has never been known to last more than five hours, taking the caster a whole 48 hours to recover enough to cast even a glimmer of the glamour again. The little ones can last for days at a time, taking a day or two for a full recovery. The more detailed and unfamiliar the glamour, the less time it lasts. Can not be used to make the caster appear as a full animal, although those who try can once and a while cause a "furry" (furred skin, tail, ears and the occasional paws) appearance.

Learned as a young girl from a book she found in her home, with a little help from her mother. She used it during games or just to amuse herself. She became quite talented at the "furry" look before becoming a teen when she simply used it to color her hair or change the appearance of her clothes.
Aaanndd... Off to build a proper character I go!
Yay! People! You are both more than welcome to begin whenever you wish. Come and go as you please.
Almost smack dab in the middle of the forest, with virtually no paths leading to it, there sits a cozy little Inn, with a fully stocked bar. The bar is manned all day and night by a friendly and busty ghost maid, called Lucy, who is more than happy to pour one a pint and flirt over the counter with any who is willing or to throw someone out for attempting to pinch her non-corporeal bottom.

Creatures of all sort have been known to show up, looking for adventures, more people, or a good stiff drink. Not all who enter are friendly and, despite there being a light ban on actual fisticuffs, there has been many a drunken brawl. There is a large sitting room, complete with all of the furnishings as well as a fire place to one side of the bar room and a dinning area with attached kitchen on the other.

More ghostly staff is available at all times and are just as willing as the lovely Lucy to provide guests with anything they may need or desire. Rooms are always available, as this very special building seems to build itself to suit the needs of those who enter it.

But, all of these perks are not without rules, as is made clear by a note posted beside the door in every room of the Inn. ((This note can be found in the OOC version of this post.))
Tsunami sat alone in the main sitting room of her Inn, her bottom resting of the shelf of the bay window as she looked out into the woods. It was another of many quiet days. She was beginning to feel like they would never really end. She wanted excitement that she wasn't finding from the ghosts or any of the few others who wandered in and out of her place.

With a small sigh, she brushed a bit of hair behind her ear. Perhaps some day adventure would wander her way again. Who knew in what form it could possibly come in. These days, the number of different kinds of creatures that stumbled around surprised her. Of course... she was half unicorn so who was she to judge?

With another sigh, she pushed herself off of the bench and walked out of the room, prepared to tidy up until excitement came to see her.
Name: Tsunami
Age: n/a
Race: Unicorn/human halfling
Appearance: Tsunami has long, silvery white hair that hangs to her mid-back. It is usually worn straight down. Her eyes are amber in hue with a silver ring around the middle. She stands at an intimidating 5'2'' and, with the lithe body of a dancer, probably weighs less than a sack of potatoes. Her skin is a nearly pure white, and there is a pure crystal horn sticking out of the middle of her forehead. She hangs an amber stone from it on a silver wire. She appears to be in her mid-twenties is much older than that. Note: Her legs do have the fur, as shown in the picture, but she has human feet.
Skills: Quick on her feet, able to work basic magics (mostly for her own amusement) and can call all four of the elements in small doses at will. She is talented with the bow and arrow.
Background: The proprietor of the Come Back Inn, no one is quite sure where she came from or why she chose to open up the inn but no one can really recall when she first came to the area. It is rumored that her staff is all ghosts because they are the original staff and have just never left so she found no reason to replace them. Other rumors say that she was once a princess of a far-off kingdom. The only thing that can be certain is that she does not have any family or others that she seems to hold dear. Other than her pet panther, who she affectionately calls Lillith.
Random Information: Other than her pet panther, she enjoys to read, the sound of bells, ribbons, and rain.
Character Basics
Feel free to add more info as you like.
Random Information:
Almost smack dab in the middle of the forest, with virtually no paths leading to it, there sits a cozy little Inn, with a fully stocked bar. The bar is manned all day and night by a friendly and busty ghost maid, called Lucy, who is more than happy to pour one a pint and flirt over the counter with any who is willing or to throw someone out for attempting to pinch her non-corporeal bottom.

Creatures of all sort have been known to show up, looking for adventures, more people, or a good stiff drink. Not all who enter are friendly and, despite there being a light ban on actual fisticuffs, there has been many a drunken brawl. There is a large sitting room, complete with all of the furnishings as well as a fire place to one side of the bar room and a dinning area with attached kitchen on the other.

More ghostly staff is available at all times and are just as willing as the lovely Lucy to provide guests with anything they may need or desire. Rooms are always available, as this very special building seems to build itself to suit the needs of those who enter it.

But, all of these perks are not without rules, as is made clear by a note posted beside the door in every room of the Inn. The notes appear as follows:
Dear Occupants,

Welcome to the Come Back Inn. We hope you have a delightful stay, finding everything that you wish for and more. Before you become too cozy, please understand that proper behavior is preffered. Therefore, to protect you and those around you, it is necessary that you comply to the following rules and guidelines.

1. No guest is to ever go behind the bar, whether it is to serve themselves or to assist the staff.
2. Fighting. While it is allowed, we do ask that there is no killing. It's rude and often messy. Just bad business. Also, all fighting must be taken outside.
3. Respect the staff and the other guests. You will be told to leave if this is a problem.
4. Please post a character entry in the OOC so we know who and what you are. All creatures welcome!
5. Rules can always be added.

Thank you very much and, again, enjoy your stay!

So, please, make yourselves at home and enjoy yourself. Put your feet up and stay as long as you like. And don't forget to come back the next time you're looking for a good time!

Side note: No need to wait for approval. All are welcome (until told otherwise). Would also be helpful if people posted both their entrance and their departure/sleepy time.
It was an odd morning today. Not going to lie.

I woke up from one of my normal "I only have four hours to sleep so I'm going to have a really twisted and complicated, filled with color, and hard to remember" kind of dreams. Slowly, I made my way into the living room, chatting up my sister until my roommates awoke.

So I decided to write but I have so many little stories in my head that finding one and getting it down before another starts creeping in is getting impossible. To blow off steam, I decide to visit a site I haven't bee on in 5 years, only to find that it has unfortunately had to start at the beginning.

So I get to start over. An exciting thing and something I was half-planning on doing anyway.

Just wanted to get that out.

Good job, Mahz. You've got us all rooting for you. :)
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