Avatar of JustmeandI
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 32 (0.01 / day)
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    1. JustmeandI 9 yrs ago


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Loves to RP, but is a bit rusty on the network.
Most likes Harry Potter and historical settings such as samurai, Edo/Meiji/Showa periods of Japanese history, shinobi legends, assasins (including Assassin's Creed universe).
Willing to try new topics and realities, as long as they won't take a year to get ready for (series with more than 2 seasons, more than one book etc.)

Currently playing in:
Harry Potter: Call of Darkness
Through the Rabbit Hole

Most Recent Posts

Ned's eyes lit up in awe as he watched the rip on his pants go away. He stared at the girl and nodded awkwardly. His smile was so huge, that it almost looked out of the ordinary.
'The wizarding world? I certainly haven't been there. Do you have flying dragons in there and living mermaids and all? Like in the books?!' he started throwing one question after the other at Laura without even thinking about his being obnoxious and all. He was not used to speaking to people freely, or more like having people speaking freely to him, so this girl was his life-saving straw of rescue in the world he never knew, the... magical world.
'I have read many books on,' *cough cough* 'Sorry,' *cough cough* *cough cough* *cough cough*
Ned blushed, not sure if it was because of the cough or because of the situation where he was ruining the moment and the cool conversation they were having. He hurried to take out the syrup from his trunk, which he had taken into the compartment with him, and sipped some millilitres of the thick, gooey liquid.
'Sorry,' he said. 'If it is not a problem,' he started. 'Can you explain to me how do you do all this? I have never seen anything like this befor...' but his words stopped in mid-air as his mind drifted to an unknown woman with long blonde hair, her icy blue eyes looked at him with hatred as she flicked one of those wands at him. He didn't understand what was happening, but there was a light pain and then... He came to in the compartment.

Ned thanked the girl almost silently, whispering "Thank you" with an effort. How could he have missed the free seat, he had no idea, but he was more than happy to find one such place. He sat there nodded at the direction of everyone else in the compartment and then started to stare from the window.
He heard their voices, a number of other 11 and 12-year-olds speaking of magic, of food, of whatever. He couldn't concentrate. Was this really happening to him? Ned's brains were going crazy with all the information.

Then, little spark of dread lit up in his heart... What if this was all just another orphanage and the old Headmistress had just given up on him, leaving him to this who-knows-what place to do who-knows-what things with who-knows-what kind of people.

'Excuse me,' he said. 'Do you know where are we going? Where is this Hogwarts school and what are we going to do there? I don't know anywhere by the name of Hogsmeade either...'
He was still trying to make sense out of the Hogsmeade, magic and stuff he heard last in the compartment.

@ImagineVillains @Dirty Dan @XxLyraxX
Thanks for having me!@IcePezz
I vote for the harshest teacher, no matter which class this will be.
@ImagineVillains @AbysmalDemon@XxLyraxX@Dirty Dan
As a couple of last-moment arrivers passed through Ned and his trunk, pushing him aide, he understood that it was about time he joined a compartment's inhabitants and to begin getting friendly with the other students. As he walked around the wagons, he couldn't find anything where there was enough place for him... Not until he saw a kitty and its owner go into a packed compartment he had passed by just a few seconds earlier.
Ned walked back and stared through the glass door - there were more students in the compartment than there was space in the others. He counted the seats and saw that there are more than the normal amount of them. Curious, yet afraid to intrude, he spent some time in front of the door, looking rather puzzles. Nonetheless, he slid open the door and stuck his head inside the compartment.

'Hello, sorry... Erm, I wondered if you know any other compartments that might have extra space? I have been dragging this trunk since the train departed and I cannot find anywhere to sit.'

He blushed marvellously in crimson as he stared at each of the compartment members separately.

First of all, I want to apologise for posting before asking for permission. This is the first RP I am joining here and I didn't see the note on the top. I hope this won't be too annoying for you :(


Name: Edward Matthew Smith, also Ned for short

Age: 11

Appearance: very thin, somewhat tall, sickly looking. pale. black eyes (really black) and light hair.

Personality: Ned is calm, rarely excited, composed, shy, easily scared. He is intelligent, loves to read and study. He dislikes sports and most physical activities. His overall appearance might not actually represent his feelings, because he is not used to communicating with others. He had spent at least two years of his past not speaking to others, by choice or by it being imposed on him. Edward has a hard time letting people close to himself and is a loner-type of person. However, he wishes to change this, because... he somehow feels this is not the real... Him.

History: Ned's life has been a rather mysterious one. He was initially found at a small railway station by a travelling nun who was just in the midst of transferring from a monastery in the Southern England to one in Western England. 'He was crying like the world was ending!' she had explained to the main priest in the monastery when she appeared at the door of the holy place. All nuns and the priest him self took turns in caring for the baby, but one day, just as he was turning two, the baby disappeared. All attempts of the entire community, even the cities around the nun's residence, were in vain.

Then, at the age of two, he was once more discovered. This time around, it was a London-based prostitute who found him near a dumpster in her region. Of course, she thought it was a leftover from one of her colleagues. She did what they all did at the time - left it at the doorstep of the nearby orphanage. The Falkland Orphanage for underage children. This was the place where, for some reason, Ned kept on living. There was no evidence of his being... out of the ordinary. He used to tell the Misses in the kitchen about his great adventure when he was small, but no one would believe him. After all, it was more than normal for a kid to think of exciting stories, being in denial of the truth.
'He's just a small child who no one wanted... Just like everyone here.' was what many said when they discussed him. It was his 10th birthday when something odd happened. He suddenly felt sick and couldn't walk, talk or even breathe normally. Edward was paid visits by a number of (rather cheap) doctors, but no one could guess what was wrong with him... One year until his letter came and everyone stared at it mesmerised at how precise his "address" was engraved on the parchment-like envelope.

Blood Type: Unknown (he's been living in an orphanage), let to be known a half-blood

Wand: 13 inch ash, dragon heartstring

Wand Image:

Pet: None

Pet Image:
Ned, short for Edward, was very nervous. Although the clothes he had put on were his favourite, they were still third- or fourth-hand. In fact, he thought he had seen black and white photos of a different boy from the same orphanage who was wearing them; so old! His pickets were re-sewn multiple times and the seams of the pants’ legs had been renewed so many times that the sleeve itself looked almost crimped.
‘Miss Montomerty! Aren’t we leaving? it’s half-past-ten!’ he shouted from the bottom of the stairs towards the room where the headmistress was arranging her own looks.

‘SILENCE!’ was heard from behind the thick wooden door and he felt embarrassed; the whole orphanage was staring at him anyway. He didn’t need more attention.

‘Oh, look who’s here!’ said Mitch, the local bully. ‘Sicky Neddie is going to school? I wonder… isn’t it a bit late, eh guys?’ he exclaimed and from behind the crowd came our the three bullies who always walked alongside Mitch. They created a tight enclosure around Ned.

The skin prickled, the eyes darted from one to the other and so forth; Ned didn’t know what was going to happen, but he had seen what they were capable of. He used to watch them beat-up one or two kids every day in the gardens; the view from his hospital bed was the most suitable for this.

‘Leave him be, Mitchell!’ the stern voice of the headmistress was heard and the bullies scattered.
Her dress was of the finest velvet, the fascinator on her head had a few lovely flowers; Ned smiled involuntarily at their gentleness. The flowers looked like a bow on a pig.

‘Let’s go, young man,’ she ordered and the two of them, he dragging a rather small but heavy trunk, and she in her lovely blood-red dress.
The car was stuffy and Ned felt like he would be sick a couple of times before actually using the paper bag she had left on the backseat for him.

‘Off we go, you have ten minutes to find the Hogwarts crowd and this platform… what was it again? 9 ¾. Wonder where that might be.’
Ned’s nerves were as tight as they could have got. Ten minutes were less than impossible. He had never been at King’s Cross, let alone know the location of this platform whatsoever. Just when he was going to give way to desperation, of never finding out what this Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry might be, his eyes met a couple of girls who miraculously disappeared in the column between platforms 9 and 10.

‘That must be it!’ he said and was about to point there, but then recalled that pointing was not permitted. Instead, he ran, as fast as his semi-atrophied limbs would permit him. The train was already steaming and the engine was running. His heart beat very fast; the adrenaline rush was the only thing that allowed him to run, with the trunk in hand, over the small metal steps and into the wagon. He was out of breath. His eyes stung and there was an odd wheezing sound coming out of his lungs.

He hoped that there was nothing wrong with him, but the efforts put into climbing onto this red steam-powered train were immense for someone who had just got up from a year-long stay in bed. He sat on his trunk, forgetful of the fact that he might be obstructing someone’s path in the corridors, and attempted to stabilise his breathing and the trembling of his limbs.
I found one somewhat similar image to what I imagine. I hope it's okay. It is the childiest possible I could find. After all, they are 11 :D
Thanks once more

Updated in the profile.

First of all, I want to apologise for posting before asking for permission. This is the first RP I am joining here and I didn't see the note on the top. I hope this won't be too annoying for you :(


Name: Edward Matthew Smith, also Ned for short

Age: 11

Appearance: very thin, somewhat tall, sickly looking. pale. black eyes (really black) and light hair.

Personality: Ned is calm, rarely excited, composed, shy, easily scared. He is intelligent, loves to read and study. He dislikes sports and most physical activities. His overall appearance might not actually represent his feelings, because he is not used to communicating with others. He had spent at least two years of his past not speaking to others, by choice or by it being imposed on him. Edward has a hard time letting people close to himself and is a loner-type of person. However, he wishes to change this, because... he somehow feels this is not the real... Him.

History: Ned's life has been a rather mysterious one. He was initially found at a small railway station by a travelling nun who was just in the midst of transferring from a monastery in the Southern England to one in Western England. 'He was crying like the world was ending!' she had explained to the main priest in the monastery when she appeared at the door of the holy place. All nuns and the priest him self took turns in caring for the baby, but one day, just as he was turning two, the baby disappeared. All attempts of the entire community, even the cities around the nun's residence, were in vain.

Then, at the age of two, he was once more discovered. This time around, it was a London-based prostitute who found him near a dumpster in her region. Of course, she thought it was a leftover from one of her colleagues. She did what they all did at the time - left it at the doorstep of the nearby orphanage. The Falkland Orphanage for underage children. This was the place where, for some reason, Ned kept on living. There was no evidence of his being... out of the ordinary. He used to tell the Misses in the kitchen about his great adventure when he was small, but no one would believe him. After all, it was more than normal for a kid to think of exciting stories, being in denial of the truth.
'He's just a small child who no one wanted... Just like everyone here.' was what many said when they discussed him. It was his 10th birthday when something odd happened. He suddenly felt sick and couldn't walk, talk or even breathe normally. Edward was paid visits by a number of (rather cheap) doctors, but no one could guess what was wrong with him... One year until his letter came and everyone stared at it mesmerised at how precise his "address" was engraved on the parchment-like envelope.

Blood Type: Unknown (he's been living in an orphanage), let to be known a half-blood

Wand: 13 inch ash, dragon heartstring

Wand Image:

Pet: None

Pet Image:
please delete. Didn't see I need to apply first!
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