People were getting shot, there was swearing, and apparently the escape plan was a bust, from what she could hear, but none of that was important, she was sure that she was just about done with this thing, it just needed one, final, adjustment. A simple tweak to it's mechanics and then....
Tickticktickticktick suddenly it started ticking, and Elis launched it over her shoulder, before grinning broadly at the group, revealing two missing teeth from either side of her mouth.
"Well, what'dya know. It really was a bomb. I was sure it was a Sonic Destabilisation Matrix. We should be running in a direction that is very much away from here" she exclaimed, but Portal was one step ahead of her, and teleported everyone out in the onset of a giant rumbling earthquake.
Then they were underground, and Portal was getting shouted at.
"D'aww, we missed the Earth-shattering Kaboom" She muttered, before the guy waffled for a bit about basically exactly what Portal had said just in a much, much, longer manner. Elis let him finish, and then wandered into the base, wondering if there was any sort of workshop around. The collar was getting irritating now, and she wanted to get her teeth back before having anything to eat, and she was hungry.
"Sure, sure. Join resistance, kill aliens, construct explosive ostriches. Portal already gave us that callous speech, you are just retreading old ground, here"