Name: Legio
Alias: Legio uses the name 'Ine' when among others, much to Spitfire's chagrin.
Gender: Physically female, mentally, both.
Domain (Portfolio): Fire (Lava)
Domain (Portfolio) Description: Legio controls fire, and flames as the two survivors of the Great Fight were those who preferred the use of fire over all other things. Her Portfolio is Lava, stemming from Ine, the self-styled 'Mistress Of Magma'. Ine prefers more 'creative' uses of her Lava, but has no issue using it in it's natural form is such is required.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Personality: Legio has Three Personalities, as she has three people inside her head. Most where condensed into a single being, but a few were to powerful to be subdued, and so they share. Sharing with two is easier than sharing with two hundred, after all.
Spitfire, the self-proclaimed 'King of Fire' is a very proud, slightly narracistic man who loves to show off his powers, is generally extremely high-key, and loves attetion. He is slightly embarrased about the form of his host however, and so he doesn't speak often, since his glorious, powerful voice does not carry right in the womanly vocal cords. He helps people, when he believes they need help, but does not dominat another person, only helping when he believes the person's life is at risk, and instead allowing them to work out their own problems, to build character.
The other inhabitant, Ine, who calls herself the 'Mistress of Magma' is a lot more subdued, but speaks outwardly more often, feeling naturally at home within the female form. She is more active in her desires to help people, which can sometimes sometimes cause her and Spitfire to argue, while the host stands there and stares off into nothing. While possessing a firey temper and ability to be quite destructive, she prefers to use her Magma's more creative and interesting applications.
Both, however, agree that the world is beautiful, and interesting, and are equally eager to see all it has to offer, and lend their hand to make it flourish, and grow. An interesting mindset for a pair of flaming people, but most often forget the nurturing, loving side of fire.
The third, and least seen of the personalities, is the actual woman who is the host of the two. She mostly appears when Spitfire and Ine are arguing too much to take proper control of the host. She is the most human of the three, and this leads her to be the most confused. She was not expecting the whole ritual to turn out like this, only volunteered for the reward offered to her family. And now she's a flaming Demi-God. She is kind of scared of the whole thing and is extremely overwhelmed by the new abilities she has. She will learn in time, and by her nature is more approachable than the other two. But for right now, she is more antelope in headlights.
Legio uses a hood most of the time to cover her intense crimson eyes, but occasionally throws it back when she wants to show off, or shock people into listening to her. In time of great concentration, or great distraction, her clothes seem to flicker like a flame would, betraying their nature and origin.
Musical Theme: A mortal attempt to touch the divine, Ine is a result of several hundred Druids enacting a grand occultic ritual, combining their essence into one, a girl who had volunteered to be the host for her family's sake. There was a lot of wheeling and dealing with Djinn to get everything they needed for this, the most important of which was claiming the Relic Of Perfectus. Near the ritual's end, the shard of divinity was thrust into her chest, and then the Druids all killed themselves inside the binding circle. The power of the ritual, and the shard of divinity, drew every druid inside the girl, some with Djinns hosted inside them, others simply touched by the Djinn through years of contact with them. They all arrived in the mindscape, a mental construct made to house all the Druids mentalities. Here, their powers manifested, both from external projection of what they could do, and the piece of the Divine granting that actualisation.
Unfortunately, they quickly realised that they where all still in control. Hundreds of people trying to drive a single host did not go well, and what started with bickering and squabbling became a fight for control. Time, as a concept, was distorted in the Mindscape, but it seemed to last a life time. With every death, the remaining denizens got stronger, and more devastating in their battle. Eventually most were laid low, and it ended in a stalemate between Spitfire, and Ine. The two tried to clash with each other, but realised they were far to equally matched, being the last survivors, and thus the inheritors of the full might of all the druids, and the divinity as well. So begrudgingly stood together, not total domination as was expected, but much more than sharing with several hundred others.
Concealment Level: 1 (I believe)
Detection Level: 1 (I believe)