Avatar of KarthaRRinari
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    1. KarthaRRinari 5 yrs ago


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Just an academic looking for some RP experiences. I miss writing and creating stories and characters. I don't get to enjoy video games nearly as much due to the complexities of real life, so I am seeking an alternative outlet.

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Doesn’t have to be that lizard man.

I mean...it would be a quick way to wrap up your story.

That is very true! Could very well be another lizard man...and could very well be a quick wrap up. The law, which is well known, is the removal of a hand for theft. If repeated, the removal of the other hand. If...however one manages...a third offense is made, its death.
Brain: Dont do the thing neph you dont know whats going on.
Nehrus: I DO WHAT I WANT MOM!- does the thing-

Haha! Well, I reached out to webboysurf who said he's been a bit busy the last few days but hasn't forgotten us! I'll give him another day to get a post into the mix. I hope no one minds!
The nearly elven man offers the slightest smirk as he watches the little creature mock the guards for their oversight regarding the shackles. Sizing things for a halfing is always difficult considering the creatures varying dimensions. While the mockery is amusing to him, the guards do not find it equally entertaining. They spit curses in their lisp-filled serpentine language as they kick and poke him toward his new owner, fairly purchased. As such, the law forbids harm against the property of another unless that property has committed a crime. Even under such circumstances, baring murder or other serious equivalents, the property is secured and the issue brought to the owner coupled with a fine.

"You'd best find yourself in a state of silence, for the time being, my little friend." The man states at first, raising his right gloved hand to press his index finger across his lips to gesture quiet. He then leans down and in toward Orin with a minor smile. "...and don't call me Master. Sir or Sire will do, at least in the presence of such as these. In private you may call me Taliman." He gently raises his hand and scruffs Orin's hair a bit in a kind gesture. With that, he looks up as the next bidding begins.

"One moment my friend. Let's see if I can do a little more charity work." He stands up fully, looking now to the new prospect upon the stage. He observes with his arms cross, knowing well not to get involved in the bidding until nearly the end of the auction. He waits quietly, observing the bidding until it comes down to the final two bidders. The wealthy lizardfolk of some significant heritage.

"Two hundred!" He hears the lizardfolk cry brazenly in response to this man whose name escapes Taliman. "Final offer!" The creature spurts with a hissing agitation. Clearly, he is not pleased paying so high for a servant. One wonders what fate would befall the half-orc if sold to such a character.

"Two hundred and one gold!" To Talimans' surprise, the man known as Elias calls one last bid into the mix seeking to win with a slight overage if the lizardfolk truly withdraws. Indeed, the reptile shakes his head and turns away with most of the crowd just started to depart. The final purchase of the day at hand with a secure outcome.

"I hear two hundred and one going once!...Twice!...aanndd sol..." The auctioneer nearly wraps up the bidding with his hammer about to strike the podium before a sudden interruption catches him quite off guard and nearly stunned.

"Two hundred and fifty gold!" Suddenly the voice of Taliman rises and the crowd comes to a halt with some gasps and others speaking to one another in a roar of whispers. Even the most skilled and valuable slaves rarely went for such a price. In fact, nearly eighty-percent of the market runs below one hundred gold each. Prices vary, but mostly when bought in bulk. It has been known for prized slaves to be sold at low costs simply for being part of a single group sold as a package.

The concept of a slave being sold for so high a price bears confusion and suspicion with the auctioneer and the guards, all of whom grasp their long spears more securely as if ready for any possible scenario. Anti-slavers have been known to the city to do such things as this simply to delay the completion of an auction to give time for an attempt at freeing slaves. All eyes now rest solely upon Taliman.

Lol! Might be a bad idea XD
The nearly elven man stands amongst the crowd of greedy, flesh-seeking citizens each of whom bears desires to fulfill. Such ego to associate value to the life of an individual. Such vile monstrous perceptions of life itself to consider the trade, barter, and sale of flesh as mere normality. However, this man dares not question the customs and nature of society so well developed in its policies or laws. He turns, readying himself to depart. He had already placed his valuables in a secure hold at the city bank where he was assured no expense in security. Indeed, he had enchanted the trunk himself for added caution. As such, his business would not rest within the bowls of depravity such as this one.

He turns, beginning to disembark for the scene of corrupt disgust, yet the sound of the crows catch his pointed ears. The mocking calls toward the platform follow the words of a rebellions creature now poised for sale near the end of the morning batch. He pauses and turns around once more, now facing the platform again from his distance presence nearly thirty yards out. The shouts of the woman express hunger, yet the little creature offers a rebellious attitude despite his station and position. The man raises his left gloved hand up, pressing his index finger gently to the base of his chin in contemplation. With the last comments shouted, he spreads a smirk upon his lips with a subtle laugh. Hardly noticeable as to the reason given the crowd laughing as well, but his amusement is unfounded in the debauchery of the crowd, but rather with this short creature spouting defiance.

"I bid twenty gold, and not a copper more!" The nearly elven man shouts out boldly and loudly. A lurch resounds within his stomach for partaking in such unnatural exposé such as this. "Lest you wish to be saddled with offering the lad as a free meal!" Meat markets such as this were certainly not to his liking, but this is not the first time he has ever been exposed to such dealings, and often something is valued over nothing at all.
Good to go Agent! Post at your leisure!
The air of the port city carries the scent of a fresh sea breeze. The sun bears down from the west across the dunes of a distant Sandscape, reaching far out into the kingdom of Achuak Iejir. The great port city of Allora bustles with merchants, slavers, commoners of every trade, and more personages of interest. Citizens appear as varying lizardfolk and dragonkin with a minority of other known races including elves, dwarves, humans, gnomes, orcs and more. It is easy to see where wealth and prosperity fall upon the citizenry with the reptilian populace better dressed, equipped, and in finer health. An occasional non-reptilian individua with wealth is found, though with a ratio of 25:2.

The kingdom of Achuak Iejir is well known for its superlative economy and for its leading dictator; the ancient green dragon Rivosphent. Port cities line the Western coastline along the kingdom's border with the great sea. Ships sail in and out bearing vast quantities of goods and supplies and some bearing great wealth on their return from the Western continent known as The United Empire. Long has the kingdom of Achuak Iejir sought to dominate the global market, and every ship brings Achuak Iejir one step closer to that vast goal.

A ship freshly docked is unloaded by a mixture of races both from across the sea and citizens of the great city. An Elven looking man, Taliman, of moderate wealth by his guise and wardrobe departs from the ship heading well into the city through the core road along the merchant's path. Stalls are riddled with goods from fine cloth to exotic food. Some merchants appear to offer armor while others offer weapons.

This man flows through the streets as if unmoved by the bantering calls of tradesmen and merchants. The slightly pointed arch of his ears twitches at the calls of an auctioneer near a slave market. Taliman approaches, with obvious disgust born in his eyes and expression. It is unknown if he is disgusted by the slaves or the slavers, by the culture or the intolerance, or by some other unknown presence. He looks upon the gathering of chained individuals, each with a sign around their neck bearing prices in draconic numerical markings.

"Come and see what we have today! Fresh servants for your grand estates! Soldiers for your militias! Heh! Target practice for your own pleasure!" The auctioneer cries out such a crude description of the enslaved as two great serpent-like guards well armed and armored grab one individual after another and tosses them upon the presentation platform. Those who resist are harshly whipped. Those who try to flee...are slain without warning.

Name: Alath'zor
Origin: Unknown
Populated Races: All
Global Population: Over Two Billion
Religion: Varied Pantheons
Global Progress Level: Between the Middle Ages and the Age of Reason (dandwiki.com/wiki/MSRD:Progress_Level…)

Global Description
Alath'zor is divided into two continents. The western continent is known by the majority of its populace as The United Empire, though its kingdoms for the past few hundred years have put such a title to shame. The Eastern continent is known as Wer Thaczil Di Zezhuanth Iejir, better known as, translated into the common tongue from Draconic, The Land of Ancient Blood. Between the two continents is vast and open sea approximately the size of two Pacific Oceans. In the other direction, the sea is as vast as the single Pacific Ocean.

Global Economy

Cross-continent trade is highly valued as the Eastern continent posses vastly superior resources in both quantity and quality. However, the cost of such valuables on the Western continent is nearly three times the standard value. A longsword, while priced at 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper for steel on the Eastern continent, costs 29 gold 9 silver 7 copper in the West. A recent economical attack on the kingdom of Zaer'azhul, the core economic support system for the West, by an unknown assailant has caused great unrest resulting in a dynamic shift in costs. Items, materials, equipment, food, and all goods have risen in value in the West by another fifty percent (approximate); thus a longsword is valued at 44 gold 9 silver 9 copper.

Note: If referencing 3.5e equipment and material tables for cost, multiply by sixty-six percent to generate the standard costs for the Eastern continent. For the Western continent, take that number and multiply by 4.5. (i.e. 3.5e values a longsword at 15 gold. 15 x 66% = 9.99 = 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper (Eastern Continent Value). For the West, 9.99 x 4.5 = 44.995 = 44 gold 9 silver 9 copper (Western Continent Value) A dagger is 2 gold. 2 x 66% = 1.32 = 1 gold 5 silver 2 copper (ECV) 1.32 x 4.5 = 5.94 = 5 gold 9 silver 4 copper (WCV). This is a general idea of the current economy.

Kingdoms of Note

Zaer'azhul: The primary economic infrastructure for the Western Continent. Zaer'azhul is also known for its anti-magic laws and hatred for the arcane. The kingdom is very religious, and even makes a firm stand against any technological developments. Oddly enough, this kingdom is not coastal and possesses no docks for cross-continental trade. They pride themselves on their own mines, farms, and other resources versus importing exotic goods. Their political agenda to ride all of the West of arcane arose over two hundred years ago due to a conglomerate of Red Wizards who banded together in an effort to dominate the entire West. With the success of their downfall, Zaer'azhul fell into extremist upheaval. Seeing the danger of the arcane, they enacted laws to ride their kingdom of all sources. Hundreds of thousands of refugees poured into the surrounding kingdoms as arcane artifacts were destroyed during a great purge. However, the other kingdoms made a stand against their desire to enact this purge across the entire West. An agreement as brokered where the surrounding kingdoms would act to contain and restrain arcane citizens from ever entering Zaer'azhul. In exchange, Zaer'azhul would maintain its laws within its own borders.

Vaera'dhun: Another kingdom in the West, one which prides itself on its diplomacy and ability to intermediate cross-kingdom tensions in the West. seven-hundred and fifty years ago, representatives of Vaera'dhun were responsible for the creation of a united effort throughout the West to ensure peace across all the kingdoms. However, with the rise of the anti-magic laws over two hundred years ago, efforts to maintain peace have been strained nearly beyond Vaera'dhun's abilities to control. With the more recent economic crash in Zaer'azhul, tensions have risen to a boiling point and the West stands on the edge of a blade.

Achuak Iejir: The primary kingdom in the East, Achuak Iejir has been ruled by an ancient green dragon for nearly four-thousand years. Many of his descendants have spread far and wide, attempting to divide the great kingdom of the mighty serpent, but to no avail. The three adjoining kingdoms are vastly smaller in size and are ruled by his offspring; their existence tolerated by his mercy alone. For their continued exploration of the Eastern continent, they are permitted to exist so that the costs of their explorations are not imposed upon Achuak Iejir. A fine capital agreement to be certain. Who knows what will happen once the entire Eastern continent is explored. With the recent economic attack by Achuak Iejir primary rival in the West, Achuak Iejir has already begun working to dominate the global economy by raising the value of its cross-continental goods drastically. The great serpent seeks to establish himself as the overlord of the economy and, perhaps in time, bring all kingdoms to heel under his banner. Attempts to slay the serpent have been few and far between, with the closest recalled as a spear which fell fifty feet short of his serpents nearly impenetrable hide. Some rumors suggest the assailant still suffers to this day...somewhere.
Thunderous explosions rip through the air in a sequence as the great galleon continues to take on more assaults from the assailants thus far identified as mere 'pirates,' according to the observations of the panic-stricken crew. Moments after the individuals within the room reclaim their senses and begin to apply effort in escaping the already decimated protection of their cabin, great whines of wood and the harsh snaps of rope follow. Indeed, the main mast had immediately been snapped. What maddened crew would dare consider such a violent assault amidst a storm so vile and chaotic a ship can barely maintain its own stability without additional efforts? The mast comes down harshly to crash upon the upper deck. Screams and cries of pain follow along with fear. The thinned sound of splashes wafts from the sea as some of the crew were tossed into the raging waves surrounding them.

The man in the doorway immediately reclaimed what was left of his shock to the assault which threw him so harshly into the wall of the cabin. For any who would take even the slightest moment to observe, pieces of wood stick out from various points of his armor. Which had pierced and inflicted greater injury, such observations would require the grace of time which none of them currently possess. He turns sharply, heading toward the stair leading to the upper deck with all haste. For one so injured, he seemed to move quite well.

"Quickly!" He shouts to the group once more; obviously bearing no desire to find an end within the bowls of a ship. For one so prepared to face their situation, he remains oddly calm and keeps his blade within its sheath. Perhaps drawing before a target presents itself is his preference? In either case, he leads the group topside.

To the eyes of the gathering, a nightmarish scene one would think reserved only for the horrors of the deepest pits of hell befalls them. Members of the crew, limp and bloodied, sail across the surface of the deck with the crashing waves which wash over the edges of the ship. Smoke riddles the deck for moments after each explosion of a cannon as the crew attempts to return fire in what is hardly an ideal environment for any reliable method of targetting. The captain stands at the helm, holding fast to the great wheel of the ship in an effort to maintain control of the great vessel.

"Hold until you have a clear view, lads! Anticipate the waves!" The captain desperately cries out his commands in an effort to improve their likelihood of survival against the onslaught. The center mast lay across the ship with the bodies of nearly a half-dozen crew trapped beneath, most of whom are dead and squished into a horrendous sight. Holes already riddle the sides of the ship, and more cannon fire comes inward from the opposition far off in the distance, now off the starboard of the ship. The captain had obviously made due efforts to turn them in an optimal angle for returning fire. The port side barely had any guns left, thus to face starboard was the most tactical decision.

"Hold your fire lads! Wait for it!" The captain cries out once more with a massive wave coming up toward them. The figure of a man in dark leather grips hold to a rope lashed to the forward center mast still standing, seeking a source for stability. He stares upon the great wave of the sea with gruesome disgust. As explosions are seen from the opposing ship, the wave rises upward and would seem to block most of the next assault. Such luck! Only a couple of balls stream across the deck of the ship, with only one landing a blow to the lower side.

"Fire! Fire! All hands fire!" The captain cries for his crew to ignite their cannons just as the great wave starts to decline. The crew cries out in turn, spreading the message swiftly as loud as their voices can carry through the storm. They all hunch down and ignite the cannons which moments later explode one after the other. A dozen and a half rippling torrents of smoke and fire fly from the ship as their violently intended shots sail over the crashing wave and seem to land truly against the opposition. Even from this distance, two of their masts are seen to crash across their deck just moments after.
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