The sound of her heels clicking along the sidewalk as she made her way into the silent school was enough to draw attention, but the look on her face was even more to shove it away. She was concerned for the commissioners son and yet knew that they would be ass deep in media questions before the hour was up. She nodded to Reid as he moved beside her. "That's perfect. We'll find a conference room back at the station that we can use to walk through everything you have there."
She almost growled as her thoughts turned back to the scene. She started to speak out loud, more to get a few things off her chest than anything else. "Why wasn't it in the initial report that we received that Marco's son was hurt in the aftermath of this even? I don't understand why he wasn't being covered with his usual body guard. I'm sure this is going to get blown way out of proportion and we'll be left to hang if we don't figure out what we're going to tell the press. I just pray Owen found something that will lead us to the end of this rope and not be left holding it."
She walked into the nurses office, her eyes catching the dark crimson rags that lay about as the older woman tried to talk with a younger police man, tears streaked down her face and her voice quite frantic. Tryner breathed in slowly and let it out before walking to the woman and touching the officer on the shoulder. "I'm Captain Tryner and I'll take over here, okay? Thanks for your help and if you want to join the rest of your squad I think they were finishing up outside."
He nodded and gave her a look of appreciation before moving out of the room, a nod toward Reid as well. Lauren touched the older woman's arm and motioned for her to sit down.
"I'm sure we've gathered your statement a few times now at this point, so I won't ask you the same questions, but I do need to know if the Commissioners son was in here and if so, is the Commissioner still here or headed to the hospital?" She paused and the woman sat up a little, swallowing her fear and trying to concentrate.
"H-he was just here, but he's headed to the hospital with his son now. They left, oh I don't know, twenty minutes ago." She touched her head and closed her eyes.
Lauren looked at Reid with a look of exasperation at missing Marco. "Okay, thank you for your time." She turned and walked from the room, motioning for Reid to come with her. "I'm going to need a ride to the hospital. Score us a car from somewhere and I'll find Owen to let him know he's in charge for the time being."