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Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
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The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
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We're still a colony XD
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Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassi stared at Nic for a moment longer. She could understand his concern but it wasn't needed. Cassi took another sip of her whiskey before she caved.

”Fine but it's incredibly unnecessary.” Cassi took the glass of water and drank most of it before she set both glasses down near a chair. She needed her hands free to get herself a plate of food.

Cassiopeia took notice of Avery and Kiki having not arrived and wondered if they were doing what she wished Nic and her would already do. Cassi angrily piled food onto her plate. And Nic wondered why she drank. She needed some sort of release.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassi looked away from Nero and opened a second bottle of whiskey. She poured herself a glass before answering Nero. ”I didn’t say that.” She went to take a sip of her whiskey when Nic presented her with a glass of water.

Cassi stared at the glass of water and then up at Nic. She lowered her glass of whiskey and cocked her head to the side. ”You do know I’m a three-hundred-year-old sorcerer, right? I can’t even remember the last time I was properly drunk." She sipped her whiskey and watched Nic over the rim of her glass.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassi grinned, her eyes lighting up. ”How is it I love you more than I did two seconds ago?” Cassi pulled Nic to a stop and kissed him deeply.

The sound of Nero's hoarding ways made Cassi laugh and pull back from Nic. She switched places with him and pulled Nic along with her arms behind her. She walked over to the set up of food.

”Fine. Then the whiskey is mine,” Cassi countered and looked sideways at Nero. At least she could laugh at Nero's poor joke about taking souls. That was progress right?

”What on earth are you wearing?” Cassi started at Nero, fully taking in their outfit. There was no way Caden bought that.


Location: Police Station – Chicago, IL

Caden walked in, handcuffed and escorted, into a sleepy little Chicago police station. At least it was sleepy by Chicago's standards. Half a dozen police officers walked about behind the desk, answering the ringing phones and talking to people on the other side of the desk. The bull pen held a smattering of cops milling about but when Caden walked in bloody and with an entourage, all conversation seemed to momentarily pause. Caden had the strong urge to make some salacious comment but the clearing of Detective Costa's throat had him holding his tongue and the rest of the police force getting back to work.

”Put him in one of the basement holding cells.”

Caden came to a full stop. The cop escorting him nearly fell over. Caden glanced at them before looking back at Costa as if to say, “yes, I am stronger than you.”

”You can't be serious?”

“Why wouldn't I be?” Costa crossed his arms and raised a questioning eyebrow at Caden. “You are a monster, something that shouldn't be. I have to treat you as such Caden. You fucked up and I have to make sure everyone here knows I'm following the book. So yes, you go downstairs to the isolated holding cells. You need to cool down and I need time to figure out the paperwork.”

Caden glared at the detective and Costa stared back. “Don't push me Caden. One of the protocols for you helping us was to give us some of your weaknesses. I don't expect the iridium to kill you but I do expect it to weaken you enough you won't be much trouble.”

”I wasn't going to be,” Caden growled.

“Good, but appearances must be kept.” Costa nodded to the cop holding Caden. They tugged on Caden but the dragon shifter didn't move right away. He glared at Costa a moment longer before turning away.

Caden stared at the floor while he was led downstairs and locked into a cell. As soon as the iron and silver imbued bars were closed, Caden felt lightheaded.

The dragon raged inside Caden's head, demanding they get out now. Iridium wouldn't kill Caden, but it would severely weaken him. Caden was already drained from shifting and using his magic so much that he could already feel the effects. Caden sat on the small cot in the corner that wasn't nearly long or wide enough for him. He leaned forward and rested his head in his hands, refusing to touch any of the iridium and spell infused walls.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero's House - Chicago, IL

The satisfaction Avery felt from Kimiko wrapping herself around him is immediate. He kissed her deeply as he held her, more than happy to keep holding her the way he was. The stress of the day seemed to fade away while Avery held Kimiko. He wasn’t worried about the barrier or where Caden might be. He wasn’t worried about the full moon tomorrow night or how Nero was doing. All that mattered was the woman in his arms.

Kimiko’s tongue traced Avery’s lips, and he sighed, parting them happily for her. Avery turned and took careful steps to the bed. He knelt on the edge before he laid Kimiko down, tangling his tongue with hers while sliding his hands up her body.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

”Mmm covered in the blood of my enemies, maybe?” Cassi asked, unable to resist. She let Nic pull her along, her attention completely focused on him. Nic always had a way of drowning out the world for Cassiopeia. One look at him and things quieted. Holding his hands or being in his arms was the perfect thing to bring her back to the present.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero's House - Chicago, IL

Avery laughed, pleased he had succeeded in getting Kimiko flustered. It wasn't difficult to do so, but it was a challenge to get her to give in to him. Avery didn't waste time. He watched Kimiko kick her dress away as he walked towards her. She had just finished calling him insatiable, and his hands grabbed her hips.

”You have no idea,” he whispered before kissing her deeply. Avery's hand tightened on her hips before they moved to cup her ass and lifted her off the ground.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

The relief on Nic's face was unmistakable. Cassi wondered just what was going on in his head to make him worry so much. She took a step forward to ask, when Nic caught her up in arms. Shock moved across Cassi's features but was quickly dissipated when he kissed her.

Cassi wrapped her arms around Nic and kissed him back with equal passion. She felt weightless, and it wasn't until she felt the ground under her feet again that she realized Nic had picked her up and spun her around.

Cassi blushed from Nic's words, her arms still wrapped around his neck. ”I suppose Kiki thought you deserved enough teasing for one day. Although, it seems it doesn't matter what I wear. You still find me attractive in some capacity.”


Location: Mystic Dreams – Chicago, IL

While Caden waited for the police, he surveyed the damage. It was a sobering act, and Caden was starting to come back to neutral. Cassi was going to kill him. Nero was going to be hurt that he just left, and also, possibly, kill him.

Caden sighed and rubbed his suddenly tired face. Red and blue lights assaulted his vision, colouring him in a strange combination of colours. Caden stepped out the front door.

A flurry of movement occured with several cops screaming at him to get down. This wasn't the first time Caden heard this. He held his hands up and away from his body before kneeling down.

“Stand down, stand down!” Costa's voice carried over the panicked voices and most of the cops stopped moving. Costa walked onto the sidewalk and over to Caden. He took in Caden's appearance before looking at the store behind him.

“How bad?”

”Bad enough that the regular cops will think I'm the next serial killer,” Caden said.

Costa sighed and looked up at the sky. It sounded like he was praying for deliverance. Caden tried not to laugh.

“Fine, but you owe me.”

”Don't I already do your job for you?”

“Watch it, Caden. I still have to arrest you and I don't have to call anyone.”

Caden stared at a spot on the street, trying to keep his face blank but many emotions crossed his face. It wasn't anything he didn't deserve, but he would also make Costa's life a living hell once Caden decided he wanted redemption.

”Just don't let anyone other than Cass into that shop.”

Costa nodded and waved a cop over to arrest Caden. Costa then grabbed Caden up by the neck and arms and pushed him towards one of the cop cars.

“Was it worth it?’ Costa asked as they walked.

”Yes.” The arresting cop stared at Caden with a shocked expression. She looked at his bloodied shirt and narrowed her eyes. Caden smiled, completely uncaring. The first time Caden walked back into the police station to help on a case, he was sure she would be there to either arrest him or assist on the case.

Caden was shoved unceremoniously into the back seat while Costa relayed orders. The shop was locked up and the special task force was called in to babysit the shop. Thankfully, he didn't tape anything across the doors. There would already be enough trouble for Cassi getting her customers back when she was able to open her shop again.

Caden shut his eyes and tried to drown out the world but he couldn't stop the demon's words or the feeling of the cop in the front seat staring him down while she drove to the station.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero's House - Chicago, IL

Avery grinned, crossing his arms and puffed out his chest slightly. ”Est-ce que ça marche?” His eyes roamed Kimiko’s nearly naked body, clearly hungry for her.

Avery felt like they were just starting to get to a good place again. He couldn’t deny that he wanted to keep that momentum going, and that meant taking advantage of every situation he could to get her alone so he could love her properly.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Cass had just finished pulling the crewneck over her head when she heard Nic’s voice. Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of it and his nervousness. She smiled, her mind wandering easily from his words, but Cassi wasn’t going to make this harder than it already was.

She was wearing an oversized lounge outfit, perfect for hiding everything that she had been exposing earlier. She pulled her hair back into a high pony before opening the door.

”I’m okay. You look comfy,” she said cheerfully, determined not to succumb to the urge she had of wanting to rest her hands on his chest or grip his arms.

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Botanical Gardens — New Orleans

Antoinette nodded in understanding. She took everyone’s advice to heart, but Antoinette felt confident in her ability. She had a natural curiosity and compassion that she was sure would aid in her ability to not push Mary over the edge. That being said, as the group moved forward, Gambit decided to approach his sister first. Initially, Antoinette didn’t think that was a bad idea. She figured he or Guin would be the best option in trying to talk to Mary and help her stay in control.

Antoinette stopped several feet away from Mary, almost next to Perry when Perry collapsed. Antoinette knelt down beside Perry, her hands hovering around the woman in a way that said she wanted to help but didn’t want to overwhelm Perry. Antoinette glanced back at Mary, debating on what the best course of action would be.

”Guin…Mary’s already got another voice in her head. I think any more would overwhelm her, but we need to keep her mind stable enough while we work on the Phoenix. She knows your mind best aside from her own, but I might be able to create the illusion of calm in her head with your help.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero's House - Chicago, IL

Preoccupied with kissing Kiki's neck, Avery didn't answer her first question. He held fast when she squirmed against him. Avery tightened his hold on her hips and pulled her in closer. He rubbed himself against her butt, grinning.

”I'm not quite there yet, but if you give me a few minutes I'm sure to rise to the occasion,” Avery said wickedly.

He lifted his left hand from her hip to turn Kimiko's face to look at him. He kissed her lips swiftly before he completely released her and walked away.

Avery slipped off the leather straps, letting them hang around his hips, and started to unbutton his shirt. When he was freed, Avery turned around while taking his shirt off. He faced Kimiko once more and tossed his shirt onto the bed.

”The food will be fine even if we are a few minutes late,” he said, answering her first statement.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit Hair Make-up

Cassiopeia managed to get her dress off with a bit of magical help. The silk fabric fell to the floor and she stepped out of it. Cassi looked down at her feet and wiggled her toes. They were dirty from walking barefoot through the woods. Cassi suppressed a giggle and turned on the water at the sink to wash her feet.

She hummed to herself while she soaked a cloth and cleaned her soiled feet. Despite all this, Cassi's mind continued to wander back to Nic. She glanced at the door, wondering what sort of state he was in. Cassi mediated briefly on the thought that she would feel less wound up if she just took care of herself. She knew how to do it quickly, but those thoughts deteriorated into thoughts of Nic and the time he took to please her. Cassi sighed and sat on the cool tile floor with the water still running into the sink. Why did this have to be so difficult?


Location: Mystic Dreams – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting; Ancient Magic

“You can't be serious.” The demon started at Caden, wondering if the shapeshifter was crazier than he realized.

”Deadly,” Caden's eyes darkened as he grinned. He approached the demon and pointed the blade to their chest and slowly pushed. ”After all, I have what he wants. Perhaps I can strike up some sort of deal.”

The demon tilted their head to the side, a terrifyingly close gesture to one Nero might do. They smiled and repeated words that carried the weight of a ritual.

“You must feel the wrath at killing another, the lust in taking off their flesh, to envy and steal that which belongs to another. To send someone you care for to beat and kill another that has helped you in the past.” The demon watched the realization of what he was saying dawn on Caden's face and started to laugh. It started quietly, more of a snicker before it evolved into something louder and wilder.

Caden backed away from the demon. He rubbed a hand over his face and started pacing. Could he do it? Could he kill that many people and enjoy it? Caden had certainly felt lust, greed and envy. And he experienced gluttony daily, but in the way the demon was implying? Caden turned his head to glare at the demon who continued to laugh. If he could kill demons in this way, Caden would certainly feel the deadly sins with no qualms.

In the distance, sirens could be heard. Caden flipped his knife around and stalked towards the demon.

”Sorry, but it seems our time is up.” The demon started to panic and went to run, but it was pointless. The demon was trapped and Caden was quicker.

Caden grabbed the demon by its neck and pinned them against his chest. ”Thank you for your help.”

Caden's eyes flared, and the magic holding the demon in place vanished. Caden grinned as soon as he felt hope flare in the demon's body. They wiggled against Caden, ready to smoke out when Caden clamped his hand over the demon's mouth and whispered an ancient word of power and death.

The demon's eyes widened moments before Caden felt them go limp. He titled the creature's neck back and sliced it open before discarding the demon. Caden wiped the bloody knife on his polluted clothes, and slipped it away. The police sirens growing closer.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero's House - Chicago, IL

Avery chuckled and continued to kiss Kimiko's shoulder and up her neck. ”I can be quick, too. I just prefer to take my time.” Avery slid his hands back on Kimiko's hips to move her dress lower. He tugged the fabric down so it fell and he pushed it down her hips.

”Are you sure you don't want me to be quick?” He had reached her ear with his kissing and whispered in her ear before biting her lobe.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit Hair Make-up

Cassiopeia's mind wandered to how Nic felt her hands when she saw him shift his weight. Goddess save her, she wanted him badly. Cassi bit her lip, staring at the chest that was revealed to her by Nic's open shirt.

[color=#DB7093][I]”Ifrinn fhuilteach,”[/color] Cassi cursed. She grabbed the whiskey and her clothes before hiding in the bathroom. She locked the door for good measure, not trusting herself to not walk out of the bathroom stark naked and demand Nic take her on the bathroom floor.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero's House - Chicago, IL

Avery's attention shifted when a black dress invaded his vision. His eyes slid up Kimiko's dress to find the zipper she needed help with. He smiled despite the situation and placed his hands on Kimiko's shoulders.

”I'm actually looking forward to messing with Caden a bit.” In a petty way it was almost like payback for Caden making Avery work over time.

Avery moved away from the door and slid his hands to Kimiko's zipper. His eyes followed the zipper, taking in the colour of Kiki's skin as more was revealed to him.

”How long do you think we have?” he asked. Once he finished unzipping her dress, Avery rested his hands on Kimiko's hips, and kissed the top of her left shoulder.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit Hair Make-up

Cassiopeia smirked, her eyes wandering to Nic's hands while he unbuttoned his shirt. ”Well, the room is soundproof,” Cassi said, pushing the idea further.

Her body felt tight with the idea of taking Nic into the shower. Her mind flooded back to how Nic looked at her earlier when she walked out to meet him. She took a shuddering breath in from the thoughts swirling in her head and stood.

”I should go change,” she said feeling breathless.


Location: Mystic Dreams – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting;

“I already told you. The King wants his Queen back. I assure you Mundus is alive and well and looking for Nero. They've been obsessed with them for hundreds of years. I've never understood the appeal.” The demon spat a mouthful of blood to the side before sneering at Caden.

”If he desires them so much then why hasn't he come for them himself?”

“Because you don't send a King to do medial tasks!”

”Or because he isn't able to,” Caden said. The realization dawned on him and he slowly smiled. ”He's trapped, isn't he? Or not at full strength yet.”

“You know nothing! Mundus gets what he wants regardless of his current state. He filled Nero's head with horrid thoughts and tortured them until they finally gave in. The same will happen again.”

”I don't think so. The world has changed since Mundus ruled.” Caden released the demon. They dropped to the floor and glared at Caden while he walked away from them.

Caden turned back around and watched the demon. He pointed the bloody knife at them. A pleasant smile sat on Caden's as if he had just read something enjoyable. The demon shifted uncomfortably, quickly realizing they did not have the upper hand.

”How do I get in contact with your so-called King?”
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