Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero's House - Chicago, IL
Avery ate the majority of his meal by the time Kimiko came back. He noted how she sat further away from him than she had before. He frowned and shuffled closer so at least their legs were touching. Avery finished the rest of his meal while Nero told them about his plan.
Avery choked on his last bit of food. He drank some of his water before coughing to clear his throat. "Remind me if I ever have to get back at someone to enlist Nero's help. That is a rather thorough plan. I just figured we would rearrange some books onto random shelves."
Avery rested his hand on Kimiko's knee and used it to stand. He walked over to the table full of food still and gathered enough for a second helping.
Cassiopeia found herself watching Nic's hands. The glow of the dashboard danced over his fingers while he thought about what she said. Cassi suddenly wished in that moment that Nic didn't know about this part of her life, or about how bad it could get. She wished for something separate from this life. A place she could run to and not be Cassiopeia Claire Alistair, an all powerful sorceress with a dragon for a best friend and a demon for an enemy.
Cassi shouldn't have been surprised by his answer but she was. She felt her cheeks heat up with a pricking in her eyes. She turned her head to stare out the window. She breathed deeply in an effort to hold the hot tears back that threatened to spill down her cheeks.
"It's not the first time I've had to clean up a mess," she told Nic.