Christian Jones
Character Quote:
Character Summary
Name: Christian Jones
Aliases: Chris
Age: Unknown; Looks to be in his early thirties.
Birthday: Unknown
Ethnicity: African Descent
Species: Reaper
Birth Place: Unknown
Gender: Male
Languages: All
Height: 6’
Weight: 165
Body Type: Athletic
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Black
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Blue Diamond stud piercing left ear
Personal Style:
Quiet * Intense * Loyal * Over-Bearing * Inquisitive * Obsessive
Sexuality: Unknown
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Adapts, blends in, comforting and compassionate. Passionate about his role to the point of being overbearing and obsessive. Has an intense look that comes across as if he is staring into your very soul.
Hobbies: Reading; People watching;
- Art Museums
- Memoir books
- Animals
- Nature
- Littering
- Rudeness
- Reaping children
- Violent Killers
Not much is known about Christian before he became a reaper. Was he born a reaper? Did he die and then get turned into one? Even Christain doesn’t know. For as long as he can remember, he has been bringing souls to the other side. Heaven, Hell, and everywhere in between. It is all he knows. He has remained loyal to Death and neutral in his task, but recently he has been questioning all the seemingly senseless deaths in the world. The children who die and the violent deaths. Of course, Christian is happy when the souls choose to move on, but those who remain have started to stick with Christian. Why would some of these people decide to stay behind, watching those live on, ignorant of the pain they caused or the loss the families are feeling?
Currently, Christian is searching for a purpose in his life. Something to give immortality meaning again.
Additional Information
Theme Song: Spooky -- Dusty Springfield
Reaper lore taken from Supernatural Wiki