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    1. Keksalot 9 yrs ago


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Then i'll just exert my will through puppets and ghouls and gangs and a never-seen-but-highly-influential citizen persona like any sensible bloodsucker should.
By the way, is it possible for a singular vampire to be accepted as a honorary citizen and member of the civilized society due to his complete cooperation with the city's institutions which he may or may not almost completely own and his humane and benevolent nature?
"No sir, not a single drop, never for the last 136 years! A very rare, properly prepared steak - yes. A whole cow, and a completely legally acquired one, mind you, if it was a particularily taxing night - yes. But long gone are the days of silently visiting scantily clad maidens in their towers and castles, long gone."
Tzimisce is what i was inspired by, thanks, transferring it to the Characters now!
Made the charsheet, it's a wip but still

Oooh, i want in on this. I wanna be either a particularly cunning ogre or an old vampire with a strongly feudalistic outlook on life and unlife.
Name: Gustav Adelbert Friedkind

Nickname: Wichtel

Age: 17


Personality: Spiteful, vicious, petty, manipulative and hungry for attention of a very specific sort. In his late teens Gustav, who grew up in a very strict and conservative family suffered through a serious depression and a mental breakdown followed by a total failure at a school exam, which he took INCREDIBLY seriously. The prolonged period of apathy and sadness came to end with the discovery and horrible misinterpretation of the works of Nietzsche, as Gustav came to understand the messages author conveyed as an explicit permission to do whatever he wanted and was ready to do. At first, of course, the rudeness, petty mischef and denial of authority happened solely to attract attention and pity from the society, but as he failed to achieve the sort of attention he desired, Gustav devolved into more and more lowly and vicious deeds, which, eventually, resulted in his detention - in the most simple words, after doing really bad at his exams, Gustav threw a temper tantrum that went on for two years and isn't about to stop anytime soon. Probably. Maybe. He doesn't really remember why he is in the asylum, but he knows for sure that earlier he had made some stupid mistakes - and that all of the world is against him and hates him. Now he only makes serious moves when he is ready and completely sure of success, in meanwhile attempting to secure a good standing with orderlies and doctors through cooperation and very plausible feigning of accepting his medications. Interestingly, he is also genuinely nice to most of other inmates - since they are in this dreadful place too, they are hated by this world just as much as him!

“Psychiatric” condition: Interestingly, Gustav actually has a completely real, not made-up psychopathic personality disorder - he REALLY does not feel many things other people feel and he actually is uninhibited by morale and ethics in the way sane people are. He honestly admits the existence of his ilness to the good doctors - though he tries to conceal the extent and seriousness of his condition - and is always cooperative, prepared to fight and overcome his illness and ready to help the medical personnel in any way he can.

Actual 'Gifts': Gustav posesses two gifts. First one is the ability to... be unnoticeable. It makes people around to simply not register him with their perceptions, whether he is actively hiding or standing right in front of them - peoples' brains simply strike him out of the enviroment. This extends towards any sort of influence Gustav exterts on the world - i.e. if he opens a door or window while someone watches, they will simply consider that it was opened by a draft. In the cases when an occurence cannot be explained rationally, people still can't link it to Gustav, whom they still can not notice - for example, they will simply SUDDENLY understand that they are bleeding from a knife wound or have their arm broken or somehow ended up losing their keys despite gripping them firmly in their fist.
Currently, the power activates subconsciously when Gustav is really afraid of being seen or noticed and any sort of active actions on his side might disturb the effect his power has on people. As his ability and understanding of it grows, he will be able to uphold it no matter what and turn it on and off selectively and at-will.
The weakness of his power is that as of now, he evaporates from the perceptions of ALL people when it is active - for example, neither other pedestrians nor the driver of a speeding car will see him if he crosses the road and nobody at all will notice him if he stands in the line of fire between a shooter and his actual target.

Gustav's second, seemingly unrelated ability is that he is a supernaturally good mimic - after some practice and study, he can learn to emulate a person's voice so precisely that he can masquerade as their own thoughts, not to speak about actually impersonating that person over the phone or scaring people with lion-like roaring.

Crush: Open
Other: Open

Roommate: If it's not a PC then i'd like to have Sammy, a bald guy with a vicious underbite who spends every 15 minutes of every hour standing against the eastern wall of whatever room he is in with his arms outstretched in the shape of a cross. His yet-unknown power is being able to quickly regenerate by consuming copious amounts of raw meat and to deadlift two metric tons. Nobody tells any inmates why he is in the asylum or what's his disorder. He and Gustav are good friends.

Played by: Keksalot.
Ooh, i want to apply! I want to make a person who actually has a psychiatric condition and whose ability is for people to be unable to actually notice or register his presence or his influence on the surroundings unless he wants them to.
King, visibly worried about Takumi, who was left behind due to the beloved coach's issues with their small unit's tactics, glanced at his comrad still on the battlefield, being slowly boxed in, and then turned his gaze back at the instructor, still holding Gloria tightly by the forearm as she probably held him and loudly, energetically replied to the scolding in the way he imagined a professional soldier would:

"Sir, I am most sorry Sir, but could i please ask permission to leave the knife sheathed on my person for i feel extremely uncomfortable without it! 'Tis not a crutch but something i've mistakenly considered a viable tactic for use during this course! I shall act most proper and honorably from now on and until the end of the excercise! Additionally, could i plead for Takumi to be granted the same short rest we've just received, sir?! He is put into a very unfair circumstances by being separated from his team!"
King wasn't quite as hard as Gloria or as adept at messing with peoples' heads as Takumi - but still, he was more than adequately quick on his feet and with his wits, which allowed him to immediately understand Gloria's plan and keep up with her movements without stumbling, being dragged behind her or getting his arm yanked out of the socket by his incredibly mighty comrade. His own left hand, already pale due to disturbed blood flow, too wrapped around Gloria's forearm with all the strength he could muster in order to more safely tether him to his battering ram of a partner as he followed behind her like a railroad carriage would follow the locomotive. Of course, he didn't forget her warning and so, dutifully watched her back and flanks - and was quite effective at it, for he came to the class prepared for exactly the type of training where Noble Arms would be prohibited. In an wondrously swift, almost unnoticeable movement, his free hand suddenly turned out to hold a quite long, very sharp and, most importantly, utterly mundane knife - it was a mystery how he managed to hide it properly inside of his gym pants, but the fact of it now being in his hands remained undisputed and turned out to be a very effective way of warding off any would-be attackers that attempted to most dishonorably and cowardly tag Gloria from behind or attempt to make her vulnerable by dragging the King away - the chinaman swung his weapon in a seemingly wild and agressive pattern, making sure that nobody would dare to enter his control zone, but still carefully enough in order to not be disarmed by some wannabe martial artist.
This ancient and venerable technique - being unafraid to use a knife and walking in pairs with a trusted battle-mate in order to automatically un-freeze each other despite all tries to tag you both - was probably as old as the game of tag itself and allowed King to remain victorious throughout countless games on the grim, dangerous streets of his unspecified homecity in Taiwan and it sure as hell would not let him and Gloria down now.
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