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S-s-s-so, how would Luff react to someone awaiting him at his home with an offer that is very hard to refuse? If in a way that is at least somehow different from immediately proceeding to murder then i'll write a post.
I think i'll buff up my guy's mental capabilities if nobody is opposed to that.
Sup guys, this game seems super fuckin cool and i want in, can i try to make a charsheet?
My idea is a superhero (or maybe even a villain) named Scary Monsters whose power is to take on aspects and abilities and banes of characters from fables, fairy tales, folk stories and other powerful media and strongly enforce laws of narrative universe around him - e.g. if he takes on the form of Big Bad Wolf then everyone around him is straight FUCKED and has to believe his most retarded lies unless a lumberjack comes along, or if he takes up the aspect of Rumpelstiltskin he will be forced to begin - and always quickly complete - a task that is asked of him by anyone, but always for a great price unless the inquirer knows his name.
In the zone of the narrative law, things and possibilities are supernaturally compelled and swayed to unfold as in the world of the fable of his choosing - bullets will not hurt a bold Hero who believes that he is clad in the armor of True Love and Truth, a renown Evil Champion will wreak untold havoc and infinite murder until confronted with his highly specific bane - and if the bane isn't around then well, tough tits, shame you couldn't find a person pure of heart armed with a magical sword before you was ripped into pieces by the angry dragon.

Too dark/OP/unfitting for the game? Tell me if yes.
Wanna torture folks together? If you are Sage you could have even given me my powers.

Only if you manage to convince my guy to embrace his destiny as that of a new master of the world.
Also, are there still places in your Power Corrupts game? I have an idea for a guy that i wanted to use for quite some time.

"I am a bad, bad boy. Don't let me ever forget it."

Height: 5'1''
Weight: 88 lbs
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Ginger-ish

Name: Ferrer Nethaniah Amanda Böhm
Alias: Bad Boy/Mind-Four-Asterisks
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Classification: Homo Superior

Equipment: A loaded gun, if the academy allows it and trusts him with it. If not, a a kid-sized dress cane with a built-in and very high-powered taser. Additionaly, a slingbag with lots of easily portable, technically legal and incredibly useful tools and devices for breaking and entering, administering first aid, conducting minor repairs and such things.

Skills&Powers: Ferrer's skills and powers are reliant on one another and as such, i united two sections into one.
His abilities consist of a supernaturally powerful brain, short-ranged clairvoyance, passive empath ability and exactly zero shame, which, combined together, form a false image of the typical Midwich Cuckoos-style psychic child.

Mentat Mind: Bad Boy's primary power is, well, a still-developing hypermind. He is not yet a great genius and master schemer like Doctor Doom or Tony Stark - and might not ever become one due to his disregard for long-term consequences of his actions - but he is very great at absorbing new knowledge, multitasking, finding connections between seemingly unrelated things and events, solving logical problems and such.
Combined with his other two powers, it allows him to sometimes come off as a psychic, noticing people sneaking up on him, finishing their phrases for them, knowing exactly what they want to hear or need from him. The greatest and most-developed facet of his hypermind is the ability to VERY precisely and profoundly extrapolate from very little starting knowledge. You know how Sherlock Holmes might cast a passing glance at a person's working space and then determine how many kids he has, how often he gets the cramps in his left leg, what kind of thin cigars does he smoke and what things in life he holds dearest? Bad Boy can do that too, only better, further and with almost no possibility of mistake - oh, and he won't ever feel bad about it, no matter how personal or vital is the information that he discerns. After having a look at the person's clothing, maner of movement, their stance, the way they talk and such, Ferrer can safely determine very, very much about their personality, understand what makes them tick, what are their breaking points and what words he should say in order to quickly convince that person to, for example, drop the gun - not before carefully unloading it, of course - apologize before the shop they tried to hold up and go and voluntarily give themselves up to police. Truly, if used in the name of evil, this power could wreak lots and lots of havoc - especially considering that emotional manipulation is not the only thing that it allows for. Through exactly same rotes of mental concentration, Bad Boy can determine the vulnerable points in the structure of a building, weakest joints of a killer robot that he fights and the caveats in their battle programming or do many other most wonderful things.

Short-Ranged Clairvoyance: Nothing unusual or strange - when he concentrates, or in moments of mental calmness and serenity, Ferrer can extend his physical senses about a dozen feet around him in all directions - this allows him, for example, to sense and see the layout of the room in darkness or understand the inner workings of a complex mechanism. The senses get weaker as they extend further from the body and as such Ferrer hardly suffers a sensory overload.

Passive Empathy: This ability allows Ferrer to quite precisely understand emotions and intents that people in his immediate vicinity experience and radiate, which synergises quite well with the main use of his hypermind. The weakness of this power lies in its very nature - if Bad Boy doesn't actively fetter this ability, he might be overwhelmed by the strongest emotions around him and even begin to actually feel them.

Thanks to the Hypermind, Bad Boy rapidly becomes quite well-versed in almost any science and practice that he makes himself pick up, from hand-to-hand combat to tantric spiritual excercises to philosophy to even a bit of actual no-nonsense rocket science - as a short-term hobby for which he quickly lost interest due to the excessivee amount of numbers - though, of course, lacks quite a bit in the physical appilcations of his skills, due to the absolutely normal, non-superhuman physique of a sparingly-excercising thirteen year old and, well, lack of practice.

History: I'm not quite familiar with all of the marvel lore so i am just freeballing it, tell me if something sounds retarded please.
Basically, i wanted him to be a pretty okay boy from an old and rich family who was born a mutant but was not noticed for quite a long time due to how well, passive and hardly noticeable his powers are. After some time growing, say, at the age of five or six he was abducted by some superhuman-supremacist cult or organisation because he was noticed by one of it's clairvoyant members and considered an extremely valuable long-term addition to the organisation's power. What happened afterwards was grimdark torture and brainwashing in order to turn my guy into a psychopath who earnestly believes in the supremacy of mutants and supers, kills without conscience and works without question for the greater good. At some point the good guys found out about the cult and fucked it up, but what was done remained done and they ended up with several mindfucked kid mutants at their hands and had to do something with them. So after thoroughly explaining what's right and what's wrong and what happened to them in the hands of villains and that now there's nothing to worry about my guy was sent off to the academy to be hopefully reeducated into not being a miserable sociopath. Ferrer himself is aware of that his mindset is not exactly normal and that he has done many bad, bad things and understands that the people around are helping him to not be so fucked in the head and consciously, unemotionally works very hard in order to change himself whilst still being a creepy psychopathic child of the corn about it - using excessive force against the bad people because logically speaking they deserve it, choosing to save a thousand in the long run than the single person that is dying right now, etc-etc.

Tell me if it's too fucking grimdark and/or OP.
Actually i do have some questions.
What is the game's tech level? How widespread are such things as genengineering, prostethic technologies, science of cybernetics and nanotech? What are Ark's military assets and weapons? Are there local wars within the ark itself and what is the governmental system?
This is sweet as fuck. We've just met but i already love you and think you're the best GM and i will try not to dissapoint and constantly stick my fingers into questions and secrets that were best left unknown and uncovered by men. Science will cleanse me.
So, we all must start as dirty weakling no-names in the slums, or can i be the rector of the Arkheus University and Research Facilities blessed with magical talent, great ambitions, a congregation of pupils fanatically devout to the cause of Science and strong faith in that systematic research unhindered by ethics and morals and combined efforts of all people can help the inhabitants of the ark to achieve greatness beyond it's walls?
Sign me the fuck up.
If we ABSOLUTELY MUST be canon marvel heroes then i am probably picking Sage or Elixir, though i will make both of them darker and edgier and losing their touch with humanity due to the nature of their powers.
I am interested too. If we ABSOLUTELY MUST be canon X-men then i am probably picking Sage or Elixir, though i will make both of them darker and edgier and losing their touch with humanity due to the nature of their powers.
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