I want to maybe change his name to "Transsib(erian Railway)" because he is really good at very quickly transporting you to very, very cold places.
Home District:

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Innate & Outward Personality:
Dynamics: (Relations with other characters - You don't have to put relation with family here.)
Constantly pesters any member of the organisation within his reach in order to give him a chance to prove his worth in order to be accepted.
Power Class:
I want to maybe change his name to "Transsib(erian Railway)" because he is really good at very quickly transporting you to very, very cold places.
Basic Information
Boban Bogdanovich Repka
Home District:
White Coast, The Docks

Hair Color:
Dark Brown
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
A brawny, solidly built man with powerful muscles all over his sturdy frame, even though they are somewhat concealed by certain amounts of fat. His powerful ape-like arms are noticeably longer than usual and his left hand lacks one-third of his middle finger. His head bears a moderately horrible scarring directly under the jaw and at the right temple, where shrapnel pierced and exited his head. Despite rarely smiling, the gaze of his deep-seated eyes has a kind and benevolent quality to it.
Boban mostly wears khaki - after the military service this color simply crawled into his brain and forced him to love it regardless of any previous opinion he held regarding it. Standard attire includes heavy jackboots, jumpsuit with a light kevlar vest underneath and, whenever the circumstances call for it(i.e. he feels like a vigilante), a harness with a gun, heavy stun baton and several pairs of extremely sturdy manacles.
Innate & Outward Personality:
Boban really likes living. After awakening from the coma he entered as a result of July Fiends attack when a piece of metal jammed itself in his head, and discovering within himself the awesome power that returned him his life, Boban rejoiced greatly. Despite his quite advanced age, he worked his way through the basic academy courses and set off into his freshly reacquired life with glee and joy. He is, by his nature, a nice person, though this fact sometimes goes unnoticed due to his temper. Despite his best attempts to control himself, Boban is quick to anger and is generally easily agitated - but just as quick to calm down and recognize his mistakes.
Weightlifting, literature, game of Tables, woodcarving.
During days in the Special Operations Battalion Boban participated in a couple of actual peacekeeping operations nd posesses all of the military skills ingrained into him during the training as well as brief but still existing firsthand experience of war and it's realities. After being quietly discharged after a most freakish off-duty drink-and-drive accident, Boban found further uses for his talents in a private military contractor company, participating in several conflicts around the globe and honing his warmaking skills before using his recently-acquired connections to quietly settle down in Baybridge, where he worked as an apprentice mechanic-repairman, in the process learning all the skills needed for the trade.
The biggest dream that reborn Boban has at the moment is to somehow enter the ranks of RAVEN, to which end he writes them letter after letter after letter and attempts to prove himself an exemplary Metahuman to the Baybridge community.
Was born in Croatia, couldn't manage to enter a university so he picked military service. There he proved himself a capable soldier and after some time managed to enter the ranks of SBR, from which he was later removed due to undisclosed failings. After a brief period of depression and several broken vows of sobriety, Boban found a new calling as a PMC. After many a successful tour of duty he made enough of a profit to quietly retire, picking Baybridge as a place to quietly live in. He even found himself a wife - a woman almost as ugly and brutish as he was, but they were kind to each other nevertheless - and have unsuccesfully tried for a child for several months before the Fiends' attack. There was a fire, an explosion, and then Boban has lost consciousness. With a shard of metal in his skull, he remained in coma in one of the city's hospitals for quite some time, but his sleep came to an end when after a district-wide blackout his life support failed. Moments before death, Boban's power has awakened and he flash-froze his ward (luckily empty at the time) and used the syphoned energy to expel the shard and heal the damage.
After this miraculous occasion, Boban resumed his life with glee, attempting to get the most ouf ot the second chance he has - after a brief period of celebration and making it through the basic Academy courses, he tries to put his powers to good use regardless of his less-than-perfect past.
After this miraculous occasion, Boban resumed his life with glee, attempting to get the most ouf ot the second chance he has - after a brief period of celebration and making it through the basic Academy courses, he tries to put his powers to good use regardless of his less-than-perfect past.
Mother and father already passed away. He is dimly aware of the existence of his sister, who is some kinds of scientist in Russia, but does not care much save for an occasional letter. Death of his wife during the time he was in coma, however, struck him quite hard - he regularily visits her grave and gave an oath to not start any new relationships for at least a year in order to honor his darling girl Logan, God bless her soul, now she is unloading cargo ships in heaven.
Dynamics: (Relations with other characters - You don't have to put relation with family here.)
Constantly pesters any member of the organisation within his reach in order to give him a chance to prove his worth in order to be accepted.
Power Class:
Boban's power is twofold in nature. His first power is the ability to syphon heat and energy from his enviroment at astonishing speeds - on a warm and sunny day, with his power being in effect, the temperature in the radius of about a dozen meters around him will fall below the zero in the matter of several seconds, to -60 after a minute and to -90 after two. Things that he touches directly tend to flash-freeze and often shatter in a spectacular fashion, as does blood of people he touches. Theoretically, there is no limit to how low the temperature may go and it might be that after ENOUGH time, January's power can bring it down to absolute zero, but the speed with which the energy is syphoned is proportionate to how low the current temperature is - it takes two minutes to go down to -90, but another ten to go below the hundred and several hours to reach the 120 mark in the radius of several meters around - and after that Boban can hardly maintain the power for much longer even in the most appropriate conditions.
The second half of his power is the ability to absorb and redistribute the great amounts of heat in order to buff himself through some crude form of biomancy - amounts of energy spent are incredibly vast, but the returns quickly diminish. After a minute or so of activity, Boban's body almost ceases to age, swells with vital power and it's physical capabilities peak out at the marks slightly shy of superhuman. Afterwards, all of the excess energy is stored within January's body through unknown means, rising his bodily temperature to roughly 70 degrees celsius and protecting him from both death from overheating and the freezing effects of his powers - and then, Boban may expend it for further improvements to his abilities, providing himself with powerful regenerative capabilities and short bursts of superstrength, speed and stamina - they last for roughly ten or twenty seconds, but activate almost reflexively and without any actual concentration. When Boban strikes a blow, his body pulses great heat and the power of his punch is multiplied, when a blade or a bullet touch his flesh, it expels another wave of vented enery and his tissues harden to protect him.
The second half of his power is the ability to absorb and redistribute the great amounts of heat in order to buff himself through some crude form of biomancy - amounts of energy spent are incredibly vast, but the returns quickly diminish. After a minute or so of activity, Boban's body almost ceases to age, swells with vital power and it's physical capabilities peak out at the marks slightly shy of superhuman. Afterwards, all of the excess energy is stored within January's body through unknown means, rising his bodily temperature to roughly 70 degrees celsius and protecting him from both death from overheating and the freezing effects of his powers - and then, Boban may expend it for further improvements to his abilities, providing himself with powerful regenerative capabilities and short bursts of superstrength, speed and stamina - they last for roughly ten or twenty seconds, but activate almost reflexively and without any actual concentration. When Boban strikes a blow, his body pulses great heat and the power of his punch is multiplied, when a blade or a bullet touch his flesh, it expels another wave of vented enery and his tissues harden to protect him.
One of the greatest problems Boban faces is collateral damage. His power is quite potent, but it requires external source of energy to work - after standing in one place for a short while when actively using his "biomancy" Boban expends most of the energy of that location and his powers, quickly wane - so he has to alwas continue moving into warmer locations in order to siphon heat from them in order to keep functioning at a superhuman level, possibly risking greatly damaging property or people that got accidentaly caught in his immediate zone of influence. In his tread, asphalt covers with anicy carapace, water and even gasoline inside of cars freeze solid, air burns the mouth and eyes with horrible cold, glass freezes and shatters, thick hoarfrost covers the walls.
Another weakness his power has is that it is always, always active, if on a very low level. Temperature literally drops when January enters a room, even though not as drastically as when he uses it consciously. Boban himself is always warm, pink and blushing with health, but his touch is startlingly cold and draws heat from others and peoples' breath is always visible in the air when they speak near January. He can't even hold a drink in his hand for more than ten minutes without it freezing. He always has his beer frosty though, so it's not all bad.
Another weakness his power has is that it is always, always active, if on a very low level. Temperature literally drops when January enters a room, even though not as drastically as when he uses it consciously. Boban himself is always warm, pink and blushing with health, but his touch is startlingly cold and draws heat from others and peoples' breath is always visible in the air when they speak near January. He can't even hold a drink in his hand for more than ten minutes without it freezing. He always has his beer frosty though, so it's not all bad.