Oh no, nothing of the edgy and high-and-mighty sort. His family is just like, for example, Ruperts who are widely renown for being the biggest people in cigars and wine business, Genovese who own half of the world's casinos or Rothschilds who simply decide how much any gold in the world is worth at any given moment.
It's just that instead of some banking or agricultural business his family is renown for having a practical monopoly on commiting political and other assassinations, maybe due to some ancient agreement between many wizards of the days long gone or simply because no one else has thought of this.
Of course, they aren't just some hired thugs or paid murderers - they have really strict Rules about who can and who can't be their possible victims, how the inhumation must be conducted and how much of a sporting chance should be allowed to the target. The whole business in general has became extremely formalized throughout the untold ages of the family's history, to the point where everyone who can't properly protect themselves from an attempt at their life are pretty much safe - partly because the family's services are very expensive - and those who can protect themselves and don't can only blame themselves for their sudden demise.
Other than their highly excentric business domain, this is just another rich and old english family who has sent their son, who is too just like any other boy of his age to study in the best school there is.