Avatar of Kharons Progeny
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    1. Kharons Progeny 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Finally settles back in from one holiday, I'll get post up after work tonight~
9 yrs ago
Trying to write when a 6 month old puppy wants you attention is rather difficult..he's lucky he's cute..


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In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Good! Had the day off so I've been rather lazy today. ^^ Yours?
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Laney Chandler

“Do I want to know what just happened?”

For the most part of the beginning of the party Laney mingled by the snack table chatting with Emilie as she indulged in the wide array of food, or watching the rest of her friends mingle with each other before Acacia jumped up on the karaoke stage making announcements about if anyone need anything to find her or her brother. She let her eyes follow to where everyone was pointing at Aspen taking a sip of her coke, there was something about him that she felt drawn to not that her structured person would allow room for anything more than childish crush for now. The coke was something Tyler had shoved into her hands before darting off again and she was positive that it was spiked but it was a party after all so perhaps she could loosen up a bit. Diverting her attention she looked over at her sullen friend monopolizing the dill pickle chips.

”Does anyone but you actually like those chips?"

It was an honest question and her curious look made the happy girl look even younger, as Connor started yelling and lecturing about the rule of beer pong. Laney felt content enough to just watch but she did allow a pearl of laughter as the bear costume made their arrival and her roommate climbed eagerly into one. After a few more drinks, miraculously Tyler would appear with a new one after her old one was finished as if the senior was trying to get her cute little junior drunk, Laney inched her way closer leaning slightly against Nate as she tried for a better view as the balls went flying back and forth. It was interesting, a few of the guys tried to get her to play but she had little skill at it and quickly ran away from the table back over to grab a cupcake from the snack table amused to find Brooke still there though it seemed that Spencer had wandered over as well. She greeted him politely before posting up against the table watching as everyone disappeared in a game of Sardines, she toyed with the idea of joining them but after everyone was found and there was mention of going on in a tiny closet she was glad she skipped out on playing.

After a few more rounds of drinking and eating she found herself nestled next to Aspen and Maie-Marie, watching the male eat the cupcake laughing softly as he managed to get icing on his nose her head leaning against his shoulder a small allowance her drunken self would live with. The soft happy buzz of the conversation was a soft lull that made the entire scene of them all in a circle peaceful and blissful almost to the tipsy blonde. Not soon after they had been sitting there did the hostess once more swoop in to rescue the vibe, and a round of Never Have I Ever was soon under way. She laughed at the slight towards Connor, knowing the story behind it but she was sworn to secrecy. The next few goes saw her fingers live yet again, though she refused to admit to the one Nate put out there, the last two did see two of her fingers go down as well as a few others.

"Can't we all just play nice for once?"

She offered halfway joking as she smiled enjoying herself for once; biting her lip she chewed it softly thinking of something to add to the game, giggling at the brotherly bickering between him and Connor.

”Oh I know! Never have I ever been on a sports team!”

She chimed in giggling knowing full well that half of the people near her were on the swim team, but it was true she was always busy with pageants and academic adventures to focus any on sports. Grinning feeling smug with herself she playfully stuck her tongue out at the two boys across from her, before settling back down into her seat sipping once more from her red solo cup.

Is still here, family monopolized my time over the weekend for thanksgiving. I'll have a CS up tonight or tomorrow morning.~
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Laney Chandler

“‘And I like large parties, they’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy.’ I think Fitzgerald had it backwards, personally.”

’The coffee barely kept Laney awake through the ceremony; her hair thrown up in a loose messy bun, dark chocolate boots covered up to her thighs where a light cashmere sweater dress ended, a coffee colored crop jacket covered her top torso as a bright blue and silver scarf covered the rest. It was a simple ensemble the half-awake girl had thrown on in a hurry but still managed to look effortlessly graceful. She laughed appropriately at the Headmaster’s jokes, and enjoyed the Deputy’s sharp use of sarcasm through her own short speech.

The small reprieve between the ceremony and the start of classes was all the blonde needed to grab a refill of her favorite drink, the aroma of her dark chocolate mocha with cinnamon and espresso filled the air around her bring a genuine blissful smile to her lips as she made her way towards Prof. Hasting’s class, looking forward to what the new year would bring out of her teachers. Laney didn’t carry any books, most of the teachers rarely used the assigned textbooks for little more than assigned reading or if was relative the lecture at hand.

Laney relished the sweet pastry, little mess sticking to her lap her hands and face spotless, it mixed perfectly with the remnants of her coffee providing a rather pleasant breakfast for the debutant, the rest of the classes were disappointingly standard though listening to Prof. Abbot scare the new students was rather amusing but even she groaned at the idea of actually reading the Terms & Agreements for Facebook out of all things. Honestly it seemed like a waste of time but on a wild guess she would assume she had later plans for talking your way out of the agreement. The pretest left a bad taste in her mouth ruining the sweetness the remained from early, as the usually prominent student had been distracted and distraught during the past two weeks to do the optional summer reading. ’

The shower cut off as the blonde stepped out onto the bathroom rug, wrapping a soft cream towel around her torso the beginning of the day replay in her head, it wasn’t so bad and she was happy to see her old friends, and hear about their summer breaks. A soft chime from her phone drew her attention as she absentmindedly wiped the fogged mirror leaving a streak of a reflection as her pale complexion shown back at her. Her soft lips pursed into a tight line before breaking into a smile reading the happy little tweet taking up her notification bar.

Party at the Hancock Hideaway! Tonight at 7, be there and the last one there is going to be pelted with water balloons. No comment on whether I'm serious or not. Bring food!

A soft laugh and a shake of her head, Laney grinned texting Acacia confirming she was definitely going to be there before grabbing her phone calling Tyler, a girl she had become fast friend her first year here. Tyler was a senior who was more than happy to show a new slightly naïve girl the ropes and how to handle the teachers, a petite girl with soft brown curls, green eyes, and a full mouth she was often surrounded by the older boys wanting to take her out on the town or to the cafeteria for lunch.

The phone rang twice before she got an answer.

”Laney love! So I’m assuming you got the tweet?”

”Yeah, leaving it to Acacia to thrown a party the first day. Poor Aspen must be so tired from running around and doing everything for that girl.”

”Oh I’m sure, but it’s going to be a killer. Is your roomie going? Mine’s being a sour puss and is complaining about the Iron Queen’s homework taking up way too much of her time.

”Ugh, don’t remind me I haven’t even started but I’ll probably do it tonight after the party. I don’t think I’ll stay out too late. I think Emilie might have already left? I haven’t seen her today. Do you want to ride with me?”

”Sure thang! What are you wearing??? Oh, can I borrow your silver heels? Please??

”I have no idea, maybe that new red dress I bought the other week, and sure you can borrow them if you pick up a giant tray of cookies for me to bring with me.”

”Sure thang! I’ll catch you later then!

With a click the other line went dead, leaving Laney there holding her phone to her ear still wrapped in a towel her hair dripping water an amused look on her face before she made her way back into the small room she shared with Emilie, it almost looked like It was decorated by the same person though one half had the New York Skyline on it and the other had a more Parisian touch to it. Flopping on the bed she laid there humming softly not caring that her wet hair was soaking into her comforter as she stared up at the ceiling, the heating kicking on as she yawned softly stretching out enjoying the feeling of being clean and done with school for the day at least.

’She was sitting at the restaurant waiting, a long black dress cascading down into the floor around her as she sipped on a glass of water playing nervously with a loose curl trying not to anxiously watch the clock. A soft touch on her shoulder startled the young woman as she looked up at his smiling face, she could hear what he was saying but she just smiled happily and played along. Happy that he showed up, she was beginning to wonder if he was going to bail on her. The rest of the night passed in a blur of smiles and laughter, stolen kisses, and warm embraces. Laney looked away for a minute and when she looked back Jeremy was gone and she was in a different place, the back of an old train car Alice grinning over at her lopsided as the sweet rush from the needle in her arm sent her on a different trip, a different time. But this time the trip wasn’t the soul calming low like usual, it was rough and hard like a raging storm coursing through her veins burning her from the inside out---‘

Laney woke with a gasp cradling her arms around her stomach whimpering slightly at the rush of memories she had long tried to bury and forget, the long forgotten craving echoing back in full force as she stumbled out of the bed back into the bathroom desperately splashing water on her face trying to banish the dream, staring at her reflection seeing the ragged form she once had been before closing her eyes stumbling back sliding down the wall breathing erratically.

”I’m fine, that’s not me anymore.”

The words tumbled out of her mouth again and again until she slowly calmed down, regain slight composure thankful that her roommate had yet to return. All the hard work she had put into her persona would be ruined by a panic attack like that, they were rare but they could be triggered. A steady hand reached out and gripped the sink pulling herself back up as she confirmed her reflection was bright, happier form of who she was. Going through the motions of cleaning her face and applying the base of her make-up had become a cathartic exercise for the girl, even now it’s calming effects washed over her as she selected a slightly dark nude palette for her make-up applying it effortlessly, pairing it well with a deep red lipstick before sauntering back to the room forcing herself to fall back into her persona, her safe spot, moments later the same shade of red found its way on her in the form of a halter top and a long flowing skirt, a dress of sorts, a quick selection of jewelry and shoes gave a flawless effect to the outfit. The only issue now was her hair, to wear it up, curl it, or style it into waves; she toyed with each idea while texting Tyler she was ready and had the shoes for her, she also threw in the question about what to do with her hair. Not even a minute passed before her friend texted back saying she was on her way over to the room, posing the idea that maybe she should try straightening her hair for a change.

It was an interesting idea, as Laney mused over it before shrugging humming softly as she headed back towards the bathroom cutting on her straightener.

A rather obnoxious knock rang out on her door followed by an array of giggling as the brunette happily bursted her way into find the blonde sprawled out on her bed, a blank look stamped on her face. Tyler frowned slightly before jumping on the bed next to her poking the young woman in the side smirking as she gained an unwanted pearl of laughter from her stoic friend.

"C'mon! We're going to a party cheer up!"

It wasn't long before Tyler's infectious energy and happiness had Laney back on her level feeding off the positive energy as she snuck a cookie from the tray gleefully eating it as the other girl slipped on the heels before they both darted out the door, laughing and talking about if different boys would be there and what games they twins might have in store. Laney enjoyed the small times she could steal Tyler away from her group of boys, she knew deep down that once they got there Tyler would flitter off leaving the blonde on her own to find her niche at the party. Thankfully the drive wasn't long as Laney's sleek black convertible pulled in circling around the find a parking spot in the overflow parking knowing full well that this late the main parking lot would be overfilled. Sliding the car into a less than ideal spot the girls left the car, Laney jokingly balancing the tray of cookies on her head as they made their way up the sidewalk nudging and bumping into each other, feeling the bass from the music with each step they took, the two of the seemed to grow in energy and enthusiasm the closer they got.

Walking in Laney made her way to the food table setting down the tray on the table before lingering by it observing the crowd, she had greeted a few people when she walked in but for the most part she figured she just watch for a little bit.

In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I should have some down time from family tomorrow to try and get a post up.
We can do a collaboration, I just won't be free till late tonight or much this weekend because of holiday nonsense.


The young leader lay in the center of her barren apartment staring up at the wall behind her, a large sprawling map of the city staring back at her. The red ink was an addition she had added over the years, scribbles and circles detailing gang lines, places of interest, previous hits, future hits, possible hits, back alleys, hide outs, anything that would give her an edge over someone else.

Her slender face was contorted in a slight furrow as she mused over the night’s event and the information that had been reported back to her.

’Something big is coming, I wonder if the city is ready for it..’

The attack on the Sabre.

The attack on the Bank.

The addition to bills by bought politicians.

New Gangs and strange powers.

Something’s coming.

The she spent night with the mayor was rather revealing, granted he wasn’t very receptive when he found the young woman lounging in his chair. He almost made it to the door before a paper chain snaked its way around his throat yanking him back down in front of the desk. Soon enough he was babbling, begging, whimpering about politicians spending their waking hours at the Prophet’s club, that some man with old money had moved in wanting to turn the industrial district into a new steel yard, that some of the congressman had endorsed him with weapons and the soldiers to be fodder for the assault, he didn’t have a name unfortunately, but the information about Prophet trying to pull strings was a curious tidbit that she was currently chewing over wondering what the strange man’s game was, they had a few run ins in the past few years being in the same line of work but she had not dealt with him personally always letters and messengers.

Ryker’s report gave little else to tell her about this strange new player, only he bought his way into favor with a few off the other small gangs hoping to amass a small following to help with his plans of expansion, a dark puppet master. At least there was no mention of him having some strange ability, as for the surviving raider, a phone call and a bullet ended his life before he made his way out of the district.

It was troubling to say the least.

This information swirled around her head, a journal lying next to her with it written out in questions and thoughts, some lines crossed out as if she was trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Sighing in frustration Viole sat up shaking her head as she stretched the soft popping of her spine drawing a content smile from her before acknowledging the man standing by patiently leaning against the broken window as moon and street light filtered through illuminating the dirty floor.

”Troubling yourself over needless things again, Miss?”

His soft cool voice broke the silence as he smirked slightly before offering her a hand up, a firm grip and a slight tug had her standing close to the man as she took a small step back shrugging slightly dusting her clothes off as she retrieved her journal placing it back into the small inner pocket of her jacket.

”I hardly believe you came here to jeer at me. What’s the word?”

She scoffed slightly tossing a broken pencil playfully at him before turning to observe the word outside her window, the city seems so quiet during the day as if the rest of the world help its breath in anticipation for the night to explode into existence.

”The Conduit has a business proposal, though what it is I don’t know.”

Viole shoot him a look of disbelief before raising her eyebrow slightly musing over this new information, what she did to draw his attention, she wasn’t sure but it was best not to ignore him that much she knew besides perhaps she could gain more out of it then he was willing to offer. Also she needed a way to not become a pawn in the larger game at hand; perhaps this was her way to do so.

”Tell him we’d be happy to meet with him at his early convenience, just not in that underground bunker of his.”

A soft smirk flickered across her face before she motioned for him to be gone turning to look over her map wondering just how to spend her day, perhaps she go see what she could find out about their new friend.

The soft thunk of rotting wood echoed as a knife pierced a small port at the edge of the Industrial District, no other sound or whisper of a person was left in the room. It’s hard metal gleaming happily in the light, almost in a friendly hello.

In Lantern 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ah mkay~~ ^^
In Lantern 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sorry for the late post, was busy with work. ^^
In Lantern 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The soft gentle breeze tickled the small girl’s face as she buried deeper into the mossy pillow under her head muttering vaguely about some idiot not pulling in the curtains last night, curling up farther she tried to ignore the massive pain slowly throbbing as it made itself known in a rather pronounced way.


A rather curt word tumbled out of her mouth as she shifted onto her knees pressing her head into her hands as she sunk slightly into the rotting wood. The strange feeling eclipsed the pain as she whirled around looking at her new strange surroundings the sound of water and strange ticking reaching her ears as well.

”Where in the Seven Lands…Most curious…”

For a moment Grayce was filled with a childlike curiosity as she ran her hand across the inside of the ship’s hull, for a ship to be on land was a marvel in itself but for a tree to have claimed it that was something she hadn’t seen before; even the players stories were limited in such regards. The thought that she was dreaming a new play, a new adventure briefly crossed her mind as she approached the tree before stumbling over a rotten board sending her tumbling forward right down into the strange crevice under the tree stopping inches short of have metal gears scaring her delicate features.

The sight of the moving parts took the small girl’s breath away as she drew her feet back to her chest, she had never seen such wonders but in small toys nothing so extravagant as to bring a whole tree to life, looking up she watched in awe as it spawned the entirety of the tree, small segments branching off into the stems and branches of the white behemoth that towards over the ship the small girl had woken up in. Hearing a small snap of a twig Grayce scrambled to her feet turning to climb back towards the safer part of the shift, the soft white glowing light seemingly to follow her with each movement.

The inside of the ship was littered with small patches of moss and flowers, decaying tools buried under them, soft shimmer’s of metal peeked out of as well, hints of broken weapons and bottles. This scene was so familiar, she had read it somewhere walking around again careful to keep one hand on the giant tree where the mast should have been words slowly started to echo in her mind.

” Get rid of their mast, knock holes in the hull, then get back on board."

"You want us to sink her?"

"No. I want her badly damaged but capable of making it back to port. I want the word to go out that the strange ship with the red falcon ensign top is manned by dangerous, hairy maniacs with axes and is to be avoided at all costs."

"That sounds like us.”

The soft banter of dialogue left her lips easily changing in demeanor as if there were two players instead of one reciting the scene, it was from one of the old plays they no longer told, of pirates and lovers, too risque and not close enough to the sea to be popular, but Grayce had spent hours memorizing every play they owned, practiced them, took time writing and copying them with dreams of being able to craft masterpieces of her own, spinning in a slight circle again she took in her surroundings once more committing it to memory as the soft light caught her eyes again, in time she would write down this strange experience be it a dream or something darker.

Her expression was almost serene no sign of the anxiety and curiosity that tumbled in her stomach like a ranging storm, her first look around told her there was no truly safe passage out of her wooden holdings but there were enough low hanging branches that if so choose to she could climb towards the light and perhaps show her a better way out into her new surroundings, the soft thumping of her heart against her chest betrayed her steel composure as she placed both hands on the base of the trunk looking straight up, it was a long way and she had never been the best climber but she was never one to back down from a challenge or a role, reaching up she grabbed a low branch easily pulling her small body up into the tree a jolt of adrenaline coursing through her as she reached for another this time swinging up slightly to grab a higher branch.

“To dwellers in a wood, almost every species of tree has its voice as well as its feature.”

Another line from a long forgotten play.

It was a short play about a hunter teaching his young child to respect the woods and to always give thanks for the life one takes and that nothing should go to waste.

It was one of Grayce's favorites because her adopted parents taught her the same lessons, memories of the caravan and her climbing it as a small child danced across her mind distracting her enough so her hand missed the next branch slamming her back down into a lower one a slight hiss of pain escaping her lips as she shook her head before reaching back up a steely look of determination glinting in her eyes as she moved closer and closer to the bright light and the top of the tree.
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