• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kilo6
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 575 (0.14 / day)
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    1. Kilo6 11 yrs ago


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Robo27 said
By the end of it he had found his favorite weapon classes which were: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Sub Machine Guns, Pistols, and both of the melee weapons, Photon sword and Knife. He knew it wasn’t the greatest idea to spread his stats out over so many different fields but he couldn’t help it as he was the type of guy that wanted to be the jack of all trades, master of none.

I laughed at this. I think he doesn't know what the word "favorite" means. xD

I won't be able to post tonight sadly, as I got blindsided with a paper, but the good news is this weekend including tomorrow I will be posting like a mad man! Damn though, I really want to work on a post though! >_<
Iz tired, but it looks fine Robo! But uhh..... are we going to have to post us going through the tutorial? I mean, that's fine, just a bit confused on that part.
POSTED! So is just us three? Has everyone else left? WE NEED NEW FLESH IN THIS! XD
~Vulpess - The Grand Capital of Kistune~

A full 25 minutes passed before a government agent arrived. The agent was a shorter Kistu, standing roughly around 5'6", with clean cut red-blonde and green eyes, a staple of the Kistu. He was wearing a red tunic of silk, adorned with white-metallic embellishments. He approached, and gave only a short nod of notice, as instructed by his seniors, and began a small speech. "Greetings, foreigners," he said in a voice surprisingly deep for his smaller size and rather feminine look, "We are sorry about the long wait, but as we receive few visitors - especially such well protected visitors - that we must take precautions accordingly. Someone of a more esteemed calibre will be with you shortly, until then, please ask me with any questions that you may have."

Diplomat Wyner Lavita came to meet the representative. As she observed her current situation, the Kitsunes did well to make the worst possible first impression. While she figured that her escort would be taken with serious response, she was surprised to find the Kitsunes to be so paranoid and aggressive. Enemy soldiers everywhere at the ready, every single gun pointed at them from seemingly any direction. She felt more like a prisoner than a diplomat. Though she was a bit relieved to find that the Kitsune airships, what little there were, posed very little threat to her escorts simply due to the obviously weak and primitive design of them. "They probably don't even know what Kavuria is..." she thought to herself as she approached the representative. His short height and feminine look confirmed his nationality, and Wyner gave him a bitter sweet smile. "I am very flattered that you consider these petty escort ships of the Arkil Federation to be so powerful and perceive them as such a great threat. I never figured our standard airships would be so intimidating. I am Wyner Kavuria, leading diplomat of the Arkil Federation from across the great ocean. On the behalf of our Sovetor, or leader of our nation, I thank you for receiving us. I am very excited to finally see the mysterious, yet supposedly wondrous nation of Kitsune. I must apologize though for arriving with little warning as our communications with your nation are nearly non-existent. Though hopefully with this trip, we may better know one another and benefit immensely from mutual trade. I am quiet eager to meet your superiors." she said, her voice smooth and well spoken.

~Arkillian Federation, Demera~

The dwarves did not have to wait long. Almost as soon as they sat down, a secretary called for them and led them to a large meeting room. A large, old yet well polished wooden table sat in a large carpeted room. On the walls hung various pieces of art and three large windows lit the room with the glow of the mid day sun. The dwarves were gestured into their seats with the leader of the envoy taking the head of one end of the table as the rest filled evenly on the flanking chairs. A few minutes passed until the large double doors opened on the other end of the room. Two Arkilian guards marched into the room and took their positions next to the door on either side. Then entered Sovetor Kai Avonsta flanked by two of her advisers. The one of the left was a large man wearing a decorated blue and grey dress uniform, holding a hat under one arm. He had a large scar going from just above his left temple to the bottom right of his face with a dead left eye. On her right was a short yet fierce looking woman with long, silver hair and orange eyes. She wore a black dress uniform with a red star on the shoulder along with three medals on the chest piece. They took their seats at the other end of the table with Kai in the center. She cleared her throat.

"Ehm, greetings dwarves of Novgorod, it is nice to see our northern neighbors have come to visit the Arkil Federation, let alone on such short notice. Non the less I sincerely welcome you to our nation, and do hope you enjoy your stay here during the duration of this meeting. Now then, down to business, why exactly have you decided to come and meet me here in the capital?" she asked simply. While she could take an easy guess as to why they had come, she wanted to hear what they were going to open up with first. "Are they going to get straight to the point or will they sugar coat it with an offer?" she pondered.
Robo27 said
Also forgot to say but since Nem never made it official I will say we will have the bullets to kill be video game style, head and heart shots will gurantee a kill, headshot will kill from any distance heartshots will require that you be close enough to penetrate their armor depending on your bullet caliber. This one should be obvious a 50 anti material sniper round will kill in one hit to the body, but won't kill if you are shot on any of the limbs rather you will be dismembered. and yes that means there is dismemberment.Lastly Nem and I discussed this but your guns will have durability, not like hardcore math calculations, but like if your gun gets hit multiple times you will need to get it repaired xD and obviously if you take a anti material round to the gun it is unusable until repaired. xD

Okay cool. So video game rules for bullet damage in a video game. Makes sense!

(Hush impatient side of brain, the IC will be up soon enough...)
Rafale said
IT. IS. AMAZING.Seriously. Mission 5 is probably the most fun I've had with a controller in weeks.

I don't have a playstation!
Rafale said
Yippee. I'll be playing Ace Combat Infinity though, which just released today in Europe, so it might take me awhile to get a post in. ^^

How is it? It looked pretty awesome in the trailers.
Been rather bored with homework and busy BS. I shall post tomorrow night in response to DEMO and Thor.

Sooo..... Borrreeedd........

Anyone else having a really slow day?

Alika Laven





Stands at around 5'6

Caucasian, American



[Health Points]:

[Favorite Weapon]:
Submachine Gun (Particularly the KRISS Vector kind ;) )

[Favorite Secondary Weapon]
Semi-Automatic Pistol

[Weapon Stats]:
Total Points- 60

• Sub Machine Gun- 50/1000

• Pistol- 10/1000

~Radical Combatical Stats~




[Hawk Eyes]:


[Good Breakfast]:



~Out Of Combat Stats ~








[Poison Mixing]


Alika was born into the state of Virginia of the United States. She grew to be tomboy of sorts, as a young girl never being afraid to get dirty or play war with the other younger boys. As she grew older, her passion for the military, weapons, and history evolved into multiple things. She joined the Civil Air Patrol as a cadet which is a auxiliary branch of the United States Air Force. As a sort of outdoor sport, she made Airsoft her serious hobby, playing in multiple fields and sinking much the money she made serving tables into it. Her grandfather was always a big supporter of her and would often take her to shooting ranges where she gained experience with real firearms. She particularly fell in love with the KRISS Vector, a compact .45 submachine gun.

Due to being fairly busy in her life between school, the CAP, and her airsoft tournaments, she never found much time for video games. She liked playing them, especially the FPS games or the world war II RTS games, but simply never had the time to seriously participate in online communities or continuous games. On her friends told her about the increasingly popular VRMMO game known as Gun Gale Online". This would be the first time she had ever played any Virtual Reality game, so for her eighteenth birthday, she got the game with money she had received from her grandfather. Needless to say the rest is history. (I'm keeping some personal details for later character development where people might learn why she's constantly distracting herself.)

Alika is a generally friendly, strong willed person. She tends to have a "Fuck the World" outlook on life, though not a rebellious sense, but in a way of thinking that simply is that she doesn't heavily invest in other peoples opinions on her. Alika is also fairly smart and very practical when it comes to problem solving. "Question Everything" is her motto for life and is a naturally a skeptic by heart, constantly evaluating, judging, and then observing again the things that go one around her. All in all she is much like everyone else, just simply trying to find the least painful way to get through life.


*Primary Weapon:
*Secondary Weapon:
*Lethal Equipment:
*Tactical Equipment:
--Lethal: (If applies)
--Tactical: (If Applies)

The original image with a light bag that looks like this only black.

"Oh, gm, lord of the knerlags..."

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