High above the Emerald Plains, an odd blue colored aircraft putted through the air. The pilot, a teenage girl with sandy blond hair, sighed with boredom as she flew steadily above the seemingly featureless landscape. Though she hoped that that would all change in the coming hour as she approached her destination. A few weeks before, she had landed at a town to resupply on food. As she had been doing during her first year of traveling, she always went into to the local tavern. It was a social place, but more importantly, a source of information. It didn't take long for her to be sitting at a table of three large armor clad men laughing like she was one of them. One would be surprised how friendly a group of strangers become when you buy them a round of ale and tell them your tale. They were a group of mercenaries that were like her in many ways. Traveling from town to town, picking up temporary jobs whenever the could, ect. Only difference that they did, in fact, have an end game. They were actually heading up north to meet up with some family and help protect their original hometown, as security had become an issue. They told the young pilot that they had heard that a caravan at Fort Dumbass heading east were in need of both protection and specialists.
Intrigued by both the job opportunity and the interesting name of the place, she decided to head out towards to this place with an interesting idea in mind.. Couple weeks later, she was now approaching her destination. Looking down from the air, she circled the place for a second, enjoying her special view of the sinkhole. The old fortress half sunken into a seemingly endless abyss, a small town not to far with mining rigs covering the edges of the hole. It was all an amazing sight to see to say the least. The girl spotted a couple tents and three figures standing around. She came in a bit lower and spotted the eccentrically dressed dwarf she had been told about. Grinning she came back around, now flying in very low. She buzzed towards them, rolling upside down and flying only feet above their heads. As the cockpit past by the three, she gave a quick wave before pulling back, rolling again into a loop, pulled straight up again, stall, fall in a seemingly disastrous death spiral, before leveling out and landing in a field right next to the caravan.
The young female pilot emerged from her aircraft after turning it off and walked on over to the three men. She nodded to the dwarf gave him a big friendly grin. "Hello there! Pardon me for my interruption there, just thought I would have a bit of fun flying in after a long, boring flight. I'm Trudy Barkstone sir, and I'm here to offer my many services as a pilot to your caravan! I can scout ahead in the air, run messages, transport someone if need be, or when things get tough, that baby has twin machine guns on it for any support you may need!" Trudy spoke with an honest confidence rather than like she was pitching a sale or something. It was obvious to anyone from her recent display and her current stance that she was here for an adventure if anything.