Alright! Well after a very long absence due to a shit load of school work among other things, I have returned! I'm itching to do a good NRP as it has been a long time since I've done one. As the title of the threat suggests, the generally level of technology will be a 1940s like era with a twist. Airships, mobile fortresses, railroad tanks, and whatever you can imagine to go along with the theme! Of course it won't go overboard with the fantasy tech and each will have some relatively realistic restrictions to keep stuff well balanced and fun. I mainly like to focus on building a story in an NRP, so I would prefer if the goal was not necessarily to win, as it is to create an engaging, fun story for all. You can delve into the world of politics, fight world wars, or dominate the global economy! I'm currently creating a detailed nation sheet to provide the outline for your nation.
Now then, I'm still on the fence on a few things, so I leave it up to those who are interested:
Races other than humans, yes or no?
Go as far as flying cities and such?
What should the population limit be? I'm thinking around 150,000,000 or larger, but open to suggestions.
Hopefully enough people will show interest! If enough do, I'll get the map I have in mind up along with the OOC, of course!