On a side note, we just hit 101 on the IC!
Happy thanksgiving!!!
So...why did they kill their best witness? Are they going to bring a beaten and half-dead relative to the Donna and say that they killed another relative of hers, under the premise that she'll take a stranger's promise that it was Mancini's fault all along?
I dunno, seems a bit fishy.
Look at Mr intelligent... head nodding, shaking genius guy with your straight forwards resolutions that make sense...
One miserable pain filled grunt for no, two for yes?
Alright, well, I did some reading in the very earlier pages. Killing Mancini is going to put Redding and Joel on the Lazzaris' shit-list. So that's Oliver Fedorov and Donna Regina Lazzari, as well as the Fiends that all want Redding dead. Most Wanted Men in New Reno: Redding Schmidt and Joel Woods.
@Kingfisher So how recognizable is Darlia Lazzari? Mancini's gambit might fall apart if Redding so much as removes the sack on her head if he knows what Darlia looks like.