Two small children climbed out of a small hole in the ground that eventually lead into a den safely hidden by a hallowed tree. The first to be seen is a aboy in dirty clothes and messy hair, He frowned and stared ahead looking around seeing nothing he jestered to someone un seen. A girl in even dirty-er clothes. Tes took her brothers hand an squeezed out of the hole to peek about looking for little critters to trap and eat for lunch, she sighed and said "Wes, i think we ate all the little animals" she said and let out a soft giggle. Wes rolled his eyes at her and jumped into a tree and said "I'll find some just hold on" he climbed to a high branch to see in a clearing not too far a way a herd of deer. He smirked and slide down the bark quickly. Little did he know Tes had ran off impatiently wanting food. She looked at all the little flowers and plant life and suddenly backed up into 3 men with thickly placed armor and fell "Ow.. Geesh watch where your going.. I may be short but seriously dude.. im not invisible" Then she softly murmured something unheard by the men but could be heard if you have excellent hearing she said 'Not yet'