Avatar of Klaudus
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    1. Klaudus 10 yrs ago


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17 • M • London I like roleplaying, but I really don't have the time for tabletop anymore, so I'm trying a new medium.

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Just curious if this is accepting still.
ey b0ss, When's this IC post going up?
Viggo would have ignored his chastisement from Naida, continuing on with the song until its due finish. As Viggo hits the last strum of his strings, he raises his head, sweating and thoroughly worked from his playing. With his guitar still resting at his hip he notes the additional coins in his pail, grinning happily as he grabs a small cloth and wipes beads of perspiration from his brow. Walking back to the bar he takes a bottle of beer out of his "other bucket", promptly uncapping it and drinking the contents. Now a little more than tipsy, he shoots a cursory glare at Naida, moving to give her a piece of his mind on the use of magic in his playing, though before he can take a first step she's led outside by Sess. He blows a strand of hair from his face, and loops it behind his ear, sighing in exasperation. Viggo places his fingers on the neck of his guitar, absently tapping notes without making much noise. He soon begins to walk around while practising quietly, scanning the crowd for anyone he might be able to serenade a few coins out of.
If you're all still interested, an OOC for the setting has been set up. Forgive me if the OOC thread is a bit dodgy looking, I've not made one in years. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77183-terra-incognita-fantasy-colonial-rp/ooc Thanks.
Twelve years ago, the Trade Republic of Bresiroth's exploration fleet discovered Kasum, a vast and untamed continent across the western sea. An attempt was made by the Republic to colonise the faraway land, but after months of silence from the colony, a supply fleet discovered the small outpost ravaged by an unknown foe. The news stifled colonial enthusiasm back home, and so the next wave of brave pioneers were paid double the wages of their predecessors. To be sure that the new colony would not meet the same fate as the last, the Stadtholder of Bresiroth invited mercenaries and explorers to accompany colonists, offering a bountiful salary for their service. You are one of these brave souls. For one reason or another, fate has found you on this new and wild continent, and it is your duty to expand and conquer the unknown in the name of god, the king, or simply your paycheck. But be warned, dear explorer, for the land of Kasum is ancient and dire, and will quickly devour any colonist brave enough to venture onwards unprepared.
In this roleplay, your job is to interact with your fellow colonists in an attempt to explore and conquer terra incognita (unknown land), while also helping the colony of New Bayheath thrive and survive. I'm going to try and keep things simple so that you don't have to read an essay just to fill out a character application, but if you'd like clarification on anything just let me know and I'll go into more detail. The World
1. Don't write like a chimp, take a bit of pride in your posts. 2. That said, try not to post 5 paragraph long responses. Unless its warranted by the roleplay, keep your posts around two or three paragraphs long. 3. Try not to venture off on your own. Not so much a rule, just advice really. 4. Don't whine, if you have criticism or a complaint, voice it like an adult. 5. Follow the rules of the site.
Character Application
Final Notes:
This roleplay will be a lethal one, meaning that character death will occur, but not too often and never unfairly. Death will be the punishment for naive and careless characters, though don't be afraid of making such a character, as the roleplay could be fun all the same.
What level of writing are you looking for?
High-Casual. I'm not expecting a short story with every post, but so long as players are literate and are playing somewhat original characters then I'm happy.
yes! but can i play as a colonist as opposed to a mercenary?
Yes you may, but I can't guarantee that something terrible won't happen to you.
Very interested!
Fantastic, I'm going to start drafting up the OOC, expect it... Soon-ish.
Viggo concludes his ballad and scowls for a minute at the denizens of the tavern, glancing down to find his pail of coins just as full as it had been when he began playing. He grumbles something to himself as he slings his guitar around his back, hopping off the stage and sauntering over to the bar to grab a drink, knowing that for his next song, he'd need his voice to be "well oiled". Putting down a small tower of coins harvested from his donation pail, the bard glances towards Bernard and puts on a guise of friendliness. "Bernard, you stoic son of a bitch, how about a couple of beers" he chimes with a handsome, albeit toothy grin. Assuming he gets his due alcohol, having paid the price in silver, Viggo would return to the stage, sitting down cross legged as he ploughs through the two drinks, abolishing the first in half a minute before swiftly moving onto the next. Once sufficiently drowsed by the beer, Viggo stands once more, kicking the stool backwards and out of the way. Drawing his guitar from his back once more, he adopts a wide-legged stance before he begins to pluck once more at the strings of instrument. The new song begins much like the one before, though after a few seconds the noise of his guitar shifts to become much more metallic and offensive to some ears. The powerful riffs ring out from the instrument with an energetic wave, inspiring courage and vigour in all that listen, unless of course your will is powerful enough to resist Viggo's musical charms. As the song finds its pace, Viggo begins to rock his head up and down with thumping rhythm, causing his hair to flow in time with his movements.
Malmsteen exits the lavatory, readjusting his belt as he looks at the newly repopulated tavern. His cruel gaze falls upon each member of the tavern in turn, judging everyone silently as he makes his way to the makeshift stage in the corner of the main floor. Grabbing a small stool as he passes, Viggo climbs onto the stage and takes his guitar off his back, saddling it across his chest. Once on stage, the pale musician sits and sheds his heavy black-leather jacket, letting it crumple to the ground behind him. Clearing his throat once, Viggo begins to tune his instrument, letting the strings twang softly as their pitch raises and lowers. After a few minutes of housekeeping, Viggo runs his calloused palm across the neck of his remarkable guitar, and begins to play. The melody is plucky and sharp, but has a certain harmony to it. The song rises and falls as Viggo's fingers climb up and down the neck of his instrument, his blond hair cascading forward and hiding his face as he continues to play the tune. The sophistication of the jaunty little ballad would inspire a foot-tap from anyone in a decent enough mood, and generally provides the otherwise quiet establishment with a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. 'I bet none of these losers even recognise this as Zwelf's Fourth Ballad' he thinks to himself as he continues to play, 'Bah, to hell with such thoughts, I don't need their compliments or musical taste, only their coin...' he muses quietly, grinning as he continues to pluck at his fantastical guitar. After a little while, his song concludes, giving Viggo a chance to kick forward a small pail with a few shillings and silver pieces in it.
In an engine, specifically those within cars and motorcycles, it is the combustion/explosion that causes the piston to move, and consequently, the car to move as well. Locomotive Breath's punches work in a very similar way, in that when contact is made, an explosion with a blast radius of about 3ft occurs. The damage caused by one explosive punch is rather minimal, and non-lethal, but a fast series of blows could easily maim or kill a foe. In regards to Masa's defensiveness, his guardian will always attempt to prevent any immediate damage. For example, if someone fires a bullet at Masa, the guardian will summon automatically to punch the bullet, deflecting it and saving Masa. Additionally, Locomotive Breath is ethereal, meaning that its form can phase around Masa's body, in essence giving Masa the strength of his guardian. So Masa isn't entirely defenseless.
Good to hear, if I can get a few more nods of approval I'll start working on a proper thread.
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