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So command of a Legion, off the table, in this version of the RP?
HA, I do know you...right?,lol
You had this on its own website sorta deal.
Why's this look familiar.....
Interested, but unable to commit just yet.
whoa, just now saw this.....

So how close to actual historical facts do you plan on sticking too?
But of course, thou would be foolish to believe I would leave the glory of slaying the Saracen heathen to thee alone.
Asgeirr Renouf stood at the balcony outside of his bedchambers and drew the furs across his broad shoulders tighter, although the winter season was now on its retreat back to the high mountains further north, the bite of the bitter chill still in the air was a reminder that the planting season was still many days away. But it was clearly already an anticipated event among the farming villiagers under his charge, whom were already at work clearing their fields in preperation. He had spent that morning and mid day travelling on horseback throughout the southlands of the north Kingdom that had been in his Familys guardianship since the time of the first King, given as reward for his ancestors support and defense as eventually the northern clans were brought under the mantleship of one Ruler. However, such reward was not without its price, being along the border of the Southern Kingdom meant being among the first to incur southern invaders and Rskalam raiders, the price paid evident by the grave markings of the Honored dead buried not far from the Keep.

Asgeirr's shoulders slumped slightly, his own Father and Brothers, strong, proud defenders, laid buried there as well, but such sacrifices made in the past only strengthened the present defenders will to hold fast what was given them by the first King of the North, and now the Army of the Southland garrison held the honor of being the best defensive line along the North/South border. Asgeirr exhaled, his warm breath creating vapors as it touched the chill of the air, he made a mental note to have the Garrison Commander to increase training, with the retreating of winter, there would also come the Rskalam Raiders, which over the past several seasons had become more of a threat to Southland moreso then then the threat of invasion from the Southern Kingdom. In the past he had suffered the loss of a few head of cattle and a few sacks of grain in order to maintain an odd sort of uneasy truth with the Barbarians,but only recently thier raids had gotten bolder and to the point that soon the garrison would have to be called out and the raiders dealt with by blade and spear since attempts to negotiate a truce were always failed.

He turned from the balcony and made his way to the wooden table and picked at the plate of dried venison meat, his belly grumbled, not for the cuase of hungry, but for the want of fresh game that would also come with the passing of winter. He turned from the table and went to the large chest at the end of his sleeping furs, opened it and rooted through its contents till he found his rolled up hunting garb and bow, making his mind up to call for the Huntsmen later this eve and prepare a hunt for the morning of the morrow, to which he would join as well as he found himself suddenly longing for the exhilaration of being on the hunt, deep in the game woods tracking elk and deer.
Slowly but surely, like the lil engine that could, lol
Well, they could of hated eachother long before kingdoms were formed. As nomadic clans they could of fought over the best grazing lands for thier herds, or for the best hunting grounds, water sources, North males kidnapping south women. They could of hated eachother for hundreds of years as clans, but only recently each were unified into their respective kingdoms. Anyway, just curious, thanks.
How long has the North and South Kingdoms been in existence?
recently formed in our lifetime, or for a few hundred years or so?
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