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In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I could maybe move my age down to 21. I originally made him 19, but then I did a bit more research, and decided that 23 makes more sense.

Well i like the age gap of him being 19 cause it gives more credibility to Alarics having more time to spending in raising Cael after 7 years of solidifying the Kingdom and not being there for Rowan But its up to you, I can work with which ever age you prefer.
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hmm, my bad thought Cael was 19 and Rowan 26....Father of the year I am, lol
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

It seems that Cael is very much his father's son.

Well I'm thinking Alaric had the Crown Prince at an early age and missed almost all of the CP's childhood becuase Alaric was off defending the Kingdom so thier relationship strained at best.

He also missed most of the Princess's childhood as well, and doesnt know quite how to deal with her since shes not exactly the Pricess sterotype.

Then by the time Cael is born, the majority of the Kingdom is secure and Alaric is in the Castle more.

At least thats my thoughts to start out with.
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
any of "my Children" have AN idea of how their relationship with dear ol'Dad should go?
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

My King thusfar, waiting to what other Family members put in their background so I'll know how to write them into mine, Thanks.

In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Aye, the King it is then Lass, I'll shall work on a CS ASAP.
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hmmm, seems this is a go....OK, guess I better get to work on a CS. Which of the available roles would you feel the most needed to be filled?
Interested, I'll wait and see how many more will join in before fully committing.

Name: Brady Hawke
Age: 35
Gender: Male

Position: Marine.

Brady was raised in the backwoods of South Carolina, where his father was the local sheriff. An avid outdoorsman, Mike's father taught him the skills needed to hunt and survive in the isolated woods around their rural country home. Josh enjoyed being outdoors so much that schoolwork never came easy. He was unable to sit still for a single moment at a time. He never could quite live up to his parents’ expectations, especially since they were the pillars of their small community. After graduating, Josh took the fastest route out of town and enlisted in the military. When not on an operation, Josh's country upbringing shows in everything he does. He is quiet, and polite, never forgetting his manners. In combat, Josh transforms into an intense, no nonsense, warrior. He understands the chain of command and follows orders without questions. Growing up in the woods has made him into an efficient battlefield hunter. Josh is usually the first to see or contact the bad guys. He always volunteers walks the lead.

Notable Skills: Small squad Tactics.

Joined the Marines at 18, completed Recruit training at Camp Pendelton with the MOS 0311 (Rifleman). Went on to the U.S. Marines school of infantry where he was assigned to the Reconnaissance Training Company, after completion he was awarded the MOS 0321 ( recon ) and assigned to a Mairines Awaiting Recon Training platoon before going into the Basic Reconnaissance Course.

During phase 1,he took courses in Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape ( level c). United States Marine Corps Combatant Diver Course. Basic Airborne Course. Multi Mission Parachute Course. High Risk Personnel Course, and Special Operations Training Group, and was given the MOS 0326. Has cross trained in the US Army Ranger school, Recon and Surveillance Leaders course. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster School and HRST Master course. During phase 2 training he was trained in Advanced Long Range Communications, Weapons and Tactics, Threat Weapons Familiaration, Force Fires, Mobile Reconnaissance, Advanced Airborne, Combat Trauma, Amphibious Training, and Combatant Dive package.

During phase 3 Training he was trained in Direct Action, Close Qurters Combat, VBSS and shipboard Assaults,learning how to operate in both Mairtime and urban environments. During phase four he went on the required six month deployment phase with the III MEF's, 31st MEU in Okinawa. During phase 5 after the platoons 30 day leave, he chose to remain in Force Recon and went to the Marine Special Operations School then was assigned to the Marine Special Operations Regiment 2nd Battalion. His lasT tour before retirement found him assigned to of all things, a Starship.


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