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In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alaric folded his arms across his chest, and raised his left hand up to stroke his chin as he listened to her, though she may not of been a Ruler for long, it seemed her intentions were quite clear for not once did she mention the bearing of children or the raising of a family, perhaps she had become more like her Father then he had realised, when replied to her, his voice was soft, an almost serene tone,

"First let me begin with stating that there is far too much history between us to worry about being rude or disrespectful...we both control vast Kingdoms, the prosperity of which rests upon the decisions we make, therefore I would have us speak as openly and honest without fear of reprisal just as your Father and I once did". he paused a moment and shifted his weight before continuing,

"Second, if by taking his rightful place upon the throne, meaning the throne of Thirmos, I would have to say that, the Throne is already occupied and well be yet for some time to come, unless I'm to presume my demise has already been plotted not long after you both have said your vows...Now as for what I want for my Son...all that you have said would indeed be the logical direction of thought and at first was indeed my intention, and although it is my intention for him to one day rule Thirmos as well as Cylla, it will be neither him or "his" Army that conquers them".

He again paused pondering whether or not to reveal his true intentions in regards to Rowan as was his first thought to do so when he first brought her into the garden, but was now having second thoughts of doing so, after mulling over her own stated intentions as for the reason of the marriage. In the middle of thought the sound of a someone running towards the garden could be heard fast approaching, he turned toward the gate in time to see it flung open by one of the Castle guards who called out to him after taking a few deep gulps of air, " Sire...come quick, there is trouble in the Great hall".

"Oh bloody hell", he exclaimed with sudden resignation, "I'd of hope to at least made it past the first day". he move past the Guardsmen then turned to face him, "Stay with the Queen till more guards come then escort her to the Keep", then without waiting reply he sprinted for the Keep and reached the Great hall in time to spot a roguish looking man standing in his Chamberlains face, his anger raising as the closer he got to the pair and could hear the last few utterances of the mans words to the Chamberlain.Then to his shock and utter amazement he saw Rowan, draw his sword and place it at the Chamberlains throat.

"CEASE THIS MADDNESS, THIS VERY INSTANT", he shouted in a voice that boomed throughout the entire hall and seemed to shake the stone, he stopped next to Rowan and glared at him, his temper raising even higher, " SHEATH YOUR SWORD AND I MEAN DO SO NOW", he glared between the both of them until Rowan relented and lowered his sword, "BOTH OF YOU TO MY CHAMBERS...NOW". He then turned to the one who first accosted Robert and pointed him out the the Captain of the Guard now at his side, " Send a squad to the garden and escort the Queen back here to her quarters, then have this one brought to my Chambers as well".

Moments later Alaric spoke first with the Captain of the Guard and got a full account concerning the events that transpired prior to his barging in, then dismissed the Captain and sat in silence as the three men stood before him within his private chambers, still needing a moment to contain his anger, he leaned forward and beckoned to the wolf which hesitantly inched forward till he was able to place his hand on the magnificent creatures head to which he scratch for several minutes in silence before looking to the one the wolf belonged, his voice a controlled and angered tone,

"There is a little known fact about wolves, and that is each wolf seems to know and understand its place within the hierarchy of the pack and each wolf also seems to understand the consequence of turning upon one higher then its own status"

Alaric sat back in the chair, but his gaze still locked onto the eyes of the man, "The man beside you, whom you accosted, is a not only Chamberlain of my Court, but is also a Nobleman of Trimos, a man of Title and position and is well within his right to demand your head and I would be bound by my Oath as his Liege to grant it, for in your verbal assault of him, you as well assaulted myself...and I am the Alpha of this pack... What keeps your head upon your shoulders is the fact that you are a subject of Sevaiel, and since the Queen of Sevaiel is within these walls, I will leave it to her and Lord Davidson to determine the punishment for your insolence. But know you this, you actions have dishonored your Queen and shown disrespect to the hospitality I afforded you as host to a welcomed guest. Should such an incident happen again, I will not hesitate having you placed in irons and tossed into the dungeon".

without further word his eyes bypassed the Chamberlain's and went directing to the eyes of Rowan and ignoring the look of impertinence upon the young mans face, he continued, "I did not think there would be need of me reminding you that you are the Crown Prince and not the Crown King", he said with a voice still laced with anger.

Lord Davidson is a blood born Noble of Trimos, who's Fealty is sworn to ME making ME his Liege...not only is he invaluable as Chamberlain to this Castle but he is also an Officer of MY Royal Court, therefore making him subject to MY authority...on the day you become King, then you may take his head but until that day any problems arising from his conduct is for ME to deal with....five barrels of the best wine will be subtracted from your accounts and given to Lord Davidson".

Again without further word, he cast his eyes to Robert, who's apparent look of exasperation only angered him more, "And you Lord Davidson are not without blame, though I have said your services are invaluable, I find myself once again insisting that you take into consideration that there are none outside of these Castle walls that are accustomed to your brashness of tone nor your abrasive demeanour and I strongly suggest you find some way to curb your disdain or remove yourself from the post of Chamberlain for you have now forced my hand and left me with no other recourse...and I expect you to issue an apology to the Queen of Sevaiels entourage for your behavior post haste.

Alaric paused, casting his eyes now to each man before him, judging they're thoughts by the looks upon their faces, after a few moments of tense silence he spoke once more with finality in his still angered tone, "Now begone from my Chambers, the three of you". Alaric then rose from his seat and walked out onto the balcony and stared out over the western landscape of the Kingdom.
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
What charecters do you still need?

May need a new Chamberlain, if the CP has his way, lol
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
oh yay an audience with the King, lol :P just don't forget Aldurin's wolf, it's still following him :)


Hmmm, never had wolf meat before....
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Just a heads up before things get too further along. For part of my next post I'm going to have Aldurin, Robert and Rowan escorted to the Kings chambers.

In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Rest assured that the King WILL NOT be happy with the turn of events that await upon his return from the garden.
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Alaric Jameson

"Justice without Force is powerless, Force without Justice is Tyrannical" -Blaise Pascal

Alaric Arameus Jameson

The Bear King




Sovereign King


First and foremost is His loyalty to the Family legacy of Kingship, then to the people and the lands withen His Kingdom

In Depth Appearance
Stands 6 foot 4 inches, broad of shoulder and stout of leg and muscular from years of combat training, jousting and Battles. Keeps his brownish blonde hair short since its easier to wear a chainmail coif and helm and despite his age, his piercing blue eyes are still bright and keen of sight. He cares little for fancy silk or other refinement of garment and unless at the insistence of the Queen to dress properly for some Courtly function, he can be found still dressed in chainmail and battle tunic, the sword of Jameson Kings ever strapped to his side.

-overseeing Combat of Arms/Jousts.
-Hoisting a Tankard of mead with fellow Knights.
-Seeing to the needs of the Kingdom.
-Seeing that the Army is properly equipped and trained.
-Administering Justice.

-Pompous Court functions.
-Courtly etiquette.
-untrustworthy Nobles.
-Kingdom of Cylla.


To those outside the Kingdom who know him not, he tends to be quiet, reserve and observant, though self-confident in his abilities, he's not boisterous or display's in aire of bravado and most times his demeanor is taken as being aloof,Standoffish and with more than a measure of arrogance. He can, but rarely makes friends easily, but He is also not a fool, placing his full trust only in those who prove worthy of it. To those that are his friends, he is attentive, kind and protective. He has a sense of responsibility and justice to those under his rule that is difficult to shake off, even while miles away, and it influences most of his decisions. Does not acquire wealth and skill for himself; he thinks of how the riches and new wealth can be put to better use for the Widowed and Orphaned of His Kingdom. Though he prefers to seek a peaceful solution to problems, he's not hesitant to take up arms in defense of the weak and innocent, he's no push over for once engaged in combat he can be ruthless and overpowering, fully intent on winning.

Work in progress, waiting to see what my 'Children' post, before I finish up the background, so I can make the timeline mesh up.

Is called the Bear King due to his physical size, gruff manner and overpowering, tenacious style of combat.

In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
And posted, hope its alright, kinda rushed thru it trying to get it done.
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

As was his custom since the days of riding with his Fathers Army, Alaric woke just as the first rays of the morning sun sliced through the darkness of the bed chamber, casting a soft glow upon the curves of the woman that laid at his side. He yawned then stretched and for a moment let his thoughts wander, enjoying the peaceful stillness of dawn, he rolled over on his side facing the woman lying on her belly and turned away from him, he placed a palm upon the small of her back and slowly slipped his hand up along her spine relishing the feel of her soft smooth skin under his calloused hand.

Since the time he took his first steps he had been trained and taught in the ways of combat and war, glory and honor from a battle won, the conquering of an enemy and the subjugation of his people and lands had been his world, things such as tenderness, affection, gentleness and love were signs of weakness and had no place within the heart of a warrior, but all of that changed the day she stepped into his life. His fingers now toyed with the long tresses of silk like hair that hung about her shoulders, she moaned and stirred softly but remained fast asleep.

It had been an arranged marriage, an agreement between his Father and a lesser Lord to keep the Lord from losing his holdings and title due to a lost wager made during a jousting tournament. Alaric had never seen nor heard of the woman until the day they were wedded, but the moment he lifted her vail after the Priest pronounced them man and Wife and he looked into her eyes, his life was forever changed.

Feeling amorous now, he nudged her slightly and got yet another murmer of soft protest at his urging, he smiled to himself and decided to let her be, then the thought crossed his mind as to how many more children they would of had, if he had not spent the better part of five, almost six years securing lands for his Father instead of romping about like a pair of rabbits with his young Bride. A soft knock and the sliding of the doors bolt stirred him from his thoughts and he spun about, tossed the furs away and rose to his feet with a deep growl in his hushed tone of voice, "Stand your place or I'll have the flesh flayed from your backside...give me but a few moments more and ye may enter and tend to her Highness".

Now dressed and letting the visibly shaken Handmaiden of the Queen enter the Chamber, he strode down the stone hall to the stairway leading down to the greathall of the inner Keep where the morning meal was laid out upon the tables by still sleepy eyed servants who had long since learned it was better to lose sleep then encounter a hungry King. He spotted Cilla, a frown crossing his face as he noted her choice of attire, he started to comment but held his tongue and nodded his head instead in way of greeting as he approached his seat, today was not the day to be spent in a winless argument over the proper attire of a Princess. Before seating he took hold of a knife and speared a few pieces of venison, cheese and bread, took another glance at his Daughter, noting she seemed lost in her own thoughts before he sat and ate in silence.

A moment later a servant appeared and hasting placed a tankard of meade before him then hurried off, he finished the last few bites of venison left on the plate, then drained the tankard of its contents and rose to his feet, he started to walk past his Daughter but then stopped and turned to face her back. Stepping toward her, he draped his right arm over her shoulder and gently hugged her about the neck, with his left hand he ruffled her hair playfully, "How is it to be that the spirit of a mighty warrior should come to be found within the form of a Princess", he chided softly, "Were I to have but a mere hundred warriors with tenacity such as yours, the world would be mine to rule". He held her briefly then kissed the top of her head before letting go and returning to his chambers to dress for the days coming event.

Alaric stood along with the others and watched in awe as the Queen of Sevaviel came forth with her entourage, were once a lil Princess, nothing but knees and elbows walked, now came a young Lady of striking beauty. he followed her glance toward Rowan whom may as well have been a statue of stone, whatever his feelings were at the moment, he managed to keep well hid behind a mask of indifference.

"I thank you for allowing me to come and stay in your lands until the wedding day of me and the Crowned Prince, Rowan, It's been years it feels like since I've been here. Was I missed?"

Her voice was soft, almost melodious, but something about her tone made it seem to him as if controlled, perhaps even rehearsed, he studied her a moment, then widened his stance and folded his arms across his chest before speaking in his deep gruff tone of voice,

"Missed indeed", he paused a moment, and looked to his beloved Queen with a quick wink of an eye before looking back to the Queen of Sevaiel, "It was just this very Morn that thoughts of a young Princess not much taller then my knee with eyes that sparkled like the bluest of diamonds with merriment, and a joyous infectious laughter that echoed throughout the halls of this Keep came to my thoughts. And now here stands before me a remarkable young Lady, whom wishes to know if shes been missed".

Then to everyones astonishment and surprise, he stepped forward, opened his arms and embraced her as if she were his own child, "Aye the lil Princess has and will be missed, but I'm honoured to be gaining a Daughter in law in her place". He released her, but kept hold of her hand, he turned to look for Lord Robert and spotted hom next to Cilla and called out to him, "Lord Robert, if you please, see that the Queens baggage is sent to her quarters, and the other guests to their quarters as well so that they might freshen up if they should wish to before dinner". He turned back to Emillia and announced,"The Queen and I will have words in private", he turned to look at those who had travelled with her, " Welcome to Thirmos, I will take but a brief moment of your Queens time, please go inside and enjoy the hospitality of my Castle, if you have need of anything, hasitate not in asking".

Alaric escorted her to the seclusion of his Wifes private garden, then closed the gate so only he and her could walk among the various plants and blooms of radiant colors, after a brief moment he spoke, his tone now soft and caring as they walked the path around the garden,

" My apologies for not sending my condolences for the loss of your Father, I was away and did not recieve word in time to make arrangments to travel to his burial...your Father and I may of had our disagreements and moments of anger, but he was an honorable and just man and will be missed", he puased a moment before continuing,"Emillia, under the circumstances, with the passing of your Father, and the sudden burden of becoming a Ruler, I will not hold you to the marriage arrangement, should you wish not to follow through, but I well say once more, it would be an honor to have you in the Family". He paused then turned to face her, studied her face and awaited her answer.
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Older the violin, the sweeter the music
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
By that as it may, just be sure the barrels of Meade is well stocked, or I'll have your head on a pike.

Lol, I jest of course....maybe
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