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From the back of the gathered group, he heard a distinct low growl and he turned to look upon its source. Joshua's attention was drawn to the imposing figure of the masked one as he stepped from the shadows, the Hunter with the Mask posture conveyed an aire of arrogance, almost as if he was contemptuous of the others gathered in the hall. The man was also self-assured and self-confident as he strode boldly forward. The Hunter with the Mask line of questioning was quite intriguing as well and spoke perhaps that the man had himself experienced all the he was now questioning the others about, which of course raised the questions in his mind, 'How does the mask one know of what he speaks, no one has ever encountered the Shade and not walked away unscathed... was that the reason for the mask?, was it possible the masked one was a spy... had those of the Shade grown so bold as to send one of their into the midst of the very Castle itself?, but then again, if he be a spy, why flaunt the knowledge of possibly be touched by the darkness by his line of questions?' The Hunter with the Mask would be one that bared being watched indeed.

Joshuas attention was forced away from the Hunter to the servant that had moments ago been at the Kings side, h e perked a brow as the servant spoke, thinking that one having the confidence of the King would of had a more respectful display of etiquette and proper manners. Joshua held up a hand and addressed the man, his smile belaying his intention,

"Forgive me young one, but have things come to such a low in the Kingdom, that a Servant of the King lacks the forethought to bow before a Lady and make proper introductions, before stating a request?, for instance, before bringing her before the King, it would be prudent to know the Ladys name so one would know how to address her before the King would it not?" , it wasn't that he wanted to embarrass the man, but he also knew how the Elven valued the use of proper manners and the value of first impressions, if the Elves thought it important enough, and current events dire enough to send an envoy to meet the King, then it would be in the humans best interest to gain the Elves confidence, though he did realize at that the moment, none knew she was Elven.
Joshua happened to look up from his conversation with the Woad Maiden and caught the glance of the red haired female, though the countenance of her face shown not a sign of recognition, her eyes betrayed a knowledge of understanding, that in fact what she thought she might of heard was indeed what she had heard. For a moment this puzzled him, she would of had to of been among Elven before to of had recognized what she thought to of heard now to be Elven,but yet she looked much too young to have been alive during the time the Elven last walked among the humans.

Joshua's thoughts were interrupted with the entrance of the King and his heart grew heavy as he watched the man make his way to the throne. The once proud and noble bearing that commanded respect now seemed tired and worn, shoulders once broad and strong now seemed stooped and weak from years of bearing the burden of running a Kingdom. The once muscular physique from years of training and battle, now obese and soft by even longer years of inactivity, age was not kind to humankind, even less so to one whom bore the weight of a Kingdoms survival, but although the King may not now be the man he once was, there was still a fire and determination in his eyes that told of a formidable adversary still within the aged body that would battle onto death anyone or anything that threatened his Kingdom and people.

Once again his attention was drawn back to the red haired woman as the King called upon her to speak, the fact that he not only knew her, but her Father as well meant she and her family held a measure of influence and prestige at the Kings court, something that would make her quite formidable in her own right when it came down to whom would actually recover the lost cup, for it was his intentions the cup never to return to human hands again, least they ever discover its true powers and bring forth the wrath of the gods down upon themselves and the rest of the world. He turned to look briefly at the Woad Maiden and pondered why she was here, had the Elves come to a similar conclusion?, enough time later for such questions, he concluded then turned to hear what any others or the King might have to say.
bout Bloody time Lass, fer ya to be put'in this up

His attention was drawn from the window by the approaching of the cloaked form, and although covered from head to the top of her doeskin boots, the Elven cloak could not hide the fluid and graceful movements of the feminine form it covered as she came towards him. Despite her apparent desire for discretion, he noted the slight bow of her head, a discrete display of greeting in way of respect, something lost among humans and probably would of led to a lot less conflicts between their own kind had they even a tenth of civility as the Elves.

Though her voice was hushed for only him to hear, it seemed as if a symphony, the inflection of tone and variance of pitch so common in the Elven language and that also made it to difficult for none Elven races to master was like music to his ears, as welcoming as the morning song of the birds in greeting of dawn. As she spoke her melodious words, he was reminded of how intuitive the Elven were and her acknowledgement of what he was without saying so in direct fashion caused him to smile. As she continued to speak, he took in a wisp of her scent, the scent of the White Barks upon her flawless skin caused within him an instant and deep longing to see those ancient woods once more. He could also sense her pureness of both heart and spirit but which also held a disciplined control of anger and a measured degree of hatred for the dark one.

Her scent combined with the knowledge of what he was, told him what she was almost instantly, a Maiden of the Woad. He was taken slightly of guard by the fact, he had known Woad before, had even fought along side them to protect the White Kingdom, but that had been centuries upon centuries ago, but still, his memory was good enough to remember he had never encountered a Woad as young as she before, a Woad Warden was well into their mid hundreds and endured a near endless series of tests and trials before earning the right to go about on their own.

He was about to respond when one of the other Servant girls stopped to make inquiry of either of in need of drink, he raised his mug in response and then drank from it as the girl and Arlese exchanged words, he had to bite back a snicker as the Elven Maiden struggled ever so slightly with human speech, if she only knew how humans, at best, butchered putting to Elven words together, let alone full sentences.
As the Servant girl excused herself and made her way to the kitchen, he called out to her, "I believe M'Lady would care for some pear juice, in fact make it two, if you would be so kind, Thank you", He turned back to Arlese then matched her bow of the head with his own," My pardon M'Lady, if I spoke too boldly on your behalf", he took a quick glance about to be sure no one was in earshot of his words before matching her hushed tones with his own,

"Cormamin lindua ele lle, Arwen en amin. Oio naa elealla alasse', ele-Tel'Quessir ero au', Nae saian luume', Amin estela ta nauva anlema n'ala lye kirma rimbor.

Ar' Amin weera yassen lle, var-lye ai'Oline, nan' ten' sii', Tula, vasa arĀ“ yulna en i' mereth...Uuma ma' ten' rashwe sii', ta tuluva a' lye rato faarea... Amin'm Joshua".

Just then trumpets blared loudly pronouncing the coming of the King and they watched as in typical overly ornate and gallant fashion the King entered the hall full of guests.
Lol, nicely done though
Damn double posts

Joshua stood in the entrance of the audience hall of the castle and looked around in wonder, the opulence displayed was astounding to say the least and showed nothing of the once rudimentary furnishings that was the castles beginnings in the days following the Tribal wars that eventually United all the nomadic Tribes under one banner. One item of particular interest was that of a Dragon cast in pure gold with emerald jewels for eyes, as he stepped closer to examine the detailed craft work of scales, he noticed the guards that had been at the entrance looking his way with puzzled expression, neither of two could recall granting the man standing too close to one of the Castles treasures admittance. Joshua made it a point to hold each of the guards gaze then turned his attention back to the halls gathered guests of the King as the guards shook their heads in unison, coming to the conclusion that someone else must of granted entrance to the well dressed gentleman as they turned back to their post.

Joshua's gaze scanned the room, the Hunters were easy to spot, not only for the fact they were brandishing weapons within the Kings castle, but there was also the defiant look in their eyes, swagger in their stride and a confidence that bordered on the edge of arrogance, or in one case for exceeding it. He watched as one Hunter wearing a mask as if this was a masquerade ball verbally accosted a young female servant, he turned and faced the young servant, smiled reassuringly and placed his hand upon the small of her back and spoke softly in a tone reminiscent of a Grandfather consoling a child,

" Your pardon m'lady, but might I trouble with a request for a mug of hot water if you please, it would be much appreciated". he could see the young servant girl was taken aback by his manner, and he bowed slighty.

"Y-yes... of course M'Lord", he heard her reply after a brief moment, then he watched as she hurried off to the to the cooking rooms, even ignoring request by other guests for drinks from her tray as she hustled passed them. Something alerted his senses and he turned to see a red haired woman walk across the audience hall, he got the sense that she was a person to be wary of, yet he had no explanation for the reason why. His thoughts were interrupted by the return of the servant girl with a steaming mug in hand which he took graciously and produced a glimmering red ruby gemstone and placed it in her hand, she started to speak but he placed the index finger of his right hand across her full lips,

" This gem will fetch you a Kings ransom, leave this place, collect your family and go to the southern most part of the region, go and hesitant not....GO", the last word came with such a commanding tone of voice that the young servant girl spun on her heels and fled the hall. He sat the mug on anearby table, took a pouch from a pocket and poured some of the contents into the mug, then picked up the mug and swirled it around in a circle in order to mix the contents.

"King Jermolt of Capernaum bids you all well and offers gratitude and hospitality to each of you. As you well know, darkness has slipped into the Carpathian mountains just beyond us and has riddled our land with their witchcraft which brings nothing but desolation and death. As such, we have employed each of you to assist us in a mission that is two-fold. First, something was stolen from our sacred chambers last night - the cup of Eden, which is said to hold the key to eternal life......Whether you believe the tales or not, we do and obviously the Shade, who is darkness incarnate does as well. We need the cup back and we need an end put to this madness,We will have a large feast and wine set before you in the other room. Please come and as you are settled in feel free to ask questions. The King himself with join us shortly and entertain your thoughts and preponderances. Rooms have been prepared for each of you and tomorrow morning is when the journey will began. Please come."

Joshua nearly lost his hold on the mug, not because of the suddenness of the announcement, but because of the subject of the announcement, the Cup of Eden. The lore of the Cup and been lost to the ages and would of remained so had not the person making the announcement blurted out the potential of the Cup, now every fortune hunter and relic thief would get word of the cup missing and seek the cup for a gain of a large sum of gold coins. As the gathered guest's began to make their way to the Dining hall a cloaked feminine figure entered the hall then stopped to wait as the guard that escorted her in ran off, though the intent may of been one of concealment, the finery and embroidery of the cloak and the elegance of unhumanly grace, even in the simplest of movements, revealed to him whom and what the cloaked figure was, if any race understood the significance of the Cup of Eden, it would be the Elven.

Joshua was contemplating a way of introduction when suddenly the hairs on the back of his neck raised, a sense of dark magic being conjured tickled his Dragon nature causing him to frown, though he could pick up on the sensations, in human form he was unable to gauge its intent, forgetting for a moment the presence of the Tel'Quessir woman, he turned and went to a nearby window and stared out in the direction of the Carpathian Mountains intensely.
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