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In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ahhh...It's happening guys!!

Another Whispers RP? Interesting xD
Never watched the show though. :P
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Ah, in that case I doubt what I've said will happen. If he doesn't say anything, she wouldn't know. And anyway she is really not a fan of the doom and gloom. We'll just have to see how he interacts with her then.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Woah. I like this, what you've written up for Korrie that is.
I can see Emilie and Korrie bonding over this , becoming good friends even. She has been a victim of bullying as well, though not on the same scale as he has been, they both have an interest in gymnastics and they are both romantics. >_>!
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I don't see why not.

Sweet! I'll put her in Swimming and Gymnastics then. She likes them both anyway!
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I like and support @Scoundrel's idea of having the matchmaking club. It's a fun and interesting idea that I think will be alot of fun to write in in the IC. However, I don't want Emilie being the mastermind though!

Since we have swimming, I was wondering if we could have Gymnastics as well? I'm just asking as Emilie is a gymnast, if not I'll just shove her into one of the available ones.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
31 Questions to ask about your characters

Where should we put this? In a separate hider or what?
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I wasn't dead! I was simply asleep!

I'm awake now! And if anyone wants to discuss further relations or anything with Emilie, I'm totally up with that!
I'll be on piratepad!
Laura Johnson

The ride took some time. Laura wasn't sure how long it took, but it was a while. She had managed to scrounge up a helmet from the nearby adjacent carpark. As she got into the carpark, she had found several abandoned motorcycles still lying in the same exact position they were left in. Almost all of them were no longer in working condition, either with parts missing or an assortment of separate unknown problems. That didn't concern her though. She not after a working bike, but a helmet.

After searching for what felt like forever, Laura found a dirty, musty-looking helmet lying sideways on the ground. Dusting it off as best as she could, she grabbed it and started to head back. Soon enough, it was time for the group to leave. Placing the helmet onto her head, she got onto the bike behind the hunky Cole as he brought the bike's engines to life. And they were off.

Grabbing tightly onto his waist as the motorcycle sped ahead, Laura peered off his shoulders as he led the group of survivors towards their intended destination. Eventually tired of looking around, she rested her helmeted head onto Cole's back, exhausted by the day's ordeal. It was not like there was any other thing to do right now. She did not know how long she lay there, as the motorcycle's engine monotonous droning seemed to go on forever, before finally stopping. That got her attention.

Why did they stop? Had they reached their destination? Lifting her head as Cole moved to get up, Laura saw that they have approached a cluster of buildings of sort. Two armed men were approaching the group and Cole had take it upon himself to meet up with them. He asked her to watch his back. Ironically, after using it, she now had to protect it. Figures. Lifting up the helmet to get an unobstructed view of the surroundings, she kept an eye out for Cole. Although she had a pistol, she wasn't really any good with it.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Finally finished my relationship sheet. Phew! That took forever!
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