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Hey there,

I got some questions if you don't mind.

This does sound interesting from what I can understand, but the plot still eludes me. (Basically you're part of the military organisation called SOLDIER that will go forth and fight creatures and other man?)

And Aeons. I don't understand them and how they relate to the character. Is it an inner quality within the character or something like a guardian spirit?
Hi @Mr Allen J

Wazzup.. How you doing. How's this coming along?
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Happy Thanksgiving all you Americanos.
In CLOSED 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Anyone have some suggestions on how should I start?
I mean this being so far in an all?
And would my character be staying in the same school quarters as the previous daughter of Zeus?

Time to slowly read all these posts lol xD
In CLOSED 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Just posted the long-ass collab, lol.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Korrigan Jackson // Emilie Delacour

Korrie's first day of school was. . . interesting, too say the least. He didn't know what he'd been expecting of the teachers staunch an elite school, but what he got wasn't actually half bad. Of course, that old bitch from Negotiations was Satan incarnate, cause not only did she give homework on the first day, but it was the most cruel and unusual assignment he'd ever gotten. Who the hell makes a bunch of teens read the teens and conditions to goddamn Facebook, it's insane. Other than that, the day was good, though he had a feeling that he'd be failing Etiqutte classes major already, as his table manners were just a step or to above that of a cave man.

Anyway, after actually doing the homework from Hell, which had made him want to try his hand at self-lobotomy more than once, he had decided to drown himself in an hour or two of Fallout 4, scouring the wastes for anything that could be of use(mainly anything with fucking adhesive), while also wondering whether or not he should even bother going to this party. He'd gotten a flyer from some random girl, may have been the host herself, may have just been someone handing out invites. Either way, he had been invited and didn't know what to do with this knowledge, as this was the first time he'd really been invited to anything in . . . ever, really, and he didn't want to just brush it off. But he didn't really know the tow that well, and it seemed like a lot of people would be going too. He'd talk to some guys he'd met on a forum a few years ago, and they all said he should go for it, meet some babes, have a good time, get drunk, and enjoy his youth before it was gone(did he mention that they were all a good bit older than him, like late 20's or so from what he had heard).

He had plenty of food to bring, party food being his main source of calories and nutrients when his mom was nagging him about his diet. But he couldn't help but obsess over worse case scenarios, like what if he said something stupid, or what if he trip and bump into someone, or he accidentally insulted the Alpha bitch of the school, and a million and one other scenarios. The one he was most scared of, however, was that something in the party caused him to have another freaking freak out, which would probably cause in someone getting hurt.Ever since . . . 'the incident', he'd found himself having severe bouts of unstable emotions whenever anything really reminded him of it. He could end up a snivelling ball on the ground, or deck the person next to him in the face. The intensities of the emotions scared him, especially because the main one he turned to was anger, and it had led to a lot of bad times. He wasn't new to such flashes, however, it had been happening to him ever since he got attacked by that dog way back when, but at least that time it'd been contained to whenever saw a dog of any real size. Now, he wasn't quite sure what could set him off. This entire thing could, and most likely would end in disaster . . .

And yet, despite this feeling in the pit of his stomach, he now found himself stuck outside the mansion(man, never before had he felt the wealth gap so strongly than at this moment. Who just gives their children a mansion!?!) of the Hancock twin's, wearing a black jacket over a red Game of Thrones T-shirt(House Targaryen all the way) with baggy black pants, his one good pair of sneakers and a bag full of Barbecue lays and Sprite, unsure as to what he should be doing with it all. Actually, he did know what he should be doing, but it was the matter of getting his body to actually listen to him that was the problem. He was a fun guy, he talked to people, played pranks, and good pal around with the best of them . . . but big parties like this weren't really his thing. They were too crowded, too loud, and over all just killed any charisma he had and turned him into a bumbling pile of awkward. Yet this was something he knew he had to do, so he could break the ice with his new peers.

But how do I do that without tripping over myself? Come on Korrie, this is your chance to make friends in the real world, to forget everything and start the next chapter of your life. All you have to do is just walk through the door.

Unfortunately, simple as it was, his body simply refused to listen to his reasoning, and he began to pace back and forth in front of the door, sometimes looking like like he was about to walk inside, and other times looking as if he was about to make a break for his car, a slightly rickety looking Toyota that he'd gotten hand-me-down from his sister.


Emilie's first day at school was...something interesting. The assembly was boring like all assemblies were, but that was quickly overshadowed by the cafeteria serving burgers and fries for lunch! They then had some classes and such. After school was done, she headed back to the her room in the dorm. She had seen the tweet that went out earlier about the party hosted by the Hancocks. On the way back to dorm, a flier was handed to her by a random boy whose job seemed to be running around distributing fliers to anyone in the vicinity. Taking a look at the flier, it mentioned once again about the party hosted by the Hancocks at their hideaway mansion a short distance away from school. Ahh, the Hancocks, one of the-if not the richest students in the whole of Ashbury.

Judging by the scale of things, and the fact of the siblings extensive reach, it was more than likely that the vast majority of the entire school would be there at the party. Missing it was not an option. Once she arrived at her room, she began her preparations for the party at seven. She had a few short hours to prepare, and she was going to waste them away doing nothing productive. A nice and refreshing shower later, Emilie decided on her outfit selection before applying on a basic layer of make-up. Nothing too much, just a light dash of eye shadow, darkening her eyelashes and putting on a peach-coloured lip balm.

Driving her white Volkswagen beetle into the car park of the Hancock's mansion, the blonde found a suitable parking space and parked her car. She wasn't late or anything, but she noticed that the car park were already gradually beginning to fill up. Emilie didn't exactly arrive empty-handed! She had brought food for the party as that was surely expected of their party guests. She'd brought popcorn, in two different flavours (salted & caramel), suited for those who preferred their popcorn savoury our sweet.

Dressed in a lovely white sleeveless flora dress accompanied with a peach jacket, completing the outfit with a pair of flat peach pumps. She deftly locked her car with a tap of the button and started to make her way to the party's entrance. As Emilie got closer to the door, she saw a guy pacing back and forth in front of it. He looked as though he was trying to decide if should enter or head back towards the car park. She couldn't exactly see who he was yet, until maybe he turned around.

Although she did thought he looked familiar, like someone she knew. Korrie. He was carrying a bag of barbecue Lays potato chips and a bottle of Sprite. She wasn't a big fan of the soft drink, but the particular flavour of chips was one that she liked. Yum. Walking up to him, she called out to him, in that French accent that people loved to make fun of her in. "Ello pacing guy! Is there something wrong? Not going in for the party?"


Korrie jumped slightly, so busy in his thoughts that he had noticed Emilie's arrival. Once he saw who had addressed him, he gave a slightly embarrassed chuckle, scratching at his temple as he usual does when nervous.

"Ah, heh, Bonjour Mademoiselle Delacour," the red-eyed youth responded, overcoming his anxiety the best way h knew how, theatrics. He gave a short bow to the Parisian, having met her a little earlier today in the demon's classroom. "I'm just suffering a little internal crisis is all, to go or not to go. I'm not really one for parties, but I thought I'd give this one a shot . . . and then find myself unable to actually step through the door."

Korrie deflated a little as he lamented his cowardice, but quickly dispelled the thought as he turned his attention back to Emilie. "Ah, but enough about me and my problems, how are you doing today? Have you finished reading the terms and conditions like the gray witch told us to do, cause I did, and I only tried to give myself a concussion twice . . . okay, maybe three times."

Emilie giggled in glee as as the red-eyed boy greeted her in her native tongue. It was funny that way he said it with his accent, but then again she thought that it was probably as funny when she spoke english with hers. Greeting him with a curtsie, she said "Bonjour Monsieur Jackson" Her mouth then curled up in amusement. "I don't see why you should not go. Come with me! It will be fun!" Rolling her eyes to the left as she thought about their homework, she said "I have not completed it yet, only halfway!"

Their brief exchange was then interrupted as Nathan come up to the pair. The suave young man greeted her and placed an arm around her and squeezed her shoulder. The fond action gave her butterflies in her stomach accompanied by an inner warmth. Her crush for Nathan was not letting up it seemed. Emilie greeted him back in return, her words as sweet as honey and her eyes twinkled. "Hi Nathan! I am so glad you are here too!" He then bid them farewell as he made his way into the mansion with the rest of the swim team, also affectionately known as the 'bro squad'. Placing her hand onto Korrie's arm, she tried to drag him into the mansion. "Come on Korrie, let's go!"

"Try reading it while listening to music, that's how I get through reading boring shit for school." Korrie offered before some guy who introduced himself as Nathan came over that seemed to know Emilie. Korrie wasn't quite sure who this guy was, though he thought he might've seen him in one of his classes. He returned the wave with a nod of his own, still looking a little hesitant about going in, only to find himself getting dragged in by Emilie.

"All right, I'm coming, I'm coming, heh," Korrie said, allowing himself to get dragged inside, and while the amount of people inside were a little intimidating, he felt that he could handle it as long as he stayed near people he knew. Unfortunately, that was only one and a half people at the moment, so it was something better said than done. As he listened to the music play and watched people chatter it up with old friends, he couldn't help but ponder about something he had noticed earlier, a smile making it's way on to his face.

"So, Mademoiselle, would the young man that walked in happen to be your paramour? Or perhaps you wish him to be?" Korrie had noticed a slight change in her behavior when Nathan had arrived, but he was really just messing around and trying to start conversation then anything else. Still, a key factor in any prank is to gain information on your target, and since everyone can be a target, you need to collect information on everyone. He doubted he'd ever use something like a crush to prank someone, that'd just be cruel in his eyes, but it could still be a useful bit of info to keep on hand. As he waited for her to answer, he put the food he had brought on the snack table before busting open the lays and taking a good amount for himself on a plate, as well as pouring himself a good-sized cup of Sprite in a cup.

"Oh, and you better get some chips while you can, before everyone else does. It's an Extra-large bag, but I don't think that matters in a mansion full of partying teenagers." Emilie replied, her face instantly turning red at the thought of what Korrie had just said. She sputtered "Paramour? Non, non.. it's just a crush! a crush! I don't think he knows anyway!" She was too embarrassed right about now to care about the damn chips running out.
In CLOSED 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I've finished my character sheet at last. Let me know what you think!

In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Coughs* Here.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Raijinslayer I'm on mobile as well. I'll post it after I get off work.
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