Avatar of Konami
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 44 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Konami 10 yrs ago


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Seems like the whole dice thing should really classify this rp as a Tabletop rp rather than a casual one. Casual rp is more of a collaborative storytelling experience. This kinda sucks for me as I was looking for a good TWD/Zombie rp but I have no interest in the randomness factor in Tabletop style rps. A shame, really.
Big important question, how long has it been since the outbreak? Almost immediately after, like The start of season 1 of the game? A few weeks/months after like the start of the series? Or years after like season 2 of the game and later seasons of the series?
> Probably. I have the same problem on mobile. Coding bug, maybe. > Konami, your character looks interesting. Can't help but feel like she's the type Mitch would have gotten mixed up with before. > > Hehe i figured you needed a bad guy in this. Well maybe not a bad guy, but someone with questionable motives, at least.
No comments on my character? Not even from the GM?
So I know this is closed but I figured I'd reserve a spot, if one opens up, by posting a character. It's in the character tab, but [here's a link to it.](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/74851/posts/char#post-2316346)
I know this is closed but I figured I'd just post this here as a reserved character incase you have a dropout and a spot opens up. **Name:** Nerachara "Nera" **Age:** 24 **Appearance:** ![enter image description here](http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/arachnegirl_zps8bccab86.png "enter image title here") **Background:** Nera was first brought to the attention of the authorities when people began going missing from a small town in the north. All young men between the ages of 18-25. After an extensive search they were all found, unharmed and well fed, but imprisoned in a small cave a few kilometers away from the town. The culprit of these kidnappings was Nera and, when the police arrived, she surrendered to them without a fight claiming, rather cryptically, that she'd had her fun and was ready for something different. The reason for the kidnapping was never disclosed and her victims returned to their lives, perhaps just a little emotionally scarred. Nera freely admitted her guilt before a judge but showed absolutely no remorse for what she had done. As a result she was quickly convicted and sentenced to prison. Once she was released she disappeared off the radar, appearing once again when yet more disappearances began and police began to investigate. Once again she was taken before the courts and it was decided that she was clearly a habitual offender and, after another stint in prison, she was sent to the Oasis and placed under indefinite house arrest. With an unobtrusive tracking collar locked around her neck, she was told in no uncertain terms that should she leave the grounds of The Oasis she would be shown no mercy. **Personality:** Nera is, in a word, a sadist. While not particularly violent, she enjoys toying with people and humiliating them. She does have enough self-control, however, to avoid getting into too much trouble in public and yet she still has a habit of looking at everyone as if they were little more than a meal to her, result in most people being afraid of her, or at least feeling uncomfortable around her. **What type of mythical creature are you?** "My my, what's wrong? Can't you tell? I'm clearly an Arachne.... Are you scared?" **What Crime did you commit?** "Oh, I was just having a little fun. It's not my fault if those humans decide to call it '8 counts of kidnapping'" **How long where you in prison?** "I suppose it would add up to around five years. I was in and out a couple times. It would've been longer but after the first two had to be...removed, no one wanted to be cell mates with me. And with prison overcrowding, they just wanted me out." **How long have you lived at The Oasis?** "I've been cooped up in this place for almost eight months now. It's rather boring, but it's better than prison. No one wanted to play with me in prison."
Welp depressing post done and now I log off for the last time. Bye everyone.
The girl in the tank had watched the violence taking place before her with the sense of watching a movie, though she'd never even seen a movie before. It wasn't real. It was taking place outside her world and, while interesting, it didn't matter. However her expression changed when the stranger forced the man in the white coat to mess with her tank's machinery. The sounds of the machines changed and she looked around clearly very agitated. For the first time in her life she felt something she'd never felt before: the fear of the unknown.

Things got worse when the level of liquid in her tank began, the fluid draining down into some reservoir below the lab. The girl remembered how the other tanks had been drained, her sister's lifeless bodies taken away, one by one. She didn't want that. She trashed in the tank, banging against the unyielding glass. She looked at the stranger, her eyes begging. 'Reverse it!' She thought desperately. 'Please reverse it!' But to her horror the tank continued to empty. As the level dropped, she lowered with it to the floor of the tank, the hoses that supplied her with adam cut off and then detached from her, the long needles leaving just red points on her skin. The girl wiped a wet lock of hair from her face and huddled against the back of the empty tank. 'I'm still...alive?' She thought.

Then once again she had a new experience, breathing. With something close to pain she drew in a shuddering breath and lungs that had never been used expanded. She blinked warily and was about to get up when suddenly she cried out, doubling over as a wave of pain went through her. Adam had sustained her, and now that it had been cut off her body was failing. She collapsed onto her side in the tank and, as the glass lifted with a hiss, the light faded from her eyes and her short, lonely life was over.
Tragically I must withdraw from this due to unforeseen circumstances, namely our jackass landlord deciding he wants to sell the house we're renting which he can apparently do thanks to some bullshit clause in our lease, but I digress. Things will be rather chaotic on my end for a while and I'll be unable to commit the time this roleplay deserves. However I have no intention of just leaving you all high and dry. I'm working on a exit post as we speak. Once again, my apologies and best wishes.
Some guards and a scientist have stumbled into her room, maybe to hide or plan some way to deal with the intruders. Either way it's a threat that could cause the Knights to be drawn into her room.
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