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  • Old Guild Username: Kostvel
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 94 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kostvel 11 yrs ago


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I'm interested, mostly in the first idea. I do best writing in that style of genre/setting. Although I do like sci-fi as well, I prefer more futuristic settings, usually along the lines of new frontier/space exploration. For me, I role-play male characters only, and I don't do sex. If your interested in hammering out a complete fresh idea as well, I'd be open to that as well.
Are we starting up soon?
I'm almost done everything, I'll probably have the sheet done up for tomorrow.
Also, on our stat buy are we only allowed to add points to the base ten? Or are we allowed to decrease them to add those points to another stat up to 18?
Okay, one quick question on the traits. Do you mean two traits, including the racial trait, or on top of the racial trait? For instance, including would be the trait you get as a human plus the killer trait, or would you have your base racial trait plus maybe killer and axe to grind?
I'll be rolling a fighter. Good ol' sword and board.
I'm good, nothing that I have questions about for the moment.
Sorry for the length, came out long than I thought it would be.
Name: Navar Laughren
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Species: Werewolf/Mage

Appearance: Navar stands at an average 5'9", with a midsize but well defined body, although this isn't always apparent because of his lazy stance. He keeps his dark brown hair fairly short, although the rough and jagged look of it demonstrates that he doesn't really care either for barbers or looks all that much. His eyes are a rather sandy colour, not quite yellow, but neither are they a definite brown. He can often be seen with a few days of dark stubble framing his jaw. Most would say that if he cleaned himself up and took pride in his appearance, he could be quite handsome. On the left side of his chest stretching down to his upper left leg, a silvery grey crystalline pattern adorns a large part of his skin. Bordering the whole pattern his skin is a reddish colour, as if slightly inflamed from a rash.

Clothing not really a priority for Navar, he commonly wears some generic faded jeans and old t shirts. He also tends to wear a set of coveralls tied around the waist, and a fairly long grey jacket on which the cuffs are turned up. The jacket bears signs of old embroidery which seems to mark out runic patterns, but most of the thread has either faded or fallen out.

As a wolf, his fur is a general dark grey colour, with brown highlights around his paws, ears, and along the top of his tail. On his back lays a marking in darker gray fur in the general shape of a diamond. Both the tips of his ears and the end of his tail also bear the same dark grey. His tail is also bears a distinctive kink along it halfway, as if it was previously broken and set badly. His eyes also change to a darker colour, reflecting back as a dark gold rather than his regular sandy yellow.

Abilities: In general he has most of the abilities of a werewolf, with a few exceptions. He still has abilities such as the magnified senses, endurance, and the ability to infect others into werewolves. He also bears the ability to mold and enchant things with a magic using specialized glyphs. This is usually used in the form of enchanting a piece of clothing or item for durability, and applying special effects to things such as bullets and blades such as frost or lightning. He can also repair or re-craft broken items with sufficient time and material.

Weaknesses: He lacks the strength and healing of regular werewolves. This generally means that he is only slightly stronger than the average human male, and his rate of recovery is similar. He mostly benefits from the healing in the fact that general poisons and venom’s don't work, and that he doesn't catch any diseases. Also, do to a particular incident, he is much more sensitive to silver than the average werewolf, and a single touch of silver is near debilitating. His magic takes a fair amount of time and materials, so is not suited for any sort of snap use. Some of the enchantments also require rare or obscure materials.

Personality: Navar has a rather submissive personality, although this isn't readily apparent at times, as he tends to be a guarded and closed person at first due to past experiences in his life. Once you get past his shell and get to know him, he can be a very warm person, and eager to lend a land. He has a very logical mind, and can be rather stubborn on pursuing something till he either works it out or gets an answer. He is rather intelligent, but this is tempered by his general laziness. Even so he will perform excellent work without cutting corners, and can be depended on once he agrees to a task.

Background: Navar grew up enjoying a fairly average childhood in a small town in a northwestern state, raised only by his mother as his father had passed away when he was a very young age. When he was twelve, his mother succumbed to a deadly bout of cancer, leaving him with no family, as he had neither uncles nor aunts. He was passed around through a few foster homes for a year or two, until he was adopted by a rather elderly man, and from that point everything changed. He was taught as an apprentice in how to be not only a mechanic, but a blacksmith as well. He rather enjoyed both, and took tot he two trades readily.

Much later, after his nineteen birthday and passing his official trades certification as a mechanic, his adoptive father begun teaching him in an entirely new subject, magic. He began to learn how to use glyphs to strengthen steel, fix objects ranging from a broken cup, to a complex watch. Every day he learned new glyphs and ways to use them, under the tutelage of his adoptive father. Even though he absorbed so much everyday, he knew that there was an unfathomable amount to still learn and discover.
After just past two years of working hard and studying, a new development in his life happened. While he and his foster father lived fairly remote in a small rural house, it wasn't completely insulated from the rest of the world. A bad deal between his adoptive father and an alpha from a werewolf pack from the neighboring state finally reaped its repercussions. A vicious attack on the household left Navar's adoptive father dead, and he himself infected with lycanthropy.

Driven away from the house by the tragedy, he began wandering afar. He was never really in full control of himself, as instead of dealing with it he was driven to find a way to cure at what he believed to be a curse. He hitchhiking his way through towns and city's never really settling down for any period of time as he either searched for materials and knowledge for a cure, or lost control and had to flee for other reasons. Eventually he gathered enough knowledge and materials to attempt the spell which he believed would reverse his condition.

Holed up in a abandoned outbuilding in a forest, he spent two days writing glyphs and preparing the spell. Finally done, he knelt cautiously over a crucible containing pure silver, which bubbled as it heated over a small burner. He was weak and sick from the prolonged exposure to silver in the air, but he felt that it was a minor price to pay for what he believed would be the cure. With a sweep of his hand, he sketched the last glyph to the spell over the crucible. Suddenly all the runes painstakingly written in various patterns about the room glowed, and Navar felt himself get warm as the magic started to take hold of his body. Within a split second flash the glyphs suddenly lost colour and he found himself falling to the floor as he blacked out.

Awaking an indeterminate time later to a fiery pain on his left side, he agonizingly sat up until he could see a large silver crystalline pattern on his left side, surrounded by the angry weal of his flesh. Whatever had happened, the spell had not reversed his condition, but made it worse by somehow grafting silver into his body yet keeping him alive.
Many years later, still wandering but now having lost the drive for a cure, Navar had accepted the condition he had put himself in. The silver permanently grafted to his body he found had almost negated all his werewolf strength and to his dismay his healing, and often forced him to switch forms with no logical timing or prompts. He begun to make his way to outpost 17, where he had heard that others like him would have the freedom of not being persecuted. He hoped it was also where he might be able to finally get true control of himself and deal with his particular special condition in peace.

Job: Navar works as a mechanic and mostly, repairing things usually through the regular mundane ways. Alongside that he applies his talent as a smith to make small things for people or more rarely decorative ironwork in his small shop. To supplement that income to those he knows a little better he supplies enchantments and his special magical repair abilities which with the right materials and appropriate time could fix a fair amount fo things otherwise unrepairable.
Working on it, I'll have it up tonight.
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