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  • Old Guild Username: Kostvel
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 94 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kostvel 11 yrs ago


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Dhalgren frowned at the results of his throw, and decided not to repeat such and spare his other four javelins for later. He could hear the taunt of the goblin, the gravely voice lilting in mockery. Sighing took a small step, although he suddenly found himself enshrouded in a thick mist. His vision was severely limited in most direction, but he could see it start to thin ahead of him. Grinding his teeth in annoyance slightly, he tightened his grip on his halberd and ran forward at a slight jog to where he had last seen the goblins. After only a few steps, he found himself free of the opaque vapor. As he stepped clear, his eyes locked on a goblin ravaging a table full of meats and breads. Taking that as his best chance, he sprinted forward, halberd held low along his waist as he rushed at the goblin. Upon reaching the goblin he planted his foot firmly, and with both hands swept the weapon through the air in a hard hitting power attack.

Okay, give me a minute and I'll post it up. Doing a power attack, if it's not all that clear in my post.
Also, before I post it, just a quick clarification on one of my feats.

So this is saying that since my melee attack bonus is five, I gain an extra 2 damage on the damage roll, but another -1 on the penalty. So does that mean that if I use this feat, I will deal +6 on the damage roll and suffer a -2 on the attack roll? (I would gain another +2 from 50%bonus from using a two handed weapon I believe.) I just wanted to make sure I had this right, because I'm going to do it if so.
Okay, I'll play it safe then otherwise.
Since I'm on the edge of the mist, am I completely enshrouded, or can I see out?
So would switching back to the halberd count as withdrawing/readying another weapon using both move actions? And if not, can I move my full distance, or only the 5 foot step?

Also, I can move my icon now, you fixed it.
Okay, not sure if I did everything right. I assume that withdrawing a javelin and attacking with it takes both the move and standard actions. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Taking a quick moment, he glanced at the others nearby him standing still instead of running with the crowd. Not quite sure what they would do, he made his decision. He was still going to confront the threat ahead of him, and with a quick exhale of breath steeled himself for combat. Quickly he dropped the butt of his halberd to the cobblestones, letting the shaft rest propped up against his left shoulder. Reaching an arm back, he withdrew a javelin from a loop securing a bundle of the weapons to his back. Reaching back with his arm clutching the javelin, he eyed his target for a moment. Suddenly, with a grunt he threw the weapon aiming for the middle goblin, of the trio that stood before him.

Almost as soon as the javelin left his hand, he swept his halberd back into his grip, holding it horizontally in a two handed ready stance.
Okay, first thing, I can't move my icon or anything, so I assume that's under your control? Also, since I haven't done this at all online before, do I just make my attack roll to see if I hit only? Or the damage roll too?
Okay, thanks for clarifying that.
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