Avatar of Krauxis
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    1. Krauxis 11 yrs ago


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Old and beaten hat, don't take anything I say to heart because it only rarely comes from my own. Been waving around this RP stick for 12+ years, and if there's one thing I've learned it's that keeping things interesting is top dog. I'll take a character who is interesting and challenging for both me and the plot over the same group of misfit archetypes any day of the week. Plots follow the same rules. Unless it breaks the mold somehow, I'm just not that into it. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu

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I'm a bit fuzzy on how or if an RP like this would work, but Ib is a goddamned masterpiece so you can count me intrigued. I'm willing to give it a shot and try to make it work.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Maie-Marie Malveaux

Everybody was drunk. Marie had thought that she was drunk, but she had underestimated the fabled 'teenage party atmosphere.' She couldn't get her words straight, but that was partially the caffeine rifling through her bloodstream at top speed, not just the alcohol. Not to mention english wasn't even her first language. you could hardly blame her.

Not only that, she had also underestimated the scandal factor of certain people in the circle. Marie had her ups and downs, but was it actually unusual to have never had sex in a public place or steal things? Maybe she was just jumping to conclusions. Plenty of people still had more than a hand's worth of fingers up, Marie included (she'd had to knock her count down to seven due to Laney's jab at the sports teams. At least, if track was a sport.)

Brooke's suggestion made her think, probably for longer than was appropriate, given the flow of the game. Obviously she'd never had sex with anybody in the room, but had she never had a crush on anybody? There were plenty of people she really enjoyed hanging out with, but was there ever more to it? It was probably the Jager talking, but she'd sort of feel bad if she managed to leave her finger up in this case. Like an admission that she, too, hated everybody. But what if she put her finger down and it was a lie? Would anybody know? If somebody knew, would somebody call her out on it? She felt her eyes turn into spirals as smoke poured out of her ears. At least, if this was a cartoon that would have happened.

Was it Hal? Did she maybe have a crush on Hal? It was the obvious choice, the two got along like PB&J, but was that actually any different from how she thought of all of her friends? Connor? She liked his energy and bravado, but even she knew they couldn't spend that much time together without tearing down a building or two. Was that a crush? Amanda-san? Obviously Marie liked her a lot, but no, she didn't get that impression from herself. She had a lot of respect for the Hancocks, but probably didn't know them well enough to say much... Who do I choose? Wait, why am I choosing anything? Why is there a choice? The whole thing was stupid, like Brooke implied. The strength of alcohol's hold on her wavered for a split second, but it was enough to see that the only reason she was thinking stuff like this was because she was drunk. No, she probably didn't have a crush on anybody at this point. The year was still young, but Marie was non-committal even at the best of times. She liked all of her friends, and it didn't have to be any more complicated than that.

It wasn't her turn in the circle yet, but she was proud of her finger count, at least for the moment. Still, it was easy to see who was going down soon. She had a pretty firm notion that she wasn't going to lose this particular game.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Seems kinda cartoonish, but all said, I know people who are actually like that when they're drunk, because it makes people laugh at them. Especially when they were attention-hungry teenagers. Definitely not that much of a stretch. But if you're asking if being drunk makes you act like that, no, it really doesn't. It's all about how individuals react to having their impulses lessened is all. I can see somebody like Korrie just going off the rails.

Also realized I totally forgot to update my RS with the Hancocks. This is now remedied.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I do like the little things that just sorta happen when you write. Marie has a history with some drug or other from a year ago? When? Why? What? Questions I did not know the answer to until yesterday.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Maie-Marie Malveaux

The party turned out to be cranking upwards into a violent cacophony of sound and heat as what must have been every student in the school were packed into this huge place - luckily in the middle of nowhere. What made it more stifling was that as the night went on, everybody was getting more and more drunk. Marie didn't drink, typically, and she didn't like the taste of beer, but somebody (she forgot who) had told her about a mythical drink called a "Jager Bomb," and without much thought, she had done two of them. Nobody told her that Jager Bombs were strong poison for a tiny girl who is usually in the teetotaler camp, and without even realizing what had happened, the poor girl had become completely hammered. By the time she realized what she'd done, it was far too late, the alcohol and caffeine had already hit her bloodstream. The rest of the party was covered in a bit of a haze, all lights, music and white noise, but Marie was amped for all of it. Truthfully, she wanted to get out into the open air and do some laps, but somebody had pulled her into a circle for a game called "Never Have I Ever," which seemed like a blast.

As the circle announced various things they hadn't done, people were putting down fingers left and right. Comparatively, Marie felt like she'd somehow missed a lot of life experiences. Although it seemed like a lot of people were targeting their announcements at certain others, Connor specifically seemed to get the short straw more often than not. Seemed about right, he was outspoken and fun, he'd probably done a lot of crazy stuff before. Nathan talked about drugs and Marie found herself short an unfortunate finger and plus one bad flashback to a year or two ago, but her spirits were lifted again when Connor's announcement was that he never had a sister. Marie always wanted a sister, but never had she ever had one... did Amanda-san count...? Maybe that'd be cheating, she chuckled. Her fingers lived another day on an unfortunate technicality.

"I shall go next!" She announced out of the blue. She was next in the circle anyway, there was no reason to proclaim herself, but there wasn't much reasoning with a Marie that was half in the bucket already. She thought really hard on something she'd never done that wasn't targeted at somebody specifically, and her internal search turned up too many things. Without much time, she blurted out whatever came to mind. Unfortunately, her wires ended up getting a little crossed in the process, since she wasn't used to having to parse things through a fog of both alcohol and energy drinks. "Never have I ever have never ever had stolen anything. Never not even once." She knew it sounded stupid, and cursed herself internally, but soon the circle would move on and forget her word salad. She'd run some laps around the dorm when she got back to clear her head, but for now she was more focused on keeping her fingers alive, if possible. That, and never touching the legendary "Jager Bomb" again in her life. Youch.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'll be able to get a post up tonight. Been a busy/lethargic weekend so it's tough getting back into the swing of things.

Edit: Shorter post, but eh. It'll serve just to keep things moving.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
As far as actually writing games out, I think things like Truth or Dare are the most appealing because they let us explore more about our characters and stuff. Things like Seven Minutes might be an interesting diversion for a few people at a time, but might be largely inconvenient for a whole group who are waiting for the two people to write out their part in the game. That's just sorta what's on my mind.
And yeah, tomorrow I should be free to resume normal posting stuff.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Busy holiday week.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm thankful I live in Canada so the liquor stores were open, but I still get to experience all the festivities on the internet.

But yeah, this gon' be goood.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ah, my bad. I'll work with that in the future. I've never actually lived in a dorm, but I did stay in one once and it had a shared kitchen/bathroom/etc but had two small bedrooms in it. Since I didn't see it clarified anywhere, I figured there was no harm in just assuming.

Moving forward, I gotcha.
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