Avatar of Krauxis
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    1. Krauxis 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current See y'all on the first of september
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Old and beaten hat, don't take anything I say to heart because it only rarely comes from my own. Been waving around this RP stick for 12+ years, and if there's one thing I've learned it's that keeping things interesting is top dog. I'll take a character who is interesting and challenging for both me and the plot over the same group of misfit archetypes any day of the week. Plots follow the same rules. Unless it breaks the mold somehow, I'm just not that into it. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu

Most Recent Posts

Still looking for some interest? I've gotta hand it to you if so, you're crazy persistent, which is the sort of crazy I like. Pretty much every RP I've tried to get into since the new site has dropped because of GM abandonment or the RP losing steam before the end of the first page because people just mysteriously stop posting. If you are still looking, I'll hop on down to the OOC, get myself acquainted, and I can start whenever (probably have a CS within a day or two.) If not, well, shoot.

Edit: Posted in the OOC anyway since I was keeping tabs on it.
Yeah, I'm still here, just waiting :p
I guess I'll move forward as a female mayor then, since that seems to be the most uncontested spot, as far as what I'm interested in. I'll edit this post with a CS in a bit.
"It isn't wise to be watching others do business, girl."

Her hackles raised, hearing the male voice from behind her. She had not expected anyone else, and she almost lashed out at the man. Partially out of fright, partially out of instinct. But that would be thoughtless. No, this man was an ally. Had to be. He was city-bred, but not in this city. Not local. Definitely with her new 'family.' This fact alone stayed her fist. His tongue was smooth, like Manos. Reminded her of him. Combat ability... could not be judged. But he was fancy.

"I-..." She began to retort, but apparently her contact chose this time to speak. There was no grand introduction. Perhaps they were short on time. She and the human who had spoken to her before were sent to bring some supplies with them to the docks. It was not far, and would be an easy journey, but she could not ignore the sounds of rustling clothes and equipment around them.

Perhaps treachery already lies within our midst...? Manos posed boredly. For a demon, it was within margins of error. Betrayal was an easy prediction to make when it lay around every corner.

"We don't know that..." Rose whispered almost silently to herself "We don't know anything yet."

But enemies are a certainty.


She didn't spare any fancy words for her demonic companion. He already knew them all anyway. But her human companion probably required a little more. She lifted her head and spoke to him as they made their way to the carriage, forcing a valiant attempt at proper speech.

"My name is Rose... in case you wanted to know." It stuttered and stopped, but it was speech. "If we are to be a-allies, I thought you would need my... my name."

It was easy to see what Simeon had wanted them to bring back. The cart was loaded with jugs full of... something. Possibly water, if they were travelling by boat. Either way, it looked like one person could roll it if they focused, otherwise the two of them would have no problem together. Rose didn't know their destination, other than 'the docks' but it would not be hard to figure out once they were there.

The problem, then, is the smell of burning. Like gunpowder. You could hide in the shadows, but you could not mask the strong scent of the black powder. Guns... Possibly more weapons she could not judge. How many people... she could not judge. But if guns were present, it was enough to raise alarm. She couldn't tell what her partner was thinking, so she decided to fill him in quietly, as a precaution. Since her mind was on other things, her usual way of speaking slipped in without realizing it, but the point got across.

"We've been ambushed. Group... unknown. Reason... unknown. Fighting is possible. We may be able to stay hidden... Will you fight? Will you run? Hide?"
Since my reactionary post ended up being a bit longer than I thought, I think what I'd like to do is post what I've got, and you can make a post on your own, Beowulf, and then we'll collaborate on one big post and get to the docks, or whatever is necessary, depending on how the pace of this scene ends up. That way we don't have to worry about bouncing off of each other with smaller fragmented posts, and if a situation comes up where we need the other's help, we don't have to wait on it.

How does that sound to you?
Yeah, I didn't mean to imply that we had to get into a huge brawl or anything, or even stick together. But since my character's specialization is combat, I'd planned to use this opportunity to flex my muscles a bit, so to speak. I'll probably have a post up before the day is out, but don't feel like you have to wait for me. I'll adapt to whatever happens no problem (I do plan on skipping back and responding to past events before moving forward in my post anyway, so any actions you take for Rose would just be a part of that.)
Posting mostly for reference here, but I rolled a 4 for myself. (If I get into more fights, I'll probably supplement this with more rolls)

It'll take me a while to cook up a post, so Beo, if you roll and want to average out during that time, I'm probably open to the idea (though you'd have to roll somewhere in the extremes to make stepping up or down from a 4 make a difference, haha.) Otherwise I'll probably do a big combat segment. Though IC your character doesn't know mine is good at fighting, it's up to you whether you want to stick around me or not.

Shon, are we expected to make it to the docks within the next post, or do you plan on having a couple of posts of room to play around?
Dang, everybody claiming up that doktor spot. Well, that's the reason I held off in the first place. I think it'd be good if everyone at least came forward with what gender/role they'd like to play, so that we don't have too much overlap. HM being romantic at heart, wouldn't it be good to strike a balance if we can? :p

I can play either gender, though I lean towards females. And I wouldn't mind filling in a rancher or mayoral position, if nobody else is snapping it up (since you definitely need at least one of each)
Sounds interesting enough to me. HM/RF is one of my favourite franchises, so I can't really let myself pass it up, haha. If there's a way I can contribute, or some hole that needs plugging, let me know. I'm pretty knowledgeable about the series, and I can do some basic graphics/administrative stuff (co-gm etc, if you need it.) If there's nothing to be done, then I'm just as happy to sit back and play in the world :p
I'm not sure I entirely get it, but I don't really have any specific questions either. Count me among the interested players either way, and once more details are put up in the OOC or whatever I'll figure it out :p

Hopefully a working knowledge of your past RPs isn't necessary? I figure the details you're working on will be enough?
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