The office was dark, lit only dimly by three candles burning their last legs on his desk and a single flickering light bulb that threatened to die at any moment. The ceiling fan swung dangerously back and forth as it spun, and while it hadn't fallen yet, there was never a guarantee that it wouldn't fall tomorrow. The room reeked of pizza and soda, and what would otherwise be a moment of peace and quiet was instead drowned in the constant noise of gunshots and people screaming. It didn't matter how many times Domino heard those sounds, they always made him turn up his nose. Taking the life of another human being... Nothing I'd like to do any time soon.
While the sounds of bloody murder echoed through his very own halls, Domino himself was the picture of composure. With a long sigh meant to express his boredom, he shoved another slice of pizza into his mouth, It wasn't his pizza, but its true owner seemed to have completely forgotten about it as she whooped and hollered at the bloodsport playing out in front of her. Like the very picture of how not to look in public, Fang rolled around on the floor, staring at the TV with rapt attention. Because she was laying flat on her stomach, her clothes had picked up all the dirt that marked 'her' area of the room. She had a few small cola stains on her skirt, which has all tangled in between her legs, and Domino could see her underwear.
He shuddered. Seeing the mess she made every movie night was enough to send Domino into cardiac arrest. However, she usually did clean up when she was done, so he had no room to complain. The movie on TV.... some war movie that glorified combat and the military. As usual. If it wasn't anime, it was an action movie like this. Lots of guns and explosions, and lots of special effects and blood. Most of all, lots of noise and flashing lights.
"You're gonna go blind sitting so close to the TV all the time," Domino complained idly with a mouth full of pizza. "Not to mention you're never gonna get a boyfriend. And you're gonna get fat. That's right, you're gonna be a big fat blind old lady who just has a bunch of cats and cleans up after them full time." He punctuated his flurry of insults by swallowing the greasy pizza before starting at it again. "You're gonna be mean and smell bad and nobody's gonna like you anymore."
Without pausing the movie, his guardian angel looked back at him with a careless expression. "You'll still like me," She countered matter-of-factly, "so it's fine. Throw me another slice of my pizza please and thank you."
Domino didn't have a rebuttal handy. She was right, after all. Instead of more insults, he threw the empty pizza box at her head and turned back to his computer, staring deeply into the empty white void that existed where his "Open Case Files" were usually stored. The contrast was really striking when it was put right next to the bright red numbers of his expenses for this month. For a moment he took a deep breath and really admired the artistic value of the situation before rolling his head around with a groan.
"If we don't get a job soon, that's gonna be the last pizza we get to eat for a while. Hope you like instant ramen just as much as you did last month and the month before that." With a slow spin of his office chair he wandered over to the large cupboard which served as their 'emergency pantry,' opening the lid with a determined grimace. As the doors creaked open, the office's biggest secret was revealed within. Stacked floor to ceiling were cups and packets of instant ramen, several deep and several wide. It was a stunning display of calculated poverty, that no customer must ever see.
As usual, Fang was awestruck by the sight. It might as well have been magic to her. Somehow, no matter how much instant ramen they ate, this cupboard was always full. She never went shopping with Domino unless she wanted snacks, so she never saw this cupboard get stocked, only drained.
"See this? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner if we don't get out there and find work. Lucky for you, I've already printed out a ton of fliers. So you'd best get out there and put them up before the night is out."
The angel's eyes narrowed. "Hold on, why do I have to go? It's your car. It's your office even. You go."
Domino, who had seen this argument coming, waggled his finger with a smirk. "Ah, but I made them up and printed them out. I had to fiddle with the printer for an hour and a half. Plus, I went out last time, so it's your turn."
Fang scowled, but reluctantly snatched the papers from his hand. "Fine. But I'll be taking these," she said as she grabbed a bag of chips off the floor. "And... I'll be leaving this," she finished smugly, knocking the bottle of store-brand cola all over the floor before exiting the room in a huff, leaving Domino to cry over the mess that he'd be cleaning for the next two hours.
"Now... where to go first...?"