Two and a half hours had passed since Fang had left him the task of cleaning up after her mess, and Domino was only now coming back into a better mood.
"I guess that's all trace of her gone, as it should be." TV off, mess cleaned up, dirty clothes put away, and stains removed. Since she was actually out of the office for once, it was Domino's chance to enjoy a fleeting moment of peace and quiet. Or at least, it would be if his lack of customers wasn't constantly nagging in the dark corners of his mind. It was a tough situation to be sure, and in the end, Domino couldn't let himself sit in his office while business slipped away.
Hesitantly, he glanced out the front window to see his car parked outside. Fang had chosen to walk or fly to wherever she was going. Like the last few answers in a crossword puzzle, the pieces were starting to fit together on their own in Domino's brain. He didn't much like the result that was revealing itself, but there was no changing it now. The seed of inspiration had seen fit to sprout in his head, and he wasn't going to get a choice now. Thus, without much fuss, he locked up the front door of the office, slid into the driver's seat of his car, checked the floor of the passenger's seat for weapons (currently housing a 12-gauge shotgun, a small one-shot emergency pistol, and an antique Colt Python,) and turned the keys in the ignition. He grabbed the single-shot and tossed it into his inside coat pocket and set off toward the middle of nowhere.
Kenan was a big city, which meant the outskirts were proportionally big, and uncharacteristically busy. Residential areas bled into each other, and segregated areas that could have passed for several small towns mashed together like they were all in a rush to get closer into the downtown core. In one particularly bleak area of town, Domino pulled up to a small shack, not especially much to look at, but it stood out from its surroundings all the same.
An old business partner of his was housed within. Well... no, their relationship wasn't much like partners. They were simply in a similar line of work and had met more than once in the past. For Domino, it was never especially pleasant. The man was hard to deal with, and getting information was like trying to pull teeth. Asking for favours was worse. But sometimes, just sometimes, you might get away clean. Domino had gotten away clean before. He wasn't holding his breath for another stroke of luck like that.
Clearing the past away from his mind, like brushing away cobwebs, Domino ran a tense hand through his hair. It was the spell of the city that every moment becomes intensely important all the time, and secluded places like this only compounded that feeling. His anxiety crept up his spine, but he shook it off forcefully. It wasn't so bad, they were like old comrades, right? Just because Domino wanted something this time didn't put him in a vulnerable position, right? There was always the option to walk away. The single-shot in his pocket gave him small comfort, for too many reasons, but it was his wits that were going to see him through this encounter, and he hardened them like steel.
Three knocks was the code to enter this place. What came after, Domino could not remember, or else he never knew in the first place. Domino knocked loud enough that it could be heard from anywhere in the house, and then shoved his hands in the pockets of his coat, looking casual as he waited for a cue.