Avatar of Krot
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    1. Krot 9 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current So, what are we, some kind of suicide squad..?


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What's your policy on killing? Can I kill another PC, or should I ask for the user's permission first?
Try going for a minimalist layout. Don't just throw in flashy things just because they look pretty.

I was never in charge of a site, but I remember hopping through different roleplay sites (which I shall not name) because they overloaded my brain with all the unnecessary content. That's the main reason why I like it here - it's just...simple.
Doc Doctor and Krot

"Stop the car!", Spider's howl penetrated through the loud music as his gauntlets inadvertently hit the glove compartment, causing a dent. Eventually, he forcibly stepped on the brakes, causing the car to come to a screeching halt in the middle of the intersection. As the laws of physic did their job, he got out of the death trap that orange-haired nut drove and dropped down on his knees on the rough asphalt, the sound of horns and speeding vehicles swinging through his ears. Derrick removed the mask and then let out a great amount of vomit out of his mouth, enough to fill a small bottle. The horrible stench inside his suit, plus the reckless driving on Donny's part and him mentioning his Batman agenda out of the blue really took a toll on him. Especially impressive considering he hadn't eaten anything properly ever since his breakout from Arkham. He shook his head as the saliva dripped out of his mouth, then got up on his feet, hitting the van's panel with all his might. The car was wrecked either way. One extra dent wouldn't make much of a difference.

"Are you fucking crazy?!", a royally pissed off Derrick exclaimed. His head got heavier for a minute, as he recalled Donny's earlier talk about the Batman. It's funny how two people with similar agendas get to a random encounter. That's almost like something out of a movie, or out of a predetermined piece of literature written by a comic book obsessed 18 year old.

Donny leaned over to watch Spider barf, shaking his head.

"yuh lookun' bit green 'round yuh gills friend. Lil' gin n' tonic'll fix yuh raht up. Lettus go awn aovah to thaht pub awn thirtuh-fahst street. Naw sense thinkin' awn uh emptuh stomach neithah".

What the hell was with this guy? His laid back attitude was unnerving, but at the same time comforting. Being in a hole for so many months had Derrick miss out on a lot of the new changes that happened in Gotham, so perhaps that was exactly the reason he found Donny, a psychopathic hillbilly who seemed to know his shit, so appealing. He also appeared to know something about the Batman. Even harbored a grudge against him, although Derrick could already tell that he didn't want Batman down for the same reasons as him. Not to drown the voices in his head. Probably got a kick out of it.

Derrick's brain juggled Donny's proposal in his mind; weighting the pros and cons. Admittedly, there were a lot more cons than pros, but he'd already pressed on his Achille's heel. The Bat. He had to get whatever information Donny had. Derrick let out a sigh, then put on his mask, his voice reverting to it's resounding timbre.

"Know this - your little stunt has cost you answers, bud. You better tell me everything you know about The Bat and the shift in the underground hierarchy."

Donny shrugged, his eyes following an orange tabby that was sitting up on an apartment high rise across the street. He had hardly been listening.

"Ayuh... I don't keep track'uh that junk. What I can tell yuh though, is haow tah keel Mistah Daahhk Knight. That's baowt thuh gist of it."

Donny opened the driver's side door and climbed out. At least two dozen vehicles were backed up, and at least a few of them had probably called the cops already. Donny strode around and opened the trunk. He removed a large duffel bag and slung it over his back, before turning away and jogging in the direction of a blue Sedan.

"C'maown naow. Can't use thuh van no more, since thuh plates been spawted. Need a new rahd."

He'd stop in front if the Sedan, and the pissed off old lady inside honked long and loud. In response Donny pulled out an absolutely enormous revolver, and waved it between her and the door. That bitch got the hell out, warbling for the police. Donny clambered into the Sedan and beckoned for Spider to get in. Obviously this ride was no better than the van, and probably even more subject to police interference, given that it would have a stolen vehicle report in addition to a city block's worth of witnesses who had seen him threaten a senior citizen with a gun the size of Deuce Bigalow's dick. There was absolutely no reason for what Donny had done.

Batman. The Dark Knight. The most calculating, collected and well-prepared vigilante that Gotham and the rest of the world have ever known. Capable of going toe-to-toe with enemies of the Justice League, who, half the time, appear to be aliens with the power of Gods. The man's so good people have begun to suspect he many not be a man at all. He has a contigency for everything, and even if his backup plan doesn't work, he has backup plan for his backup plan. And yet, there's someone bold and crazy enough to declare that he knows how to KILL him.

Derrick couldn't help but notice the similarities between Donny and The Joker, or at least the image of the Joker he blended in his head upon hearing tales of his misdeeds. He'd never met the man in the flesh, and fortunately, he would never get to meet him. He turned his head to look at the cars rounding up behind him, some angrily honking their horns while some staring out of the windows, an expression of worry covering their faces. He heard Donny speak what he had been thinking up until that moment. The GCPD were probably on their way. Just a matter of time before you could make out the sound of sirens in the distance.

Derrick soldiered on, slowly trailing behind Donny as he jacked a vehicle, a Sedan to be more specific. He watched as the driver, an old lady, got out, hoping that the psycho ginger has the common sense not to put a bullet in the back of her head. Not like Derrick cared about casualties; we're talking about a man who blew up an entire military base to cover his tracks. He just didn't like doing things without a strong reason. Not to mention it was Donny's GTA-style stunt that got him in trouble in the first place. He mounted the car, riding shotgun as Donny hit the gas pedal.

Meanwhile at the Pub...

Derrick settled in one of the tables. He hadn't ordered anything and was not planning to. The stares he was getting didn't go unnoticed, but he tried to ignore them the best he could. Going in a public place in full gear wasn't exactly his brightest idea. He'd just have to cross his fingers that no one draws the attention at them. Opposite him sat Donny, as the silence took over the pub. The crime waves obviously had caused a decrease in costumers. There was no one there but the dynamic duo, and the occassional shitfaced, deadbeat loser. Derrick finally decided to break the silence.

"What is your plan? How are you gonna go on about 'keeling Dahk Knight'?", he pulled off his best mock accent.

"More importantly, why do you want to kill him?"

"Just fah kicks. Man needs somethahn tuh spend tahm an' money on, and wimmun get old fast".

Donny had ordered a Ceasar salad and a mug of black coffee. He was a slow eater.

"Yuh evah heard thuh sayin', 'Simplicitah is thuh best weapon'?' Tuh kill something, all yuh need is enough force an' thuh means tuh delivah it. We jus' get Batman out in plain sight an' blow 'im up or shoot 'im with a big gun or something. 'Ave a hostage ah two fan good measah. Nawt complicated, no Sah. He ain't tougher thannuh bomb, faster than no bullet."

Upon hearing Donny's ingenius "plan", Derrick shook his head. He was really holding out hope for a moment there.

"You think that hasn't been done before? With The Bat out of the picture for the last three days, taking hostages will probably attract one of his pupils. Or all of them simultaneously."

He crossed his arms, laying back on his seat. "You're gonna have to do something better than that."

Donny's petit smile widened.

He calmly began unraveling his master plan to his newfound ally. At first, Derrick's body language screamed indifference. He wasn't interested in the slightest in hearing what he had to say. But as more and more of his plan unfolded, he began inching closer to the table. Donny would take a pause for a bite or two and then continue explaining his strategy. Even through the mask, you could see a glimmer of hope sparkling through Spider's weary eyes.

Derrick listened intently all the way. As crazy as the plan sounded, it was something that had to be attempted. The sound of sirens echoed in the distance. Someone had called the police, as it was predicted to happen eventually.

"Alright, orange. For both our sakes, this plan better works.", Derrick uttered through the mask, rising up from his seat. "Now, we gotta scamper. Gotham's finest are on their way.", he turned his back on Donny and headed for the door.

Donny finished the last if his coffee and left without paying. The blue Sedan had been parked on the other side of the block. Time to hop vehicles yet again. Donny stepped up to a trashy old Pinto and rammed his fist through the window. Those gloves of his must have been filled with some kind of metal shot. He unlocked both doors and sliced open a panel below the wheel with a switchblade. Hotwiring a car isn't supposed to be easy, but the engine started up after a mere thirty seconds.

The first order of business? Find a sturdy bunker with thick walls and a concrete floor. The next? Hit Home Depot for some raw materials and construction supplies. Lastly? Cause mayhem. For their plan to work, the duo had to make Gotham a living hell. Well, more than it already is.
Never in my life did any of my questions made people reflect on themselves so much. I'm loving the answers you guys.
@Ruby, the thing with Vincent, was that what you meant when you said we'd have to be careful with our decisions?
@Doc Doctor

An unfamiliar sound tipped Spider off. He quickly reached for his dual pistols and pointed them at the source, the source in this case being a white van. He couldn't fully make out the driver, but from what he could see, everything about him screamed pedophile. He had an awfully pale complexion and was sporting a fedora. He sounded like Forrest Gump, if Gump had a sinus infection. Going by his strange manner of speech, he definitely was not from Gotham, or Bludhaven, or any of the surrounding cities. Derrick moved towards the van a step at a time, his pistols both pointed at 'First Degree Donny'. That was the name he tossed around, as if Derrick was supposed to instantly recognize it and gasp in amusement. His movement stopped as soon as he came close to a certain distance, close enough to get a better look at him, far enough to keep him from trying anything funny. It was only then he noticed that the man was a ginger, a fairly good reason to plant a bullet in his head.

"Don't move.", Spider uttered, his voice this time resonating because of his mask. He moved to the back of the van, maintaining the same pace as before while making sure to watch his six for any sudden movement. He mentally counted to three, and then opened the van's doors, expecting at least five thugs to jump out of it. Surprisingly, nothing like that happened. There was no denying that Donny guy had a rather innocent face for a man who could snoop into other people's dirty business without making a fuss about it, which made him all the more unsettling, but Derrick really had to tread through the situation more carefully this time around. Now that he'd finally gotten a partial hold of his brainwashing, he couldn't allow himself to make a mistake that would send him back to Blackgate, Arkham or worse, in the hands of one of Gotham's grade A psychopaths. Word of his escape from the nuthouse already made the papers. GCPD was on his ass, and so were all of his unsatisfied clients. Not to mention how the number of Caped Crusaders had doubled in an attempt to make up for Batman's absence. He couldn't be seen roaming through the streets.

In the end, he decided to give First Degree Donny the benefit of doubt. "Alright, Carrot Top. I'll take you up on your offer., Derrick spoke, taking the front seat. He smirked to himself as he called back to the bloodbath he was responsible for, a bloodbath which happened only thanks to a certain Russian giving Derrick the benefit of doubt.
I like how in War, Batman had this smirk whenever he was near Green Lantern. He couldn't even brood properly when dealing with the Lantern kind of stupid.
@RoosanLol. Check the date of the article. April 1st.

@RoosanSadly, Miller said no. He was in talks with WB to direct or oversee in some form Man of Steel 2, but rejected. Apparently, filming Fury Road got him real tired. But, I'll be content with having any other decent director that's not Zack Snyder (not in any way implying Zack's decent as a director). I thought his vision was gonna get to a point where the characters resemble their comic book counterparts, but after reading that interview of his from 2008, I realized dude just wants to remake Watchmen in a grander scale. And that's not something you want the DCEU to be.
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