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Current So, what are we, some kind of suicide squad..?


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In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alright, introduction post's up. And I am gonna have to do a roll call, to see how much of the initial interest's there;


Who's in and who's out?
In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Chaotic Chao, I've got questions; how are you gonna explain the other characters just being absent?

And if the government want the Gifted dead or in prison, on whose orders did David recruit them?
~ Ajax Barnes/Weaver

"Did they treat you well?", a concerned voice was heard on the other side of the line.

Ajax found himself in a room. It resembled an internet cafe, without the cafe. There was one single computer and it was a pretty outdated one by government standards. They either had budget cuts, or the low-tech vibe they had going on was a countermeasure to something bigger. Maybe they wanted the facility to look as normal as possible? Ajax had no idea, in spite of wondering about it briefly. He wasn't willing to delve into the government's dirty laundry. He was just there to do his own thing, and maybe, with some luck, he'd get back to his less hazardous life.

The woman on the other side of the screen was his sister, Alecto. Objectively speaking, it was her who won the genetic lottery - slender, pretty, smart and just as quick-witted as Ajax. Their Dad was reportedly a huge Greek mythology nerd that he named both siblings after famous mythological figures. "Reportedly" because Ajax had never exchanged a word with him, EVER. He was as callous as a stray cat on steroids. The indifference gene must have skipped a generation though, since Ajax's sister was arguably the best person to ever enter his life. She stood up for him when both of his parents decided to bail and even confronted both of them for their behavior, although that didn't have any effect on their course of action. She refused any type of financial assistance from them, worked shitty part-time jobs while looking out for her weird brother. If there was anything that Ajax regretted, it was going home all beat up at four in the morning and seeing the concerned look on her face.

"Yeah, it was pleasant. It was almost like I was a guest, not a prisoner.", Ajax lied through his teeth, failing to mention the head accessory that knocked him out cold on his very first day, or the fact that he completely lost track of time due to the grueling treatment he received.

"Are you coming back?"

Ajax froze. He didn't know what to say. That was a question not even he knew the answer to.

"Yeah. I just have to do a thing for Uncle Sam here, then I'll be home."

"They'll set you free just like that? They're the government, Ax. They don't let people like you..Gifted people just walk away." , she spoke, a lingering trace of concern on her tone.

Ajax squeezed the bridge of his nose. It was moments like this when he wished he had a more gullible sibling.

"Look, I give you my promise. I'll be there, and everything will go back to normal."

"Define normal! Like, 'before you got your powers' normal, or..?". Her incoming slew of questions was kinda getting on Ajax's nerves.

"We'll talk about what kind of normal it'll be once I get back.", Ajax maneuvered through, hoping his answer will satisfy her. She sighed audibly, lowering her head and throwing her palm on her face. There was a good thirty seconds of awkward silence. There were even times when Ajax could swear she was shedding tears, but he didn't want to say anything out of fear of making it even more awkward. Finally, he decided to break the silence.

"I'm on a time limit here, Al. We'll talk again tomorrow."

She apparently looked at the screen for a couple of seconds, and then nodded. "Alright. Come home soon, okay? I love you."

"Love you too.", Ajax declared, and on that note, he went offline. The genuine smile he fashioned gradually disappeared. He was in deep waters.

After taking directions from one of the staff, he managed to find his way to the main lounge. He could hear the noise from outside, and it sounded like they were having fun. But, again, uncharacteristically he wasn't ready to interact with anyone. He wouldn't admit it if persuaded, but he was somewhat intimidated by his fellow teammates. He targeted one of the stools at the far end, and then went in for the Coca Cola vending machine. Popping it open, he took a sip. It was cold, just the way he liked it. He saw Archer sipping a beer, and then watched as they enjoyed a game of Mario Kart. Some of their shenanigans put a smile on Ajax's face, as he nearly emptied his drink. The benefits of working with the government; there was no shortage of drinks. Just as he was about to get another one, a stranger walked in. A she, seemingly. At first, it appeared as if she was sporting a full on biker gear, but it took a closer inspection for Ajax to realize that she was not human. The words she initially spoke and her resonating voice confirmed his suspicion. So what was she; a cyborg? A robot? No. Couldn't be a robot, since the Doc only recruited Gifted people. Or did he? He never made that clear.

As she familiarized herself with the clique, Ax looked around expecting someone from the 'welcoming' committee to approach her. In the end, he decided he'll do it himself.

"Hi.", he waved from the back, moving towards her at a steady pace while holding the unopened bottle of coke in his right hand.

"I'm Ajax Barnes. Nice to meet you, Heather.", he offered her his hand, hoping she at least would have the common decency of a human being.

If I'm on a timetable, then yes I rush things. I've also noticed this happen to me when my interest in a RP gradually begins decreasing and I just stick around hoping I can salvage it.
Here. Gonna get a solo post up soon.
In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@banjoanjo, throw her in. Awesome job!

Also, I don't feel pressured by you guys. If anything, you've been nothing but patient with me. But I did take too long to get this done, so I felt like I needed to make up for all the lost time.
In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Okay, I've worked on setting up some of the areas and all the noteworthy establishments. I still have to add a couple of finishing touches, but this is gonna be pretty much the finished product. The rest, you can fill out yourself. I COULD try and describe Jericho's areas in painstaking detail, but I believe that would take me a long, long, LOOOOONG, time.
@Chaotic Chao

I'll be here. I have a beef with how the RP was initially handled, but you said you're a first time GMer, so that's cool. You have to learn somewhere.
In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@banjoanjoI apologize for taking so long.

I had a couple of exams and stuff I needed to take care of which really messed up my head. I promise I'll complete the OOC by tonight.
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