@BurningColdI have to agree with this guy ^^^ purely on the basis that the last time we let something even slightly OP slide, HIVE nuked Seattle, Adam let VAMPIRE ZOMBIES run about. (i may or may not have made an underground organisation that was dope asf, but may have been slightly Op). I personally think it took away from blood compact what it is fundamentally about. Vampire, Humans and werewolves
Edit: I'm going to explain this the best way I know how. WITH SCIENCE. Let's imagine that Vampires SOLDIER and werewolves are three reactants and the RP is the reaction and the final battle or whatever wraith wants to do to Capp this off is the end product. Now let's look at this OP character for a minute, it is essentially a catalyst. You know what a catalyst does? It speeds up the rate of reaction. To put that into context with this. The introduction of this character will make the RP end faster and nobody wants that. So there you have it an awesome explanation. SCIENCE