That is fine, take as much freedom as you wish aslong as it still resembles the original design and is kept in the military style. I trust that you will do an excellent job. PM it to me before you post it here.
The battle still continues, The cult of Mahz wishes for peaceful endings of the bots. we still have tactics to discuss in the off chance it takes longer to catch the bots.
@shylarah there is a bot reporting thread at the bottom of the guilds main page.
As for the patch...
Very similar to that. i would like MMXVI at the top of the emblem, instead of ODST at the bottom, it needs to read HellJumpers and just underneath the whole emblem, it says "Bot Killer Squad (line break) Est.2016 (Line Break) Feet first into hell. there needs to be a red shield background on the emblem, with the emblem itself being gold.
Unfortunately no, you are essentially the rank about Private First Class but before Corporal. The best place to show you skills is in free which is our frontlines.
On a side note, any artists that are among our ranks i need you to create a patch for our Community.
@shylarah I do thank you for your kind words. Any soldier we can get will push the bots back. you can enter at Lance Corporal as we are currently needing a new one. (I share alot of my taste with a Mr Nerd3 on YT. should check him out)