Avatar of MesuOkami
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 267 (0.09 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. MesuOkami 7 yrs ago
    2. █████████ 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Sure are.
5 yrs ago
At best, at worst.
5 yrs ago
Still alive x2. Check back in after Quarantine. If I don't, I'm finally as dead on the outside as I am on the inside.
6 yrs ago
Still alive.
7 yrs ago
This time… I hope for you these will be flowers of hope that never die.
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Casual to advanced RPs are preferred.
Anime fandoms, sci-fi, TV shows, Slice of life, handmade plots.

1x1s are something I also enjoy.

In your eyes

I lost my place

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Another day of constant beeping as she pushed groceries over the scanner had finally come to an end. Alice made her way through the crowd and into the ladies room. Shuffling through her pockets her hands finally found the treasure they had been searching for - good ole booger sugar. Placing it on the counter she let out a loud ground and rubbed her eyes. Today really took a toll on her, not that anything crazy in particular happened, she just wasn't a big fan of working at the co-op. The upside was she got free groceries, that she clearly wasn't eating as she was a very thin girl, but it helped when she was barely scraping by out here. Her parents were constantly worried and trying to get her to move back to rural mid-west America, but that wasn't gonna happen. Alice knew one day she'd make it, but for now...she was a tired girl working at a local organic store and needed a pick me up.

Opening the bag, Alice dipped her pinky into it and raised her it up to her nose. The instant rush from the inhale was always the best part of her day. In her best attempt at telling herself she wasn't an addict, Alice refused to do anything during office hours. But the moment she was out of that grocery store, her brain was kick-started by the ever so enjoyable white powder that kept most of the night life up into the early...or late hours of the morning. Depends really what your own schedule is. She looked back in the mirror and smiled slightly, brushing her fingers through her hair that clearly was rarely brushed, but the grunge look suited her.

Today she was wearing a black tanktop, a long sleeved blue mesh shirt over it, both tucked into a black jean skirt. Black stockings and some very worn off brand grey boots finished the outfit. Her outfits looked like she just woke up and grabbed whatever was closest to her, and honestly...you wouldn't be wrong to assume that. Alice basically brought a single trash-bag full of clothes with here, and was lucky enough to have a mattress already in the room she was renting. Everything in her life was slowly coming together, she loved hand-me-downs, and took flyers from the walls of venues to decorate her own bedroom walls. She felt she didn't really need much at the moment, but was never against accepting anything. Especially clothes, Alice had her own style and rocked it well, so if you ever had clothes to spare or wanted to spend a day thrifting, she was the one to get up with.

As she began to dip for a second round the door swung open and it was one of her favorite faces. "Darcy!!" Alice squealed, leaving the baggie on the counter and wrapping her arms around her female companion. "You came at the right time..." Alice doubled back, grabbing the baggie and wiggling it as a mischievous smile graced her face. Handing it off, Alice pulled herself onto the counter next to the sink and turned putting her feet into it and looking in the mirror. "What do you think...should I cut my hair? My boss today was saying that some customer found a piece of it in their bag....like just gag me..." Turning her head side to side she examined herself and looked back at her friend as she herself was indulging in the sweet sugar, Alice accepted the package back once offered and did another round herself.

"What do you think? I got this from uh.....Toby. Friend of my roommates, I kinda like this shit more. Feel like it lasts longer..." Oh yeah, it was kicking in, the usually silent girl was starting to ramble on. "Hey man, feel like I haven't seen you in a while...what have you been up to? Here, take another one". You'd think for the girl who was barely making it by to be more conservative of her drugs but in her mind Sharing is Caring and It always comes back around. Two of her famous catchphrases.

It was another splendid day in the neighborhood. Actually, a rather productive one at that. New shows were scheduled, liquor and beer order had been submitted, books looked great - it was a cause for celebration! Bennett was truly in high spirits and he rode that high all the way into the late afternoon. The radio was on in the background and after the short commercial break "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" started to play. "No way! Choice man!" Bennett exclaimed, turning the volume dial up and returning back to the mirror to prefect his voluminous hair. He bobbed and hummed along to the song - smoothing his hair back gently and making sure every strand was in place before revealing himself to the world. The song was truly adding more glory to his day, his foot tapped and he couldn't help but stare at his own reflection as he danced around and gave one last comb over on his hair before spinning around on his heel and heading downstairs.

Bennett clamored down the stairs into his office, locking the door to his loft behind him and then again the door to the office as he exited it. Heading towards the front door of The Palace, the child his parents so proudly funded, Bennett stopped for a moment and looked to towards the bar. He had yet to have anything today and deserved a small pregame before beginning his night. The good thing about owning your own bar was not having to pay for anything, so with that logic Bennett proceeded to throw back a double of Jack Daniels and chug a Highlife. A burp erupted from his chest as he hopped back over the bar and headed out the front door onto the city streets.

The sirens were the first thing that caught his attention as he made his way down the street, next would be the sight of them. "What the hell happened here?" Bennett commented aloud, a random pedestrian filled him in on the dead girl that laid before them. "Bummer man...." Before he let the fear of human mortality cling into his mind - Bennett remembered he needed to celebrate his day. Probably take an extra shot for the poor girl too. Lighting up a spliff, Bennett quickly made his way away from the scene and knew exactly where to head - The Pit. He strutted past the line that was formed outside, a real regular move, raising his hand up in the air as he saw his part time employee. "YO RIG MY MAAAAN! Don't forget, need ya this weekend. Big show, presales looking great!" He winked and strolled on into the bar with no second thought. Rig probably wasn't his biggest fan, but hey Bennett was known to pay big. As soon as he stepped into the bar his eyes looked through the sea of faces and spotted the few he knew. Bingo.

Whether you wanted to know the man or not, Bennett was gonna make his name known. Purely for business reasons, as you never know what connections someone else may have. Bennett's name wasn't exactly thrown in the dirt, but he was known for being full of himself, hey at least he covered the bar tabs and drugs. Clapping his hands down on the shoulders of the man in front of him, Bennett yelled at the bartender "Lets get another round over here for this man, and my usual!!" Bennett moved himself to Kip's right after making his demands and leaned on the bar. "Damn man, how ya been? WHERE have ya been for that matter? You would not-" A young sharp jawed blonde bartender dressed up in tight black leather pants and a corset to match waltzed over placing another round in front of Jed and a Highlife and shot of whiskey for Bennett.

"I'm assuming I'm starting you a tab, Bennyboy?"

Bennett reached over the bar and gently grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it and winking in unison "You know it doll, put his on mine too of course and uhh..... don't fucking call me Bennyboy". His face dropped and he winked again, she rolled her eyes and moved onto the next patron. Bennett turned his body to Kip and scanned the area "Damn man, hook up with a girl and they think they can give ya pet names....anyways...tell me about your trip". His eyes locked with Jed's for a moment and he nodded at him giving a toothy grin before scanning the rest of the bar - "Ahhhh damn Lolly is here with one of her suitors again....damn that girl...." He, like many, had a huge sweet spot for that fine specimen of a woman. The constant denial didn't deter him though, a plan began to formulate in his brain for how to try and woo her....yet again....tonight. Just call him Johnny Bravo at this point, it was getting kinda sad.

I'm about to work on my girl - reserving Mazzy Star.
In Sheets 5 yrs ago Forum: Character Sheets


As the sun had risen on this particular day a premier solider had fallen. Norio sat at his brothers side as the last breath left his lungs and his life with it. Norio sat in silence, he was in the only one in the room at the moment, he'd have to break the news that his twin brother had finally succumbed to the wounds inflicted on him nights prior. His brother had led a small tribe of their warriors to a Village for a routine sale and against usual protocol they had decided to travel at night. With rising tensions between their Clan and a few others, it seemed as good idea as any for them to get back as quickly as possible. Masaru made the call and off they went into the night only to make it mere miles from their home to be attacked in the night leaving Masaru fatally wounded and killing a fellow Takenaka.

"You fought honorably brother - I will have my vengeance and slaughter every last one of them," He bowed his head, rose and exited the room.

Outside the doors of the main room, Norio could hear other warriors and the leader all plotting. Today was the day that they would face the Haruna's and Sadamaki's. Norio followed alongside of their Clan Leader, Osamu, whatever was instructed he and Masaru were his war dogs. Bred, born and trained to do as was instructed by their fearless Leader. Being that somewhat of a mindless weapon, Norio knew he had no time to grieve over the loss of his twin. His mind had to stay sharp for one thing - this war. His thoughts on it weren't exactly much, again he was just doing as instructed because it was the 'Honorable Way'. Though Norio was confident in his own ability to fight, the twins had a reputation among the Clan for going into combat together. They were unstoppable it seemed, but apart....

As Norio stood outside the room the door slide open to reveal Osamu, the Honorable and Fearless leader of the Takenaka Clan. The look in Norio's eyes said it all. Osamu nodded his head and moved out of the way for Norio to enter the room. There at the table a group of about 7 men sat around it, bottles of Soju littered the table from the night before. The men looked to him as he entered and took a spot on the table - Osamu cleared his throat as this all happened.

"My brothers," he began - his voice as weathered as his face and body from all of the training and fighting in his years, "It is with a heavy heart I must let you know...we have lost one of our own. To honor Masaru...you all know what we must do. Kill each and every last one of the Haruna's and Sadamaki's. Since we are unsure who exactly sprung the attack a few moons ago... We must place fault in both". Standing before his most trusted warriors he spread his arms out and smirked, "I have faith in us to win and show the the world what power the Takenaka's truly hold." A cheer erupted from every man in the room but Norio, he instead grabbed a bottle that was left on the table gulping down some of the remaining contents and keeping quiet as his brothers cheered and discussed their future victory.


The Takenaka Clan arrived not too long after the Sadamaki's - Osamu of course lead the masked Warriors that followed side by side behind him. They all were adorned in their leather, thin malleable armor and signature horned masks. Giant swords, axes, katana's and other various weapons could be spotted flashing in the sunlight. The tension in the air could also be felt as the Clan's spotted each other. Osamu looked to his right where Norio stood, out of habit he went to look to his left were Masaru would typically stand. Quickly correcting himself, Osamu faced forward.

"What a beautiful day," Osamu boomed loudly enough for the Sadamaki's to hear across the field, "It's quite disheartening it's come to this - I'm sure we could've struck some kind of deal. I mean, your weapons there look rather weathered....a quality Takenaka blade can withstand the greatest hit." A rather obnoxious laugh erupted from his gut. "But you will soon find that out..."

Norio studied the Clan that laid before them and then looked around to ensure that the Haruna's weren't planning some kind of sneak attack. A sharp breeze whipped through the field, stirring up any loose leaves and rustling the grass rather loudly. His anger begin to rise as he gazed upon the Sadamaki's, at this point he didn't care which Clan it was. Both would be executed by his hand and he would avenge his twin brother, the two were the most reputable amongst the Takenaka Clan aside from their boisterous Leader, those two were the Takenaka's best weapon. Now Norio would have to carry the weight his brother left behind - as he scoured the Clan before them his eyes widened. They brought a boy. His hand tightened around the hilt of katana as he studied the adolescent boy before them. Norio had heard of him. "Well now things just got more interesting"

Amegakure Temple | Early Morning | Jounin

Rising before the sun, if it could peak out beyond the clouds, was a daily rhythm for her. Swinging her legs out of the bed, and planting her feet onto the ground, Amaya would close her eyes once more. A slow deep inhale, followed by a harmonious exhale "Thank you". She smiled and rose from her bed walking to her living room/kitchen. Only a few dozen members of the Sasaki Clan actually lived within the Temple, they were the ones who devoted their lives to being the around the clock help. Many families and older members lived in the compound that laid directly behind the Temple.

There was one major path that led to the back entrance of the Temple - nobody outside the Clan ever came to the Compound unless invited by a member. Amaya began to heat her kettle, her body moved like a machine. Routine. It would be till she turned around and stepped into the open area she had created, that her limbs began to roll and move with more fluidity. Amaya awoke her body with numerous stretches until the kettle beckoned her back, where she would make herself a cup of green tea and follow the rest of her daily agenda.

Though todays duties would actually break the mold, it was a big day for many young individuals in the Academy. Graduation. As big and enthralling as it was for them, it was also a day of growth for herself. Amaya would finally have her own Team to guide through their early years as Shinobi. Her eyes opened with the release of a deep breath, breaking her posture she rose from her half-lotus position and walked towards the front of the zendo hall. Amaya stopped in front of a small Shrine that was adorned with gifts and treasures to celebrate those past. A small bow, and silently she slipped out of the hall, Amaya made her way towards the front door of the Temple only to be stopped by the current Clan leader himself

"A big day, huh Amaya?" he was a short frail man. Age clearly was gracing his body, and he moved around rather slowly these days. She smiled and bowed to Fumio, "It is. I am very excited to take on this new challenge, a blessing to be granted the gift of having my own pupils". Fumio reached out and grabbed Amaya's hand, patting the back "We know you will do well. We have prayed for you today". A thin lipped smile was produced and she nodded her head "Thank you, it is always appreciated" Retracting her hand back, Amaya quickly made her exit from the Temple as to avoid any more interactions.

Though she enjoyed the closeness of her Clan, the constant overbearing of their beliefs and prayers being rattled into your ears could cause one to become dulled out. She enjoyed her meditation sessions, honing her chakra and feeling it build within. But she had lost touch with the Scriptures and beliefs many years ago. Of course to admit that, she'd probably be shunned. So instead she stayed tight lipped and performed the duties asked of her, it wasn't a terrible life to live. Pulling her mind from its deep thoughts she peered out from under the umbrella and up to the sky - right on time.

As expected, the Ceremony was beautiful and balanced; the pride of the path they young ones had chosen with the ominous future set before them. Her eyes were glued to their Kage, Yogensha, though she did little to no speaking at all and everything was directed by her assistant. Amaya had always admired the rumors of her power and grace, it was a kind of reputation she wanted for herself. She felt a sense of warmth just having the Kage in her presence, then again it could also be the emotion that was filling the area from the prideful parents watching their children graduate. Once everything wrapped up, Amaya made her way out of the masses and towards some familiar Jounin and higher ups. There she would chat for some time, be told her students and handed their files. It all felt that much more real the moment the files graced her finger tips - in there was their pictures, scores and abilities. Though she knew she wouldn't be able to get an exact reading on her pupils, she knew these encompassed the start of their Sensei/Student relationship.

Two days later | Early Morning |Interaction: @Vexxed Vex@FourthKing@Vox

The steady pitter-patter of rain would grace their ears as they woke up this morning, there wasn't much different to these days other than Amaya's newest pupils being summoned by their caretakers. The man would be very adamant on them receiving the package from him, unless they were the ones to open the door. Before them would stand a Monk dressed in a an all black samuegi, the man would look the same to all of them as he visited each one after the other. Taller man, thin with no muscle definition, black short kept hair but it'd probably be unseen due to the sandogasa he was wearing to keep the rain from drenching his face. He'd exude a peaceful demeanor, his words would be short but very inviting and warm hearted. He'd first question each student their name followed by "Ahhhh, it is a blessing to meet you! We of the Sasaki Clan are honored to have you become a pupil to Amaya. I am Sasaki Hajime," He'd proceed to reach into his samuegi and produce a letter - handing it over with a bow. "I figured I could deliver these on my morning route, Amaya is very delighted to have each of you under her wing".

Now of course Amaya didn't just order someone to do her bidding. This man was actually running packages and food out from the Temple and bringing other items back. So accompanied with him on his back would be a pack covered with a rain resistant black coat, lumps could be seen and one could assume there was maybe just that, packages. Adding these three stops onto his route was no burden for the young Monk - in fact it was an honor to deliver the letters to their Clan's newest students. Of course, the Clan saw it as their duty to also help in any way possible. He'd bow once more, a sincere smile upon his face "Have a grand day young observer". With that he'd be off to his next destination, humming as he turned and disappearing into the early morning rain of Amegakure. Leaving the student with the calling card from their Sensei.

"Greetings (insert your char name here),
Congratulations on graduating from the Academy, you have taken the first step into your new life as Shinobi.
Now we leap into the life of it.

Please join me and the rest of your Team at the Amegakure Temple in 3 days at 6am.
We will begin then.
Your Sensei,

Amegakure Temple |Three days later | 6am |Interaction: @Vexxed Vex@FourthKing@Vox

On the outside, the building resembled every other tall industrial metal plated building within Amegakure. The only difference was that there were two statues that sat outside the large gate - one on each side. One resembled a man, the other a woman with wings; Pain and Konan. It was the tribute that from the Clan to the saviors that once protected the Village, after their deaths the Clan erected these statues outside the gates. Believing it brought them protection. Now if it were to be the first visit in the Temple, they students would find themselves pushing open the rather massive gate and immediately be welcomed by a Nun. Before them a Shrine would be well illuminated by burning candles, incense and trinkets would riddle the sides and bottom of the stand. There was no natural light within the Temple, only boxed lanterns lit the halls and guided you to numerus other rooms inside the Temple.

Upon entering, a distinct herbal smell would hit the nostrils and instantly one would feel at home despite you being out of your comfort zone. This smell was accompanied with the sight of a low mist that trailed the floors and halls of the Temple. It could maybe be assumed that this was where the smell came from. Even with the mist and low lighting - the Temple felt at ease. Hums could be heard lowly echoing down the halls, many members of the Clan walked the halls. They could be distinctly picked apart from members of Ame themselves because they all bore the charcoal black hair and honey colored eyes. Any member the students made eye contact with they would receive a gentle smile and bow of the head, then the Monk or Nun would carry about their business.

When all the students arrived they would be led down the hallway by Emiko. "Follow me!" she herself had a wider smile than most, she was a bit shorter maybe only a foot taller than the students. Her young age was shown by the clear and soft skin on her face, her hands stayed tucked into the arms of her Kimono as she led the students to finally meet their Sensei. Walking down the halls the Students would have a bit more of an indepth look into the Temple. Some rooms were absolutely littered with beings all sitting in different meditative poses, other rooms had less beings and instead had teachers walking around leading their own students to a path of stability and enlightenment. They'd pass by a few rooms that mimicked that of a dojo and had Sasaki Clansmen younger than themselves practicing the art of Taijutsu. Sweat poured from their faces which clearly showed a glimpse of the reality of the Sasaki Clan's nature when it came to extensive training. Eventually after a few turns down many hallways, Emiko would stop and finally take an arm out of the opposing sleeve. Gesturing for the students to enter the room, "Your Sensei is awaiting your arrival in here".

This room mimicked the rest when it came to lighting, but was adorned with many talismans, decorative scrolls. Two walls had bookcases that were filled with scrolls, papers, and what appeared to be poorly bound books. All were filled with Scriptures or Chants. Amaya would be in the center of the room facing away from the entrance, sitting on the floor in a half lotus pose - steam would roll out of her mouth and cover the floors. It would be the same kind of mist they saw when entering the room. Gracefully rising, she'd turn on the ball of her feet and stare at the students. Looking at each face, her own would show no emotion as she studied them all. Amaya would be dressed in her usual appearance, her twin blades clasped to her lower back. After a few moments of silence; a smile would break the tension that the absence of greeting created.

"Good morning Hikari, Masae, Suko" pausing for a moment, Amaya clasped her hands in front of her chest "Welcome to the Amegakure Temple - home of the Sasaki Clan. I am your Sensei, Amaya. I have waited for this day a long time, as I'm sure you all have as well. I have once been in your very place, and I'm sure you're ready to begin your training...but....you may all know each other. I, unfortunately, yet to know anything of any of you. I'll start off..." Crossing her arms and placing the weight of her body on one leg as her hip slightly protruded from the slits in the sides of her pants she hummed. "Well...lets see. I have lived and roamed the halls of this Temple since I was born. If you know nothing of my Clan, we have inhabited and taken care of these walls and Shrines for many years. Here anyone from Amegakure can take refuge and find solace in any problems they may have. With that being said anything that weighs you down - the doors are always open and I will be here to take on your burdens with you for the rest of your life". Her attention turned to Masae "Please, tell me about yourself; anything you wish! Then pick one of your teammates to go next"

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