"I will still wish the best for him though. He would have made a great friend to us all." She said. Nova walked over to join them and she sighed. "Lets not drop our guard though, we maybe safe from those demons that only have feet but some can fly. Also don't forget they have a dragon on their side as well." She wasn't going to forget Ishmael but he wouldn't want them to be distracted. Such feelings could cloud their judgement and result in their deaths. The enemy will likely use such a loss to their advantage and she would not be surprised if a succubus would take up the form of Ishmael just to fool them. Right now they had pretty damn good resources with them, The seers and the Queen would likely ensure the survival of her race and with Valken at their side. He would be their most valuable asset right now. His Keene senses of smell and echolocation can literally pick out a demon or something sinister a mile away. "Valken we will likely need your abilities from now on. With Ishmael gone, we can not rely on his ability to sense evil. Your abilities will make up for his loss." She then looked to Cassandra.
"You best take good care of yourself, we should have good enough medicine to help you along, your darkness spell will come in handy as well. Especially if Valken was to combine that ability with his sense of smell and echolocation." She added. Then she looked to Hotaru and Ryung and then to Kyoto. "You don't need me to explain how useful you three are. You already know that answer." She then looked to Valken and wanted to know more about him. Such as all his abilities. It would be perfect if he could sense Aura as well. It would make Succubi or incubus or any other evil shape shifter on the enemy's side not much of a threat. "Valken,... by chance can you sense or feel auras as well? I need to know all the tools we can put to good use. We have to expect that Eliphas will send his best at us. The elven race has survived despite our losses he will still see my kin as a big threat. I will expect shape shifters such as Succubi and the like to try their skills on us."
Hotaru kind of shrugged and looked over to Ryung. " You don't have any abilities like that right Father? I mean Valken might be able to but if you could sense evil or good you might be able to ease up some of the pressure." She asked him and Ryung looked to her and then back to the others. "Seeing as we have no problems with Valken being on our side I suppose its okay to give up the identity of myself and my daughter here."
"We are not human, Valken would have likely picked that up the day he meet her or myself. I am what you would call a Nine Tailed Fox,..." He let that name hang there in the air for awhile. " The human race likes to label us as demons but we are not necessarily." He explained. " Thus explains our abilities, their not spells you would learn from a spell book but hereditary. Hotaru here is only a half breed though. Her mother was human and is likely safe on one of these boats." He looked to Valken and then back to Nova. "I can only sense when large amounts of energy is being used and whether it is evil or not. I can not sense or pinpoint auras."
Hotaru sighed scratched the back of her head. "Sorry Valken, I tried to make it less on you. Don't worry if you can't either, we will just have to up our guard that is all."