OOC: PFFFFFFFFFT i just realize that there was an IC thread. This site has a super cool set-up
Bluebird just stared out into space, actually quiet for once. Fighting until you win some super awesome prize? That sounded pretty sweet. But she hated all this attention. She could make a sarcastic comment about the whole situation, but she just wasn't in the mood. "No alcohol...this place sucks," she complained loudly, "how am I 'possed to have any fun 'round here with out my booze?" Her beefy arms were crossed her muscular chest. Her two huge, feathery bluebird wings were folded behind her. "...And what the h*ll is a Blue Crusher...?" She hated it when people 'worshiped' her. She didn't deserve it, not like the others. The other Rascals were in this for a real reason, to help this crummy world. Scratch that, this crummy universe. BB was just in for the kicks, and by that she meant literally kicking losers in the butt. She was a thrill seeker, and being a Rascal gave her the high she sought out to find.
OOC: Also, it's been a while, obviously, since I've RPed the Rascal version of BB, so there might be a couple changes 'cause the BB I use now is way different. I'll try to RP her the way she is in the story, but I might miss a few points xD Honestly, I don't even remember her design for this one. Like, what she actually looks like xD The one I use now, I'm going to guess, is super diffrent